Surviving as a Genius on Borrowed Time

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 – Recognition (4)

When the unconscious opponent was dragged away, it was time to start the second and final match.

‘There are many monsters in the world.’

Yeon-shin thought. It felt like encountering a martial artist who would one day become a supreme master like the Master of the Tyrant Sword Sect.

A man in all white walked steadily from the opposite side.

His slender jawline was as graceful as a sword blade, and his piercing black eyes reflected his will, showcasing the demeanor of a swordsman.

His flawless skin, as immaculate as his white attire, combined with his high-bridged nose to reveal nobility.

He was truly a peerless handsome young man. He looked about twenty years old.

‘The White Qilin, Hwa-shin of the Namgung family.’

He didn’t need to ask to know. There was no one else like him in this place.

Even the masters of the Desolate Fortress, who were seated in a wide circle, showed interest.

“I wonder where he will be taken. There will be a struggle among the leaders.”

“He seems stronger than us. As expected of Namgung.”

“Today, we get to witness the Heaven Reaching Infinite Sword.”

They spoke as if his passing was a foregone conclusion. Those waiting in the flower garden opposite looked at Yeon-shin with pity.

‘He looks about five years older than me. It doesn’t seem like an insurmountable mountain.’

The qi wave emitted by Hwa-shin was palpable.

The flow of his qi was exceptionally well-refined.

It had been at least a few years since he had spread his internal energy throughout his body and veins, and he seemed to have taken elixirs as well, possessing truly powerful internal energy.

The admiration from the masters of the Desolate Fortress was unending.

“It’s not easy for a rumor to skip several provinces.”

“Indeed, the reputation is well-deserved.”

Yeon-shin also acknowledged it.

‘Physically, I’m better. The rest, not yet.’

Hwa-shin approached within five steps.

His polite fist salute exuded an unapproachable noble family dignity.

“I am Hwa-shin of the Namgung family. I mainly practice the Heaven Reaching Infinite Sword and Infinite Steps. Pleased to meet you.”

“I have trained in the Jeong Family Dynamic Training at the Jeong family of Hanam.”

Yeon-shin clasped his hands and bowed respectfully.

Hwa-shin, responding with a slight bow, drew his sword.

With a clear sword cry, the blade’s brilliance soared into the crisp morning air.

It was dazzling.

The speed of drawing and sheathing a sword can be a measure of a swordsman’s level. Hwa-shin’s silver draw, cutting the air diagonally, was beautiful.

Yeon-shin did not draw his sword.

The essence of the sword art he had recently honed was unpredictability.

The key was a single strike launched from an unanticipated breath.

If executed well, it could exploit the gaps of even such a dragon-like young master.

Standing, he circulated the qi within his body.


The examiner, who had been evaluating the martial artists of the Desolate Fortress, spoke.

At that moment.


One side of Yeon-shin’s sword, which was suddenly extended sideways, was split in two and flew off.

He slowly lowered his arm, holding his broken sword.

There was an uproar in the flower garden on both sides.

“What happened…?”

“What was that? What just happened?”

“Did the boy lose?”

“White Qilin, what a terrifyingly fast sword!”

While the aspiring entrants reacted with confusion or certainty.


The masters of the Desolate Fortress were as quiet as mice.

They, who had appeared lax unlike the warriors of the best under heaven, now exuded a stern aura all over their bodies.

All the masters remained silent, their gaze fixed solely on Yeon-shin. They watched only Yeon-shin.

Hwa-shin lowered his sword and spoke.

“I lost.”

A declaration of defeat. The warriors of the Desolate Fortress opened their mouths one by one, as if it were only natural.

“Yeon-shin, truly a frighteningly fast sword.”

“I heard Hwa-shin just passed his twenties.”

“The boy seems at least five years younger.”

“There was a hidden dragon in Hanam. His youth is even more frightening.”

“It seems he hasn’t learned how to infuse qi into his sword. Should I teach him?”

All eyes focused on the martial artist who spoke last.

“Annihilation Squad, don’t act rashly. Who wouldn’t covet such a talent?”

“Don’t order me around. It would be better for him to join Annihilation rather than rot in your Demon Wings.”


