Surviving as a Genius on Borrowed Time

Chapter 17

Chapter 17 – Return

At the end of the dimly lit path lined with torches, he stood. This Blood Flame Sect member was different from those Yeon-shin had encountered before.

His red hair was streaked with black, and a sinister aura surrounded him, palpable enough for Yeon-shin to feel on his skin.

He was a Blood Master.

Just as described, his appearance matched the tales. The red hair of the Blood Flame Sect warriors was said to manifest from their internal energy, but when some of it began to revert to its original color, it indicated that they had reached a level of refining their qi.

‘This won’t be easy.’

The Blood Master drew his sword, striding forward with a face full of anger, exuding an overwhelming, lethal aura that felt like a hundred needles being shot out.

“A mere worm has disrupted the business of our sect. I will replenish my blood with your pain!”

“Do you intend to steal my qi with Blood Cultivation?”

It wasn’t a genuine question. He had already calculated his next move before speaking.

A young boy in his mid-teens taking on an entire branch of the Blood Flame Sect alone? It was unthinkable.

The approaching warrior, holding his sword, surely believed the same. Even after slaying several cultists, the one with streaks of black hair was on a different level.

‘Here we go.’

The qi that surged from within his dantian spread throughout his body. The qi from the Jeong Family Dynamic Training circulated through his entire body, intertwining with the principles of the Fatebreaker’s Codex.

‘Strike before he gets close.’

The effectiveness of a preemptive strike was a lesson learned from defeating a Blue Uniform master of the Azure Sky Squad.


With a step that mirrored the unnamed leaf-stepping footwork of the elves, he spun halfway around. The qi concentrated powerfully in his waist and thighs, his internal energy flowing faster than it had during his training at the Jeong family.

With a forceful kick powered by Demon’s Light, the air split threateningly.


The Blood Master’s face showed a hint of surprise as he approached with the torchlight behind him, but he swiftly leaned back, evading Yeon-shin’s kick.


With an angry expression, the Blood Master swung his sword, but Yeon-shin had already planned his next move.


He swiftly planted his right foot and lunged forward, his body low.

A fierce wind accompanied his rapid approach as he targeted the enemy’s wrist with his left hand.

It was the Joint Lock, an instinctive strike from Jeong Family Dynamic Training, enhanced with the force of Demon’s Light.

The Blood Master’s eyes widened, not in surprise but in anger, as if saying, ‘How dare you?’

For someone of his caliber, such an approach was unthinkable. But Yeon-shin was no longer the boy who couldn’t endure the destruction of his clan.

His left hand, moving gracefully, carried the deadly force of Demon’s Light.

“What the…!”

The enemy’s cry of shock was no different from that of the other Blood Flame Sect members whose faces were eating dirt at the cave entrance.

Yeon-shin knew how to use his appearance and age like a predator. Once he bit down, it was over.

With a fierce grip, his hand, imbued with the monstrous strength of Jeong Family Dynamic Training, crushed the enemy’s wrist.


The Blood Master writhed in pain, but despite his agony, sinister qi radiated from his body.

Even without seeing it, Yeon-shin could sense it. The enemy was trying to knee him and smash his head with a knife hand.

But the Swift Sword strike from the Desolate Sword was quicker.

Demon’s Light followed no fixed form.

Ma Jin’s teachings from over a month ago echoed with a hint of amusement.

Simultaneously, the qi layered with the Fatebreaker’s Codex concentrated in his right arm.

Imagining the mythical giant Pangu who pushed back mountains, he thrust his sword forward with raw power, forgoing technique.


The strike cut deep, scattering the enemy’s qi.

Yeon-shin spoke slowly.

“You’ve only ever inflicted pain, haven’t you? It’s clear even just by looking. You’ve never suffered.”


As he pressed the sword further in, the enemy’s screams grew weaker and more broken.

Holding the enemy close, Yeon-shin felt the Blood Master’s ebbing away.

His resolve, hardened by the destruction of his clan, remained unbroken.

“There’s a saying in the martial world: Beware of the old, the weak, and the young.”

He whispered into the enemy’s ear, but it seemed he couldn’t hear anymore.

Yeon-shin coldly pushed the body away. The Blood Master, now a corpse, crumpled to the ground.

‘I only needed to kill one Blood Flame Sect member in Jinpyeong County.’

But he had ended up wiping out an entire branch of the Blood Flame Sect.

In the end, it was a significant achievement, so it didn’t matter.

