Supreme BeastTamer: I Can Copy and Upgrade Skills 10x!

Chapter 10: Title At The End Of Chapter


A thunderous sound echoed throughout the forest as Nathan slammed his fist on the invisible barrier, restricting him and Eve from accessing the cavern. Instead of breaking through, he was sent flying back like a broken kite.

Thanks to his experience, the old man expertly twirled his footing and came to a stop, his forehead creased with worry.

"If I were you, I'd stop punching now," Eve said indifferently as she looked at the entrance with curiosity.

Although Eve didn't elaborate, the old man understood her meaning. As a Battle Mage, Nathan's physical stats were very impressive, even more so than warriors and berserkers. If he continued punching the cavern, the entire cave might collapse on his grandson.

'I can't let that happen!' Nathan clenched his fist, Aina's face flashing before his eyes. 'What kind of father would I be if I can't even protect my son's family...'

'I was too weak to help him against those people then, but because of that, I improved my skills...yet, a mere cavern is standing between me and my grandson.' Nathan massaged his temple as he felt a massive headache coming on. "I should've stopped him when I had the chance! Why did I put my hope in my grandfather's dusty writings? Why did I even listen to him?"

While the old man was blaming himself, Eve suddenly spoke in a serious voice as she trailed her hand on the wall of the cave.

"This is the work of a powerful runesmith," she paused, her ruby eyes flashing with a peculiar glint, "and not just any runesmith, a very powerful one at that."

"Does this mean-" Nathan, who had come over, stuttered.

Runesmiths were very rare, powerful individuals whom nations would go to war for. They were master craftsmen who wielded the power of runes, ancient symbols of magic and wisdom. They possessed the ability to infuse objects, surfaces, and even the air itself with magical energy, creating powerful spells, charms, and barriers!

"Yes." Eve didn't wait for Nathan to finish his words. "The only way for us to access this place is for the kid to finish whatever he's doing."

Seeing Nathan's anxious expression, Eve's mouth twitched. She tried her best to stay silent, but in the end, she couldn't help it.

"Even if you don't have faith in your grandson, remember that the descendant of Whiskarius is with him."

Nathan's eyes suddenly lit up. "I almost forgot Fluffington is with him!"


At the same time, inside the cavern.

[Whatever you have to do, hurry up. I'll keep these visitors busy.] Unaware that he was being talked about, Fluffington warned as he bared his razor-sharp teeth at the unidentified enemy.

Nox didn't hesitate, listening to the cat's command as he hurriedly ran towards the statue with his little legs. Because of his size, he even tumbled and fell embarrassingly a couple of times, but he stood every time, determined to change the story of his family and the entire barony.

"Impressive, but sadly, my instincts tell me that if I let you do whatever it is you want, I'll regret it later." The owner of the voice stepped out of the darkness with a smile that revealed its extended teeth.

For a moment, the beast's appearance even caused Fluffington to falter a bit, but he quickly regained his confidence.

The beast was a Cerberagh, and just like the demonic wolf, its appearance was also unsightly. The dark-skinned creature stood at 6ft with a muscular blend of human and canine features. It had three faces, a snarling dog with glowing red eyes and pointy fangs.

As if its appearance wasn't terrifying enough, a pair of tattered wings sprouted from its back, and its hands ended in deadly claws.

The Cerberagh smirked, expecting its prey to tremble before its grandeur; however...

[All this suspense for an ugly-looking dog.] Fluffington sneered. [And I dislike dogs with a passion!]


Before the Cerberagh could understand what was going on, Fluffington's body blurred as it disappeared from its spot.

"Where did it go?" While it was searching for the cat, the Cerberagh soon felt a claw dig deeper into its shoulder, and painful yelps escaped its lips with its eyes flashing in anger.

Just a couple of steps away, Fluffington was tauntingly looking at the demonic dog.

"Bastard, I don't like cats either!" The Cerberagh exploded forward, its claws poised for a strike, and a full-blown battle erupted. While Fluffington darted from side to side, striking with precision, the demonic beast attacked blindly like a creature that had gone berserk!

Nox looked at the battle and nodded. He could see Fluffington had the upper hand for now, but the demonic beast had reached a boiling point; it was only a moment away from exploding.

'Kneel and declare your fate.' Nox read the crude ancient writing on the ground as he proceeded to kneel. To connect with Terra, his prayer needed to come from the bottom of his heart.

He had heard countless stories of people failing to awaken their class because their prayers didn't come from the heart.

Nox wouldn't make this same mistake!

