Supreme Pet Evolution System

Chapter 27

C27 – The Giant Beast in the Black Fog

Lei Sheng was petrified. Each lion before him was not only valuable and rare but also incredibly dangerous!

Xie Ziyu’s face paled as one Crazy Lion after another emerged, totaling a staggering thirty. Their attack power was formidable, and they were impervious to bullets. Ten armed people could hardly take down one Crazy Lion, let alone a whole pride of thirty!

Pei Anhan was shaking all over, fixated on the distant pride. He whispered in disbelief, “How can this be? Why are the Crazy Lions here? Didn’t the Grandmasters exterminate them all?”

Jiao Yuanju quickly grasped the gravity of the situation. He yelled to Jing Haokuo and the rest, “Get ready to fight!”


Jing Haokuo’s Earth Boar recoiled in fear before even nearing a Crazy Lion. As an average Mutant Beast, it was no match for a Crazy Lion in either bloodline level or combat prowess.

The pressure on Pei Anhan was immense. They were facing a pride that even Grandmaster Combat Pet Masters struggled with. They stood no chance against these Crazy Lions.

He could already foresee the devastating losses they would suffer.

The soldiers fired frantically at the pride, but the bullets merely grazed the Crazy Lions’ fur, failing to breach their defenses and only escalating the tension to a breaking point.

Over thirty Crazy Lions roared ferociously and lunged at the soldiers!

“Wind Blade!”

“Lightning Charge!”

Lei Sheng and his companions quickly directed their Combat Pets into the fray. The leading Crazy Lions were struck hard, tumbling and bleeding profusely, but they relentlessly continued their assault on the humans!


A soldier’s arm was savagely severed by a Crazy Lion before Jiao Yuanju kicked the beast away. The gory sight shocked the nine onlookers who had never witnessed such carnage. They realized that death was a real consequence of battle.

The abrupt transition from academy students to battlefield warriors was overwhelming and unexpected.

Jiao Yuanju shouted furiously, “What are you doing just standing there? Do you have a death wish? Charge! If we don’t hold back the lions, we’re all going to die!”

The tension escalated suddenly, and rage filled everyone’s eyes, particularly as they witnessed a soldier sprawled on the ground, his life ebbing away. His arm had been shredded to a pulp. He was both a respected elder and a current comrade-in-arms!

Jing Dehai was the first to leap into action. Known for his arrogance, in that moment, he cast it aside completely. With a fury-driven charge, he sent a two hundred kilogram Crazy Lion flying with a powerful kick. Meanwhile, the flame tiger, engulfed in flames, engaged in a ferocious battle with another Crazy Lion.

“We’re going all in!”

Jing Haokuo, with sheer determination, spurred the Earth Boar into a charge, targeting a Crazy Lion that had attacked the soldier.

In an instant, a spider web sprang from the ground, ensnaring two Crazy Lions in its tight embrace. The black spider emerged, its eight razor-sharp legs piercing the bellies of the Crazy Lions, swiftly ending their lives.

Pei Anhan turned to the dozen or so people beside him, his voice charged with excitement, “Brothers, let’s charge! We’ve still got armor-piercing bullets!”

Against the formidable Mutant Beasts, only armor-piercing bullets could make a dent. The group shouldered their massive sniper rifles and opened fire. Yet, as they did, eight more Crazy Lions launched themselves in their direction.


Jiao Yuanju’s roar echoed with urgency. The mysterious figure was still absent, but they couldn’t afford to wait.

Darkness swiftly descended over the battlefield, shrouding a hundred-meter radius and all the Crazy Lions within it.

A green snake, Eoldrai, moved with lethal silence and speed, striking the back of a Crazy Lion with a venomous bite.

In short order, over a dozen Crazy Lions had been bitten and envenomed by Eoldrai. The poison slowed them, but it wasn’t enough to halt their onslaught.

The Black Wind Wolf cried out in pain, having suffered bites from two Crazy Lions.

Lei Sheng was a mix of panic and despair. His most formidable Combat Pet was in peril; was it going to meet its end here?

Out of nowhere, a massive claw materialized, striking the two Crazy Lions with such force that they were left battered and tumbling away.

All eyes were drawn to the mysterious black claw.

“What on earth is that?!”

But the struggle was far from over.

Eight soldiers had fallen, many more were wounded. Over a hundred people banded together to fend off the dozen Crazy Lions. They shot wildly, keeping the beasts at bay with their fear, but their ammunition was dwindling. Already, more than twenty guns had fallen silent. With a lead Crazy Lion charging ahead, the rest followed in a ferocious assault.

The soldiers’ complexions were ashen, their eyes reflecting utter despair. It was all over!

Out of nowhere, a massive tail emerged from the shroud of black fog, sending a dozen Crazy Lions hurtling through the air.

The spectacle left not only the soldiers in shock but also the Phantom Team speechless. What kind of creature was this? It had revealed its claws and now its tail, lurking within the black fog the entire time. It had single-handedly taken down more than half of the thirty-plus valuable and rare Crazy Lions!

Jiao Yuanju alone wore a bemused look. So, Eoldrai’s ambition was to transform into such a colossal beast!

But his amusement was cut short by the barrage of notifications echoing in his head.

“You have slain a Crazy Lion, earning 2 blood points.”

“You have slain a Crazy Lion, receiving 2 blood points.”

Seventeen consecutive alerts plunged Jiao Yuanju into an overwhelming sense of joy. Such an abundance of blood points!

Xie Ziyu, Jing Dehai, and the rest were no fools. The behemoth had only materialized within the black fog—a fog conjured by Jiao Yuanju himself. Thus, the only explanation was that the beast responsible for annihilating over twenty Crazy Lions was none other than Little Qing.

As Jing Haokuo gazed upon the field littered with severely wounded Crazy Lions, he was overcome with emotion, tears welling in his eyes.

Yet, the sight of the soldiers’ dire predicament silenced them all. Eleven had been fatally mauled by the Crazy Lions, with over thirty more sustaining injuries.

Zhen Heyi sat astride her Lightning Leopard, her face etched with grief. These were the valiant warriors of the Skysea Military, now fallen.

In that solemn moment, a stealthy claw reached out, swiftly seizing her throat from behind.

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