Yet, the bitter taste in his mouth was likely due to the sight of the emaciated children lying around.

He thought of the Jeong family.

“I wish you eternal peace in paradise.”

Yeon-shin knelt and closed the eyes of each child.

“You’ve drawn your sword. What happened? Are you alright?”

These were Mir-yeo’s first words when she saw Yeon-shin descend from the mountain.

Her concern-filled gaze felt more like that of an older sister now, and he didn’t mind.

Covered in blood that wasn’t his own, wearing the blood-soaked white uniform of Desolate Fortress, and with a lifeless child strapped to his back, her concern was understandable.

“It’s not my blood. I found what appears to be a Blood Flame Sect branch.”

“A Blood Flame Sect branch! Just as I thought…”

Mir-yeo nodded and spoke again.

“I’m glad you’re alright. Tell me about the setup if you have any information. How many did you fight? We need to be prepared since their hideout has been discovered.”

“There were eight red-haired Blood Flame Sect members. There was also a strong one with mixed black and red hair.”

“A Blood Master…”

Her eyes widened slightly. Before Yeon-shin could continue, she spoke rapidly, true to her nature.

“Yes, if a Blood Master was there, it was definitely a branch. They were nesting here too. No matter their mission, the Blood Flame Sect is a target for Desolate Fortress. You’ve done a great job, so rest now. Myeong and I will go.”

“…All nine of them are already dead. You can send just the local soldiers.”

“You said there were eight plus one strong one, didn’t you? If there were nine… Did you just say the soldiers will be enough? Hmm…?”

Noticing Yeon-shin’s calm demeanor, Mir-yeo’s expression grew puzzled. Then, slowly, her face showed astonishment.

“Lightning Flash, are you saying you defeated the Blood Flame Sect members, including the Blood Master, alone?”

“I killed them all.”


It was a curious exclamation. It sounded more like pure surprise and admiration than doubt.

At that moment, someone dropped down from above.

With a light movement, smelling of fresh grass, Myeong appeared, looking shocked.

“You took down an entire Blood Flame Sect branch by yourself?”

“They had already turned it into a slaughterhouse.”

Yeon-shin replied with an unreadable expression.

Their gazes briefly lingered on the child on his back.

“Damn those cultists.” Mir-yeo muttered.

“…Blood Masters have a peculiar regenerative power. You didn’t get stabbed in the back, did you?”

Myeong tried to steer the conversation, continuing without pause.

“Sorry. We overlooked telling you something important. Blood Masters are practically considered reapers in the lower martial world, and there aren’t many masters across the Central Plains who can kill them. It’s not easy to share such information.”

Mir-yeo, nodding, rarely looked genuinely sorry.

“It’s our fault. I’m glad you’re safe, but Desolate Fortress should’ve told you about this. Martial artists from other sects were fatally stabbed in the back despite defeating the Blood Master because they didn’t know about their regenerative power.”

“Even high-level masters sometimes get caught off guard, but you managed to stay safe.”

Myeong smiled warmly.

Listening quietly, Yeon-shin nodded slowly.

“Regenerative power, huh. I see.”

He untied the child from his back. As he extended his hand, red and black hair fell forward.

It was the Blood Master’s head, eyes still wide open.


Myeong and Mir-yeo were silent for a moment.

“Yes… regenerative power. It’s real.”

Myeong answered with a slightly grim expression. Meanwhile, Mir-yeo patted Yeon-shin on the shoulder, clearly proud.

“Make sure to claim your credit. That’s a good mindset.”

“Indeed… this is not an ordinary achievement. For someone newly promoted to White Uniform in Desolate Fortress, it’s even more remarkable.”

Myeong studied the Blood Master’s head carefully as he spoke.

“The black hair indicates it wasn’t long since he started reverting. That branch was relatively weak.”

Mir-yeo shook her head.

“Regardless, finding and destroying a Blood Flame Sect branch on your own is no small feat. Even the members of the Seventeen Squads and Azure Sky Squad would be more inclined to respect your achievement rather than diminish it. It’s a significant incident beyond mere astonishment.”

“Of course.”

Myeong nodded, then tapped the shoulder of Won-chang, who had quietly approached and was staring at the Blood Master’s head in awe.

“He’s dead. What are you afraid of?”

“I-I’m not afraid! Do you know how many bandits and pirates I’ve killed with these hands!”

The group laughed at Won-chang, who seemed to revert to his initial nervous state.

From then on, the situation was out of the hands of Demon Wings.