"Terra, Goddess of Beast Taming, I cry out to you in the darkness!" Nox began in a loud voice, not wanting to be drowned out by the sounds of battle.

Rumble! Rumble!

"Enough! Playtime is up!" The Cerberagh roared in anger. Because Fluffington looked so ordinary, it had underestimated him at first, thinking he was weak, but in the few exchanges, it had been the one to suffer the most.

If it continued down this path, then it might die.

Just then something strange happened. The demonic beast's middle head opened its mouth wide, and a dark condensed flame ball erupted out, heading towards Nox.

"Let's see if you can multitask!" The Cerberagh snarled as it watched the dark bolt of flame slice through the air like a comet!

[Your tactics are as shady as your appearance!] Fluffington sneered as he disappeared from his spot.

"My heart races with the thrill of the unknown, my soul trembles with fear. Yet, I implore you, awaken the beast within me, let it roar to life!" Unaware, Nox continued to chant the prayer he had memorized.

At the same time, the dark fire bolt inched closer and closer to the boy.

Before it could make an impact, the cat shielded Nox with its body. Following that, a pain-filled moan escaped Fluffington's mouth.

His pristine fur had been charred black.

'Fluffington!' Nox's eyes moistened when he heard Fluffington's painful moan, his heart aching. Even though their relationship was strange, Nox loved the prideful cat with all his heart.

Although he wouldn't admit it, Fluffington was a very caring and loving cat; even when someone hurt him, he barely made any noise. For him to moan like that meant the attack was very painful.

This made Nox's heart bleed. Although Fluffington was the one who suffered, he felt even more anguish, and his hatred for the demonic dog surged!

Despite his willingness to rush to aid his best friend, Nox had to close his eyes and pray to Terra.

"Unshackle my true potential, that I may embrace my destiny." Nox's voice started to rise like a crescendo.

As though bolstered, Fluffington rose and charged forward. He didn't have second thoughts about protecting Nox; the boy was his only companion! The only one who understood and cared for him! His personal smacking bag!

It was safe to say, Fluffington had gotten too attached!

The demonic dog shot three dark fire bolts from each of its mouths, all of them locked on the wounded cat like missiles programmed on a target.

Fluffington tried his best to dodge all the dark flames, but one of them still landed perfectly at the same spot he had been hit before. His gaze turned blurry, the world spinning, and there appeared to be ten demonic beasts.

Fluffington's speed slowed. Regret washed over him; there were so many things he wanted to do with his good friend Nox. They had already planned to explore the worlds and travel to different places, but... but...

[No, no, I'll never lose to a dog! A stupid stinking dog!] Fluffington dismissed the thought as he gave one last reckless charge with his claws.

However, a bolt of dark flame sent him crashing to the ground. By now, his pristine white fur was charred, and the scent of burning flesh filled the air. Fluffington's breaths now came in ragged gasps, as if he was struggling to survive.

"This win is for all the dogs out there..." The Cerberagh licked its lips as it loomed over the defeated cat.

[I'm sorry.] Fluffington telepathically whispered to Nox.

Tears rolled out of Nox's eyes as he clenched his fists tighter. He didn't hear any more sounds, which meant that Fluffington had lost the fight. Opening his mouth, Nox shouted at the top of his voice and released his pent-up emotion.

"By the pulse of the earth, by the rhythm of the wild, I beg of you, Terra, unleash the fury that lies dormant, and bestow upon me the power to trample my enemies!" Nox shouted at the top of his voice, and for a moment the entire cavern seemed to tremble.

The eyes of Terra lit up, stunning the demonic beast, who faltered just from being in its presence. There was a certain force beckoning it to kneel to the statue as if it were something natural, and the more it resisted, the stronger the pressure grew.

Meanwhile, Nox felt the shackles on his soul begin to shatter one after the other and a series of messages popped up in his retina.

[Ding! You've Awakened the Beast Tamer Class]

[Ding! Your Taming Space Has been Unsealed]

[Ding! Your talent has been unsealed]

[Target: Cerberagh - Successfully copied Skill Dark Blast!]

[Skill Description: Unleashes a concentrated blast of dark energy, dealing massive damage to a single target. Consume 20 mana points per use]

[10x upgrade detected new skill]

[Upgrading Dark Blast x10!]

[Ding! You have Awakened Shadow Oblivion!]

[Skill Description: Unleashes an apocalyptic blast of dark energy, dealing annihilation damage to all enemies within a massive radius, stunning them for 10 seconds and absorbing their life force! Consume 80 mana point per use]

[Do you wish to keep this skill or bestow it to your pet?]


Chapter: Class Awakened: Supreme BeastTamer!

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