The examiner spoke.

Yeon-shin, seeing the now quiet hall, found it surprising.

He thought taking on the dirty work would be the lowest rank, but it wasn’t the case.

Responsible tasks were handled by the higher-ups? He seemed to understand the character of the Desolate Fortress.

“Hwa-shin, prepare for the next match. And you, you said you are Yeon-shin from Xinye.”


“Go out to the north, and there is another garden. Wait there.”


Yeon-shin turned his head and fist saluted Hwa-shin.

“I hope we can spar again next time.”

“…I would like to say the same. Until next time.”

Hwa-shin smiled.

His expression was quite peculiar, showing interest and enjoyment rather than any dark emotion.

‘He’s different from those brothers.’

He was on a different level from the Jeong siblings.

The moment the match began, Yeon-shin struck Hwa-shin’s sword with his ultimate swift sword art.

He realized he had no chance in a long battle.

However, Hwa-shin seemed to have intended to go all out even against a boy, infusing qi into his sword.

Thus, Yeon-shin’s sword broke.

It was his mistake for recklessly using his swift sword, but Hwa-shin had instead acknowledged defeat.

It seemed he thought he lost because his move was much delayed.

‘Life at the Desolate Fortress will be much better than at the Jeong family.’

Yeon-shin, gathering the pieces of his broken sword, moved north, deep in thought.

The garden where those who passed the Desolate Exam gathered.

Those already seated looked at him with eyes full of surprise.

Yeon-shin, indifferent, recalled his single strike.

The weight distribution on both feet, the overlapping of qi from The Fatebreaker’s Codex, the explosion of contracted muscles. For now, he saw no further path forward.

The problem was the sword.

‘He said he belonged to the Demon Wings? That martial artist was right.’

During the bloodshed at the Jeong family, he didn’t directly clash swords.

The vagabonds he faced from Xinye to Yangyang were not a concern for his qi.

The Desolate Fortress was different.

He had now stepped into the heart of the martial world.

‘Fruit of the Heavenly Tree.’

He had to eat it. He couldn’t die young like this.

‘He said I didn’t learn how to infuse qi into my sword?’

Of course.

The Jeong family was merely a third-rate clan pretending to be a martial arts family in Xinye.

He had never seen anyone in the family who disliked boasting.

If anyone in the family knew such techniques, he would have known.

‘Now I know, that’s enough.’

It was enough to hear that such a thing existed. The moment he knew, he understood how.

Holding the broken sword, he let qi flow into it. This was not the end.

At the same time, he realized that internal energy could roam freely within the iron forming the blade, and following a new sensation, the qi wrapped around the blade.

Just infusing energy into the sword? No.

He understood that he could become one with the sword using qi as a medium.

Consciousness that had been focused on a single sword naturally advanced.

The sword was calling to him. To a higher level of perception.


The sword vibrated. It sounded as if it were crying.

“Sword cry!”

The martial artists in the garden stood up. Yeon-shin closed his eyes.

Despite the surrounding commotion, he enjoyed the sensation of the sword crying in his grasp.

‘This is the unity of body and sword. It feels like I have truly become one with it.’

The sword techniques executed in this state would be new. What kind of power would the swift sword art, revived with such precision, wield?

He had gained something as soon as he passed the Desolate Exam.

Although the fruit of the Heavenly Tree was still far away, Yeon-shin’s current achievement was more than enough to satisfy him.

‘Desolate Fortress. Truly a great place.’

When he opened his eyes, he saw Hwa-shin smiling broadly.

His eyes were drawn to his hand placed on the sword hilt.

It seemed he had stood close by to guard against any disturbance of Yeon-shin’s enlightenment. He had acted as a guardian.

“Congratulations on your achievement.”

He nodded slightly towards Yeon-shin. He seemed impeccably proper.

“I didn’t realize you were standing guard. Thank you. And…”


“Congratulations on passing the Desolate Exam as well.”

For a moment, Hwa-shin’s face showed a puzzled expression before he laughed heartily.

Some, envious of his newfound friendship with the White Qilin, looked on, but Yeon-shin’s gaze had already returned to his sword.

After waiting for half a shi (an hour), Yeon-shin saw Won-chang’s face.