When the magistrate saw the severed head of the Blood Master, he was terrified and sent soldiers immediately.

There were rumors that some of the soldiers who witnessed the carnage at the Blood Flame Sect branch soiled themselves.

The magistrate, realizing the severity of having such fearsome enemies operating nearby, repeatedly thanked Yeon-shin, holding his hands in gratitude.

The Blood Master’s notoriety was well known among the common people, more so than among martial artists.

The bodies strewn around the branch weren’t local children. The Blood Flame Sect members were presumed to have kidnapped them from nearby areas, but it wasn’t clear whether these disappearances were the work of martial artists, so the information hadn’t reached Desolate Fortress.

After spending four days sorting out the aftermath,

“If you ever pass by again, please do visit us,” the now very polite magistrate addressed the departing Demon Wings team.

The scene was both similar and drastically different from their first encounter, particularly the way he looked at Yeon-shin with burning admiration.

Yeon-shin, who hadn’t experienced much of the outside world, sensed that the magistrate’s eyes held not just pure respect but also a desire for connection.

– He wants to align himself with a promising young warrior from the martial world, huh?

Myeong’s telepathic voice carried a hint of amusement.

‘Jinpyeong County magistrate. That’s his life.’

Nodding vaguely, Yeon-shin saw the magistrate smile brightly. Perhaps he was a person of considerable capacity, given his ability to act this way despite the humiliation he had faced.

“I am Yu Geun of Jinpyeong County! Please remember me!”

With that, the group turned their horses and left Jinpyeong County behind.

It had been a long yet brief, peaceful yet brutally resolved affair.

The first mission for the two White Uniforms of Demon Wings concluded with Yeon-shin’s solo achievement.

The journey back was more relaxed. They even took longer breaks for the horses to eat, allowing Won-chang to avoid turning pale, although he often wore a worried expression.

“Young Master Jeong achieved a brilliant feat, but I feel like I did nothing…”

“That’s actually normal. Just maintaining vigilance and stopping the Blood Flame Sect member’s misdeeds was enough.”

Mir-yeo initially comforted him, but as the same conversation repeated several times, she eventually stopped responding, her expression neutral.

Instead of camping outdoors, they stayed at inns and gradually made their way back to Anyang.

The first thing that caught their eye was the massive walls of the Desolate Fortress, towering above even Anyang’s outer walls.

Yeon-shin smiled faintly. Despite not being away for long, he felt a curious sense of joy.

“It seems livelier than usual.”

Myeong remarked suddenly.

“It’s been a while since I completed a mission! I’m heading to the tavern to celebrate.”

Won-chang was grinning, evidently excited about their return to Desolate Fortress.

The bustling activity of merchants, hawkers, and people of various appearances moving about the main road energized him, lifting even the spirits of the normally reticent Desolate Fortress warrior.

“Not you. I mean the people here. They seem more excited than usual. Wait a minute…”

Myeong closed his eyes and fell silent. The group, familiar with the elves’ keen senses, followed suit.

Thanks to Myeong’s acute hearing, they did not have to take turns standing watch during their travel.

“Ah, I heard he’s coming. It’s a big event for everyone here, considering how much Desolate Fortress values those who achieve great merit.”

“I just heard too. The former Captain of the Divine Sword Squad is finally arriving.”

Mir-yeo’s words caused Yeon-shin to tense up momentarily.

Noticing his reaction, she spoke again.

“If he’s challenging for a position in the Elders’ Council, he wouldn’t ignore the sentiments of the people in Anyang.”

“The head of the Elders’ Council in Desolate Fortress would be closer to a member of the royal family than the head of Anyang. Everyone here is excited; even in a famine year, they would get at least a bushel of rice each.”

“It seems he has already arrived.”

“Yes, they said he passed by earlier, with a boy sitting in front of him on the horse. That boy must be the rumored adopted son of the Desolate Ma family. I heard he has extraordinary talent.”

However, Myeong, appearing uninterested, urged them to continue moving.

“Talent, huh.”

Mir-yeo’s long, black hair swayed with the horse’s gait as she chuckled softly, glancing at Yeon-shin.


He nodded slightly, remaining calm.

Stroking the horse’s neck, he kept pace with the group. Soon, the four members of Demon Wings reached the main gate of Desolate Fortress, marking the end of their long mission.


Pangu, according to wikipedia, is a primordial being and creation figure in Chinese mythology and Taoism. According to the legend, Pangu separated heaven and earth, and his body later became geographic features like mountains.

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