Supreme BeastTamer: I Can Copy and Upgrade Skills 10x!

Chapter 37: Beast Taming Training

Similar to Nox, all the other kids in the Cromwell Barony were now being trained one way or another. The parents of these children didn't complain because of Hendrix's actions.

The stakes for the upcoming competition were very high for them. Not only would they lose 50 percent of their resources, but their pride was on the line as well. The only way to wash this shame away was for them to win this competition and beat the kids of the Armstrong Duchy.

As they were preparing, so were all the other towns.

Cromwell Barony,

On a Massive Field…

Sweat and exertion glistened on the faces of the children as they jogged around the massive field. This was their fifth lap, and their bones were practically begging them to give up, but they pushed on, a spark of determination flashing in their eyes.

This was the first time they had such responsibility and high expectations placed on them, so they needed to work hard to make the people of their barony proud.

At the front of the line was Rab, the same boy who had been thoroughly beaten to a pulp by Hendrix.

"Nox, I'll make sure to get strong, so strong that I'll beat that bastard who dares to lay his filthy hands on you."

"How dare he touch our Goddess."

The thought processes of the other kids varied.

Most of them wanted to take revenge on Hendrix for almost disfiguring Nyx's face. Little did Hendrix know he had poked the beehive.

"I never thought I'd say this, but I think Hendrix's actions made a positive impact on the kids." From the side, Gordon commented, his gaze lingering on his daughter, Serena.

She seemed very serious. Serena was serious not only because she wanted to punch the cocky face of Hendrix, but because she believed she was the weakest link among the group.

"Yes," Elvin said, stroking his beard. "These brats finally decided to get serious with their lives."

Nathan nodded his head in agreement. Although it was shameful, they had to admit Hendrix's actions had ignited the spark in the children that would have taken much longer to ignite.

"Chin up, chest out, stand upright, like a sword ready to be unsheathed."

Nyx stood as told, with her chin up and her hands balled into fists. Her black eyes were fierce and intimidating.

In front of her stood Aina, a long sword drawn. She stared at her daughter with mixed emotions. The art she was about to teach her was something that could only be learned by the people of her race. It was a high sword technique meant for only the high-ranking warriors in the army, but she wanted to teach her.

After all, it was her own blood; her blood deserved nothing but the best.

"I just hope Eve puts our past grudges aside and teaches Nox everything he needs to know. Since his class is similar to Arthur's, she's the right person." Exiting her thoughts, she stared at Nyx.

"In the battlefield, my sisters and I had always gone by one mantra." She spoke as she took a lethal stance with her leg held up, like a vicious cobra ready to spit its venomous saliva.

"Don't be the wielder of the sword. Be the sword itself. The essence of battle is murder. In any fight, your goal should be to murder your foes."

"Murder my foes. Murder my foes. Murder my foes." Nyx repeated after her mother like a broken record as the face of Hendrix involuntarily appeared.

In her mind, she'd already murdered that bastard several times in the most cruel ways possible, but she didn't want to only do it in her fantasy; she wanted to do it in the real world as well.

Subconsciously, a thick, bloody aura started to radiate from her as she drew her blade, mirroring the lethal snake stance of her mother.

Aina nodded her head when she saw the willingness of Nyx, but she couldn't help but feel slightly guilty in her heart. At this age, a child should be spending time with their family, but here she was telling her about murdering her opponent.

"Well, it couldn't be helped. If she was back on the island, she would have started training the moment she learned to walk." Aina narrowed her eyes. "That's how all of our childhoods had been."

"The name of this sword art is called Phantom Slash," Aina stated. "It requires you to be swift and calculative… after all, it focuses on eliminating enemies in the fastest possible way. And it's one of the basics."

"A true swordsman isn't one who displays the flashiest of skills, but one who can eliminate his opponents unscathed. Always remember this." Aina warned and gestured for Nyx to attack her.

Since they were using wooden swords, Aina wasn't scared of mistakenly hurting Nyx. With a spark of determination shining in her, Aina surged forward.

Because of her inhuman strength and speed, and because she had tinkered with swords in the past, she didn't look that bad… for mundane folks.

However, Aina spotted numerous mistakes just from the way Nyx handled the sword. Shaking her head, she exploded forward with blinding speed.

"She's even much faster than that boy. I… I need… huh." Nyx suddenly felt the wooden sword on her neck.

"Your perception needs more work," Aina said as she removed the sword from her neck. "To master the Phantom Slash, you'll first need to work on your speed. Although you're fast compared to most kids, you still don't make the cut to learn this skill."

"For now, practice stamina drills and try to push yourself to the limits."

"Yes, mother!" Nyx nodded.

Back in the mansion…

"As a beast tamer, your Summons, or Companion, whatever you call it, they must obey each of your commands as if it's law," Eve stated.

They were in a large coliseum-like arena with towering pillars and an elevated platform inside the mansion. Nox wondered how such a spacious arena could fit inside the mansion and it had left him puzzled for quite a while.

Eve had casually said that it was the work of a ruinsmith as if it was no big deal.

"Sometimes this might come across as too controlling, but keep in mind humans are difficult to control; beasts are even more difficult."

Nox frowned, "So you mean to say, I should…"

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