Despite it taking multiple attempts, he had finally passed.

He amusingly tapped the dragon pattern on his forehead, signifying his heroic resolve.

“I’ve already decided on a nickname. How about ‘Desolate Fort’s Divine Hero’?”

“Desolate Fort’s Divine Hero? Can one choose their own nickname?”

“Why not? The martial world is full of shameless people who introduce themselves with their own titles. If I call myself the Desolate Fort Divine Hero, that will be my nickname.”

“Then wouldn’t all the swordsmen in the world be ‘Divine Sword’ or ‘Sword Saint’?”

Hyeon Won-chang pretended not to hear. Yeon-shin chuckled.

‘A nickname.’

A name given by the martial world when one displayed excellent martial skills or became the center of a significant event.

Unless one committed evil acts, a nickname was usually a great honor and represented the warrior’s identity.

Like Cliff Edge Sword, Tranquil Fist, and White Qilin.

“People already seem to call you by a different name.”

It was Hwa-shin.

“Me? All I did was take the exam.”

“Lightning Flash. If the martial artists of the Desolate Fortress call you that, it’s already a nickname of the martial world.”

“Lightning Flash… it’s just a young boy’s fast sword, isn’t it?”

Hwa-shin bared his white teeth in a laugh.

“A bit fast, you say. How do you think it felt for me to lose my breath against that? Also, it’s not uncommon for a nickname to reflect a warrior’s potential. Congratulations.”

“…Thank you.”

Yeon-shin responded with a slightly awkward face.

Lightning Flash Jeong Yeon-shin. A name he couldn’t have imagined while sweeping horse manure at the Jeong family.

Hyeon Won-chang looked at him with envy.

“Gather around!”

It was the examiner at the training hall.

“Once you pass one more test, you will be warriors of the Desolate Fortress. To those who will pass, I tell you this: Learn, practice, perform tasks, and live together in this fort that stands alone in this world. Maintain the dignity befitting your status and become worthy warriors.”

The twenty who had taken the Desolate Exam remained silent.

Yeon-shin guessed why.

Passing the second test was joyous, but the final test was a meeting with the Lord of the Desolate Fortress.

A living legend of the Great Ming Empire, often discussed as the best in martial arts under heaven.

Meeting such a mythical figure alone was not an easy task even for Yeon-shin.

Led by the examiner, they passed through the splendid palace complex without a word.


Even upon entering the grand main fort at the center of the vast Desolate Fort, no one spoke.

One by one, they were called up, returning with faces as if their souls had been taken.

Despite being called a meeting, the time taken was very short, as if they only had to see the face and come down.

Finally, it was Yeon-shin’s turn to go up.

The stairs seemed to spiral endlessly upward.

‘They said to go all the way to the top.’

After what seemed like more than a hundred steps, he reached the top.

There was a grand, old-fashioned door that opened by itself as he approached.

The spacious office was truly bizarre. It was all wood, branches, and foliage.

Massive tree trunks naturally twisted and rose to form desks, low tables, and what seemed like a bed.

A completely living giant tree. The sunlight shone directly through the wide-open walls.

“I am Yeon-shin.”

He spoke without wavering.

There was a figure whose clothes looked like they were dyed with leaf water.

Her face, partially obscured by leafy branches, slowly lifted as she leaned against the tree.

Their eyes met. An emotion beyond awe surged to the top of his head.

It was an unknown feeling. Perhaps it was wonder and admiration for the existence of such a person in the world.

‘The Supreme Lord of the Desolate Fortress.’

Her pointed ears, like the tip of a divine sword, and her unparalleled beauty were not the essence.

Her deep green eyes were overwhelming. Facing her gaze, it felt like his soul was being sucked in.

Those eyes seemed to hold the truth of all things in the world.

He felt strongly that even the Master of the Sword Sect, who was an absolute ruler in his memory, could not escape those eyes.

It was strange that the meeting didn’t take long, considering she was on a different level.


A breeze lifted her long green hair slightly and brushed against Yeon-shin’s cheek.

The Lord of the Desolate Fortress tilted her head sideways.

“You… are the descendent of that child.”

She spoke.

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