Supreme BeastTamer: I Can Copy and Upgrade Skills 10x!

Chapter 132: Meeting

[AN: Thank you so much guys, we hit the first Gold Tickets Target! The two chapters would come soon!]


After receiving the letters, all the factions that had made a truce to fight the Elemtal Beast decided to meet up to discuss their currt course of action. Knowing the Elemtal Beast's power, it was nearly impossible for a single faction to take out the Beast; therefore, everyone was very cooperative.

At least for now.

Moreover, the Awaked were also curious to know where the letters had come from. They suspected it could be from one of them, though they wer't too sure. However, they believed they'd find their answers at the meeting.

Inside a lavishly decorated room with ornate marble tiles and walls and a long table flanked by several chairs, located inside one of the most expsive inns in Coastal City—a four-story building—the leaders of the various factions were meeting up, gradually filling the seats.

Captain Bofan had arranged this meeting spot, agreed upon in case the Elemtal Beast was spotted again. It was costly, but the walls had special runes that prevted sound from escaping, making it well worth the expse.

With two military m standing guard behind him, Captain Bofan tapped the wood table, creating a pleasant rhythm as he looked at the faces of everyone. All the leaders of the various factions had come with two trusted people standing beside them.

The reason was pretty obvious. There wasn't complete trust among them. While they had agreed to work together, human nature is fickle, and loyalty can shift if the rewards are ticing ough.

Captain Bofan hadn't instructed them to do this, but they had done it out of instinct, suggesting that this wasn't the first time they had attded such a gathering.

Soon, Captain Bofan ceased his tapping on the wood table, his beady eyes becoming more serious. Whether it was due to his age or some other factor, Captain Bofan had become the unofficial leader of this union. He brought out a parchmt and dropped it on the table as he said, "Since everyone is here, shall the meeting begin?"

At the table were Reyes, who had Cormach and Hex standing beside him with serious expressions, their gazes constantly darting through the room as if they were expecting something to happ. Th there was Brolly, who also had two studts behind him, the leader of the Silvermist Guild, the leader of the scavgers, and a few more individuals.

However, out of everyone, the one who stood out the most was the cloaked figure. The reason was that they were the only one alone at the table; the others noticed that she seemed very calm.

Th, they noticed something else: the Vermilion Kingdom Academy was abst.

'Did they bail out already? Among everyone, they were the least promising lot, after all,' Captain Bofan mused.

As he dropped his letter onto the table, the others followed, placing theirs down one by one. The captain nodded. "As expected, I wasn't the only one who received this letter."

A brief look of disappointmt flashed across his face. He had thought the letter was exclusive to him. In fact, everyone at the table had shared that thought—until now. Over 0 individuals had received the same message.

Each person briefly reviewed the letters to confirm they were idtical.

Reyes looked up at Captain Bofan and asked in a very skeptical voice, "Do you think this is real?"

"That's why we're here… doofus," the leader of the Silvermist sneered, a satisfied look on her face as she added, "But I think it's legit."

Reyes ignored her completely.

"Well, we won't know for sure until we check it out," Brolly chimed in, fiddling with his parchmt. If not for the Elemtal Beast's destructive power, he might have gone to the location on the map by himself.

He had a habit of charging into fights without thinking—reflection came after the deed was done. However, after losing some studts, he had be forced to change his methods. It wasn't easy, and he was already feeling the strain, with migraines forming.

"I think the most important question should be: who st the crows, and how did they know all of us are participating in the hunt?" The cloaked person voiced their opinion. Their voice was sweet, yet it lacked emotion.

From the few words she had spok, the others could tell she was a woman. The room grew silt as everyone focused on her. Captain Bofan's expression turned thoughtful, and he nodded in agreemt.

"She's right," he stated. Subconsciously, he addressed her as a woman because of her voice. Th, with a puzzled, lost look, he added, "But I can't think of anyone who could be responsible."

Who could control that many crows? The leaders all pondered this, but no one could come up with a name. Just th, Captain Bofan's eyes lit up as he thought of a possibility. He leaned toward Reyes and asked, "Could this be the work of that kid who can control beasts?"

There was a hint of hope in his voice. Perhaps the kid with unusual powers of controlling beasts had found the hideout and st a message to everyone.

"It could be," the leader of the scavgers said, his eyes sparkling. "If he could control the panda and cat, controlling a couple of crows shouldn't be that hard, right?"

"The slim guy is right."

Everyone stared at Reyes with expectant gleams in their eyes, some ev playing with their fingers as they anxiously awaited his response. It was just a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity for them. The only thing they could hear was the distant voices of citizs gossiping among themselves.

Reyes, who had be carefully studying the parchmt with furrowed brows, didn't answer them yet, as his mind was currtly occupied by something else. While everyone was thinking about the sder of the parchmt, his mind had drifted to the store where the owner had died, and they'd found the Lich Court signature symbol.

Could it be that the same person was responsible for this letter as well? No matter how hard he thought about it, he felt as if they were pawns in some game orchestrated by an intelligt being.

Just wh they concluded that the blue beacon was a false signal, they actually spotted the Elemtal Beast; it felt as if someone was purposely messing with them. Reyes suspected that the same person, whoever they were, was also responsible.

Ssing the others' growing impatice, Reyes sighed audibly before saying, "No, the kid has no idea about this. But I think it's someone else."

"Who?" Everyone's eyes sparkled with curiosity as they leaned forward.

Reyes wt on to explain everything about his counter in the store. Everyone listed inttly, and as he spoke, he paused for a momt, gripping the parchmt tightly. The room was silt, the leaders watching him closely, waiting for his next move. He reached into his coat and pulled out the Lich Court symbol.

As soon as the symbol was dropped, everyone's faces turned grave immediately. Because they were so focused on the symbol, they failed to notice that the cloaked person's chair scraped the g and shifted uncomfortably.


**Mission Board:**

- 50 Gold Tickets for Chapter: [Completed]

- 0 Gold Tickets for 3 Chapters.[38 more to go]

- 500 Power Stones for Chapters: [Not hit]

- Castle for 5 Chapters. [Not Hit]

- Dragon for Chapter. [Not Hit]

- 00 Win-Win Unlocks for Chapters (Every chapter priv readers unlock counts towards this goal)

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