Surviving the Game as a Barbarian

Chapter 129 Kaltstein (3)

Chapter 129 Kaltstein (3)

Kaltstein (3)

Kaltstein (3)

The head of the Kaltstein family invited me to his mansion.

From what I heard, he’s been asking for me for three months.

Then what’s his reason?

The first thing that came to mind was this:


He just wanted to meet me, his daughter’s companion.

It’s a plausible scenario if Misha has been accepted as a member of the family.

I also thought that he might ask me to leave his daughter alone if he found me unreliable after meeting me. Most of the family members seem to be comfortably exploring the labyrinth in large clans through their connections.


[I, I just have to endure for a little longer.]

…it turned out that Misha’s situation was unchanged.

That bastard of a father kept Misha’s awakening a secret and didn’t even try to improve her position within the family.

The moment I realized this…

…I felt a dark malice emanating from this mansion.

A malice directed not only at Misha, but also at me.

‘He intentionally called me here even though he knows about this…’

What’s the master’s goal?

And what means did he choose to achieve it? It was all too clear.

‘He’s even more of a bastard than I heard.’

The master wants something from me.

But instead of setting up a negotiation table, he created this situation.

He probably calculated it like this.

Little Balkan, Bjorn, son of Yandel.

The warrior who didn’t abandon his companions even when facing the Floor Master.

The barbarian who might even be in a romantic relationship with that companion.

He probably thought that I would be easier to control if I saw Misha’s current state. After all, the only one who can change Misha’s situation is the master.

However, based on that, I judged…

‘A freeloader who doesn’t hesitate to use even his own daughter, there’s no dealing with him once you’re underestimated.’

Plan A is not enough.

If I end it here, I’ll just remain an ordinary barbarian.



…I take another step forward and stare at the brother.

He’s not scared of me at all.

He just laughs as if it’s absurd.

“You’re a greedy bastard.”

He seems to think I’m throwing a tantrum because I want something else.

Well, he’s not exactly wrong…

“Bjo, Bjorn…! You can’t do that!!”

Misha hurriedly grabs my arm, and I stop.

Because I wasn’t actually planning to hit him.

He’s not just a servant of the mansion, but a direct descendant.

If I beat him senselessly, it would become a weakness.



…I shout loudly enough to be heard throughout the mansion.

The brother frowns at my action.

“What are you doing?”

“I just felt like it!”

“…You’re insane.”

Whatever he says…

…my shout acts as a detonator, summoning the people in the mansion.

Servants who were working on the other end of the hallway connected to the 1st floor stop what they’re doing and look at us.

I subtly glance towards the 2nd floor and see young men and women in high-quality clothes.

‘Are they Misha’s siblings?’

I don’t know, but they’re looking down with interest.

‘Anyway, this is enough of an audience and witnesses.’

Now that the stage is set, I end Unreasonable Barbarian Mode and speak to the brother.

“Tailon Kaltstein.”

“It’s Tailon, not Talon.”

“You’re so petty for a man.”

“…Enough, what do you want to say?”

He doesn’t seem interested in discussing masculinity with me, so he asks about my intentions.

I ask directly,

“Why is Misha being treated like this within the family?”

“As I said before, that’s a family mat—”

“Is it because Misha is a half-breed? Because she couldn’t even make a contract with a Spirit Beast even though she’s a direct descendant?”

He’s momentarily flustered at my words…

…and then he smirks and looks at Misha.

It’s a look of contempt, as if saying ‘you even told him about that?’

“I guess there’s no point in hiding it since you know. Yes, what you said is true. So stop meddling in our family matters.”

His words telling me to mind my own business are somewhat reasonable.

Except for us barbarians, all the other races have a culture that values bloodlines.

It’s only natural for them to treat Misha like an outsider.

If she had inherited the master’s blood, there’s no way she wouldn’t have been able to make a contract with a Spirit Beast until now.

She really isn’t related to them by even a drop of blood.

Her mother, the fourth wife, didn’t have any other children besides Misha.


“What if you’re mistaken?”

The truth doesn’t matter.

What’s important now is that Misha has already awakened, and that we can use this fact as a useful card.

“If Misha makes a contract with a Spirit Beast, will you apologize for what you’ve done and accept her as a member of the family?”

“At twenty-five years old, there’s no way that would—”

“Answer me. If you answer this, I won’t cause any more trouble.”

The brother sighs and rubs his forehead, then speaks in an annoyed voice,

“Fine, I’ll apologize if that happens.”

“And accept her as a member?”

“That too.”

He answers without hesitation, as if he doesn’t believe it will ever happen.

I grin and nod.

“Then it’s settled.”


He asks back in a nervous voice at my attitude.

I turn my gaze towards Misha instead of answering.

Because my role is over.

“Misha, show them.”

“Uh, uh…?”

Misha looks flustered and starts observing the surroundings as she suddenly becomes the center of attention. She then hangs her head low and mutters as our eyes meet,

“But, Father…”

So that’s why she hasn’t come out yet. As expected, the master must have silenced her.

But that’s why Misha needs to be strong.

Revealing this fact in front of everyone will mean that one of the master’s cards is gone.

“Don’t worry, nothing will happen.”

“…He, he won’t forgive me.”

“So what? Just apologize if you did something wrong. That’s what families do.”

“Bjorn, you might get hurt too.”

“Let him. I’m not scared.”

He might be a god-like father to her, but to me, he’s just the leader of the beastmen.

