Supreme BeastTamer: I Can Copy and Upgrade Skills 10x!

Chapter 22: Lost Panda

Rumble! Rumble!

The entire island shook vigorously as the gangplanks connecting it to others snapped off one after the other. Consequently, the island tilted sharply, making it difficult for the trio to keep their balance.

"Serena, Nyx, follow the chains and escape to the other island!" Nox shouted, dashing towards the loot that was slowly edging towards the island's edge.

Despite the considerable distance, the giant chains enabled Nyx and Serena to swiftly make their way across.

Although Nyx didn't want to leave her brother behind, she had to because if they continued staying on the island, they'd be a hindrance to him. Still, she couldn't help but curse him in her mind for being so reckless again!

One step at a time, Serena and Nyx walked on the chain at a moderate pace. If it were just Nyx, she could have even run on the chain effortlessly with her eyes closed, but she had to slow her pace because of Serena, who was finding it hard not to look at the thick haze below her feet.

Seconds later, they reached safety on another island.

Meanwhile, on the collapsing island...

"Got it!" Nox grabbed the loot and instinctively stowed it in his inventory, which had become accessible after awakening his class. Although the space was low because of his low level, anything could be placed there; it was like a separate world of its own.

After stowing the items, Nox staggered to his feet. Just then, another chain snapped again, throwing him to the ground with a painful thud.

Due to his small body, an intense headache hit Nox like a tidal wave, and for a moment, he could see his world spinning about, everything in pairs.

On the other side, he could vaguely make out Nyx and Serena's lips moving, shouting at him, but he couldn't hear a single thing.

Bang! Bang!

The last of the chains holding the island finally snapped at that moment. Just before losing consciousness, Nox saw a blurry white creature picking him up with its mouth, leaping from chain to chain.

Behind them, a deafening sound rocked the entire dimension as the island plunged into the abyss below.

Sometime later, Nox's eyes fluttered open. As he tried to sit up, a merciless pain assaulted his head, but a hand held him back.

Nyx, her hand still on his shoulder, glared at her brother with a cold glint in her eyes. "Before I get more angry, you better stay still."

Nox kept his lips shut and simply lay back on the ground. Just from her tone, it was evident that Nyx was very angry with him... he didn't want to provoke this lioness because she would beat him to a pulp even in this state.

Beside him, he saw Serena sleeping, using Fluffington as a pillow. Serena's forehead was furrowed, her lips paused in a frown. He didn't need to know; he could tell that she'd been very worried while she was awake.

Even Fluffington... but that was something the prideful cat would never accept.

"The air here smells better," Nox commented, taking in the scenery. Unlike the collapsed, barren island, this island was filled with greenery, trees, and a pond. It felt as if he had stepped into another world, but he could feel they were still in the same dimension.

"Why did you do that?" Nyx spoke after a moment of silence as she looked her brother in the eyes. "You could have just let them go... but no, you decided to act selfish and reckless again."


"Shut up, and don't interrupt me when I'm speaking."

Gulped! Nox swallowed hard; he could see the madness in Nyx's eyes. She was very angry with him now.

Nyx drew a deep breath as if calming her nerves. "Rest a little and let's look for the gateway Serena talked about and return already."

"Thank you."

"Didn't I tell you to shut up? Are you looking for a beating?"

After Nyx's threat, the youth kept his mouth closed and just took in his surroundings. A few seconds later, Serena and Fluffington woke up. The beautiful dark-skinned girl didn't shy away from hugging Nox; she was very happy that he was safe.

She still felt a pang of guilt because things had escalated to the current situation because she was the weakest link of the group and had let the Sky Kraken capture her.

Deep in her heart, Serena swore to train so hard that she would be the one saving and not always being saved.

As for Fluffington, he raised one paw and smacked Nox on the head quite hard.


"Ouch!" Nox held his head in pain as he glared at the cat. "Why did you do that for?"

[For troubling me, this is what you get. We're even.] Fluffington harrumphed loudly and turned his gaze elsewhere.

Nox's angry expression softened into a smile. "Thank you for saving me back there. I know it was you."

Fluffington didn't say anything, but he was very pleased. If one looked at his face, they might think he was smiling.

Just then, a blue portal opened up beside Nox; everyone looked at the portal with curiosity.

A moment later, a baby panda with a lost expression stepped outside. The panda glanced around as if taking in its surroundings before its gaze landed on a boy with raven hair and eyes so dark that one could get lost in them.

Upon waking up in the beast taming space, the panda felt restless. It was as if a part of itself was missing.

It tried to search for this part throughout the beast taming space but couldn't find it, so it decided to come to the human world.

Now facing the five-year-old, the panda felt an inexplicable connection with him; it felt secure in this boy's presence, at peace. Instinctively, the panda knew this was the missing part it was looking for.

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