And one that’s divided into five.

“What’s so scary? Family isn’t everything. I’ve lived well without it.”

Misha laughs incredulously as I say that while picking my ear.

“That’s because you! No, forget it. What’s the point of this?”

“Right, just ignore the trivial things. It’s good for your mental health.”

“Ugh, I don’t know anymore. What’s right and wrong.”

Okay, I guess that’s enough persuasion.

“Misha Kaltstein, just do what you want for once. You have a companion to help you this time, don’t you?”

I don’t say anything more after that.

A moment of silence passes, and Misha raises her head and slowly looks around.

Is this situation quite interesting?

All those people are just watching from afar.


Misha swallows.

And just as she opens her mouth, as if reaffirming her resolve…


…a cold voice fills the vast mansion.

Misha freezes, and when she comes to her senses, a middle-aged man is standing in front of her.

“Everyone, leave.”

No one speaks and they all leave at the man’s single word.

The atmosphere becomes heavy and oppressive.

The man’s gaze turns towards me.

Although there were no introductions, I can tell who this guy is.

‘Right, this is that bastard.’

Albreniv Kaltstein.

The head of the Kaltstein family, who has inherited the position of the Red Cat tribe’s chieftain for generations.

“Thank you for accepting my invitation, Bjorn, son of Yandel.”

“Thank you for inviting me, Kaltstein.”

We exchange formal greetings in the middle of the empty 1st-floor lobby.

“Haha, you’re more polite than I expected?”

He approaches me, smiling kindly.

And instead of shaking hands, he pats my shoulder condescendingly.

But what is this?

「Character enters a [Fear] state due to [Lord of Nightmares].」

My body freezes as if I’ve encountered a natural enemy.

And I feel a tingling sensation in my head, the same one I felt whenever I was on the verge of life and death. I think I finally understand why Misha was so afraid of her father.

That’s when…

“But why did you do that? It was rude.”

The master whispers, his smile completely gone.

It’s a shitty feeling.

My head knows that this is the effect of a skill, but my body won’t listen.

It’s like my senses are malfunctioning.

Of course, it doesn’t last long.

「Character’s Magic Resistance is above a certain threshold.」

「Character’s Fighting Spirit is above a certain threshold.」

「Character’s Mental Strength is above a certain threshold.」

「[Fear] status effect is removed.」

Whew, damn it, it’s finally over.


I immediately remove his hand from my shoulder as he’s about to say something in an arrogant voice.


His eyebrows furrow in confusion.

Well, if he had expected this, he wouldn’t have said something so stupid.

“Why are you touching me?”

I throw his arm aside and say,

“It was rude.”

You reap what you sow.



After a brief silence, the master speaks.

It’s creepy to hear him say that with a straight face and eyes…

But I can’t lose the battle of nerves.

“You have a unique taste. I’m not finding this interesting at all.”

I respond nonchalantly, pretending to be calm, and grab Misha’s hand, who is frozen stiff.

The master’s gaze then shifts to Misha.

“Fa, Father…”

“I never expected you to rebel against me.”

“Th, that’s not it…”

“Enough, you’re not important anyway.”

He cuts off Misha, who’s trying to make excuses, and looks at me.

“I was planning to have lunch with you and then have a conversation.”

Lunch my ass.

He was planning to show me how Misha is treated.

The master continues as I just stare at him without saying anything,

“I refuse.”


His expression contorts as I answer without a moment’s hesitation.

I just say it bluntly,

“Why should I wait?”

Giving him time is foolish.

I came here because of Misha, but this situation wasn’t part of his plan.

He was probably going to reorganize his thoughts and call for me again.

“Say what you want to say here.”

“…Even for a barbarian, that’s a bit rude.”

“You’re the one who called for this barbarian, beastman.”

He didn’t expect to be called a beastman instead of by his name or title.

The master’s expression hardens, and killing intent emanates from him.

Not a metaphor, but literally.

‘…This works in real life too?’

I’m a bit surprised, but it’s still much weaker than the Fox Mask’s.

Well, that was in the spiritual world.

The output itself would be different.

I pick my ear as if to tell him to stop messing around, and the master asks with genuine curiosity,

“Are you… truly not afraid of death?”

To me, it’s a ridiculous question.

Not afraid of death?

Is there even such a person in this world?

“Well, I don’t know about that. But you don’t seem very afraid.”

This is my honest opinion.

He was an 8th-floor explorer in his prime?

So if we were to fight, I would be completely destroyed?

So what?

If he kills me, our chieftain won’t stay silent.

“Can you even kill me?”

I just ask him directly again.

It’s that absurd of an act.

Kill me?

And me, the most promising talent of the barbarian tribe recently?

In the heart of the beastman sanctuary, where I was invited?

That would immediately trigger a repeat of the war with the fairies from 10 years ago.

That’s the kind of tribe barbarians are.

“What? Hahahaha!!”

The master forces a laugh, but I can see the deep anger within it.

He must be frustrated.

He doesn’t want to admit it because of his pride, but my words are true.

He’s just laughing it off.

“It’s only natural that things went wrong. I didn’t expect you to be this cunning.”

“Thanks for the compliment, but I’m getting hungry, so answer me. What do you want to say to me?”

The master looks at me for a moment as if organizing his thoughts and then opens his mouth.

“I know you used that item.”

Only then are all my questions answered.

The Frost Spirit Ring.

So this is why he caused all this trouble.

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