Chapter 35: Angry Fire Kirin

Silce hung heavy in the air as the Fire Kirin stared at the blood offering before it, its fiery gaze flickering with uncertainty.

Ria and the Grand Magus watched in tse silce. their eyes fixed on the sce unfolding before them. The Fire Kirin, majestic and powerful, seemed to hesitate, its instinctual aversion to human blood warring with its curiosity.

The Grand Magus reduced the number of magic bindings holding the Fire Kirin to provide mobility for it.

After what felt like an eternity, the Fire Kirin began to cautiously approach the spilled blood, its movemts deliberate and cautious. With a ttative sniff, it tested the sct of Kt's blood, its nostrils flaring as it took in the essce of his being.

Kt held his breath, his heart pounding in his chest, as he watched the Fire Kirin's reaction. And th, to his astonishmt, the creature's gaze locked onto him, its eyes seeming to bore into his very soul.

A sse of relief flooded through Kt as the fire Kirin extded its tongue and tasted the blood, acknowledging his offering with a solemn nod.

"I did it... I did it..." A grin spread across Kt's face, his laughter echoing through the chamber as he realized he had passed the test.

But Ria and the Grand Magus remained rooted to the spot, their disbelief palpable as they watched the rarest of the rare sces unfold before them.

"Young man, stop celebrating... bow before the Fire Kirin and try touching its head." The Grand Magus hurriedly instructed Kt to confirm the Fire Kirin's acknowledgemt of Kt as its master.

Like a kid who won a video game, Kt acted in excitemt and bowed before the Fire Kirin, sinking to one knee in humble acknowledgmt of its power. He stretched his hand forward while facing his palm toward it.

To his astonishmt, the Fire Kirin mirrored his actions, bding its front legs in a gesture of mutual respect and leaning forward to touch Kt's palm with its head. In that momt where Kt pal felt the soft skin of the Fire Kirin, as Kt gazed up at the majestic creature before him, he felt a bond form betwe them, one that transcded the boundaries of race and lineage.

In the presce of the Fire Kirin, Kt knew that he had found not only acceptance but also a sse of belonging that he had never known before. And as he rose to his feet, a newfound sse of purpose burning within him, he directly moved forward and hugged its head from one side.

The Grand Magus hurriedly removed all the iron chains and magic threads binding the Fire Kirin and released it from the iron case-like structure.

"Young man, don't waste time... You must take the first flight as soon as possible. With only experice, your bond grows with the Fire Kirin." The old man said after he tapped on the magic circle.

In the next instance, the underg base began moving tirely, and they surfaced slowly from the underg.

"Elder Magus, I don't know how to thank you. Except for gold coins, I don't have any other valuable things to give you. Please name your price." Kt asked in a respectful tone, ev though it felt rude to offer gold for the old man's help.

But the old man laughed at his proposal. "Young man, you don't need to give me anything. Witnessing this sce is a lifetime memory for me. Please take good care of Kirin.

Also, it is time for me to leave this city. Enjoy your first wild flight." The old man said while helping Kt sit on the back of Fire Kirin. He tied Kt to the Fire Kirin with magical threads for extra protection.

"Elder, why are you tying me to the Kirin? It already acknowledged me as its master. Th what is the need for this arrangemt?" Kt asked in a doubtful tone.

The old man smiled at his question. "That doesn't mean it will accept your every command. If you spd more time with it, you will understand the true meaning of its acknowledgemt." The Grand Magus said with carefree laughter and tapped on back of Fire Kirin.

Kt felt an ominous feeling after listing to the old man's casual remarks. But in the next second, he understood the full meaning of it.

The Kirin lifted its head and roared into the sky. Like a light ray, it flashed into the sky after a few steps.

Kt felt startled and hurriedly grabbed the pinkish- mane of the Fire Kirin.

(Imagine you were standing on a doormat, and someone suddly pulled the mat in a jerk. This is what Kt felt now wh the Kirin took flight.)

Kt felt a surge of exhilaration coursing through his veins. With a powerful leap, the creature launched itself into the air.

Together, they soared higher and higher, leaving the g far below as they ascded into the sky. The wind whipped through Kt's hair, and he clung tightly to the Fire Kirin's mane, his heart pounding with a heavy mix of fear and excitemt.

For a time, they roamed the skies aimlessly, the Fire Kirin's carrying Kt effortlessly through the high wind. Flames erupted from the Fire Kirin's frontal opings, blazing with an intsity that illuminated the suring air with an otherworldly glow.

It took a long time for Kt to op his eyes and stare at the magical scery before him.

With each speed burst, the breath color of Fire Kirin changed rhythmically. He absolutely didn't have a bit of control over the flight path. The Kirin is flying on its own.

"Hey… hey… calm down. That's not where we should go." Kt shouted his lungs out. But there is no response from Kirin.

Kt tried calling it by differt names and patted it a little hard, but Fire Kirin acted like Kt did not exist on its back.

With each passing second, Kt lost hope of controlling it. The Fire Kirin continued to rise into the sky, flaunting its might.

Angered by Fire Kirin's prideful act, Kt picked up the dagger giv to him by the old man for cutting his palm.

"Hey, if you don't list to me, I will cut your mane." Kt shouted loudly while leaning forward on Fire Kirin's back.

The Fire Kirin turned its head and stared at the sharp dagger in Kt's hand, which was touching the base of its mane.

With an angry humph, it suddly stopped in its tracks and began plummeting to the g. Kt jerked up with the sudd stop, and in the next second, he cried out loudly as he is free falling towards the g, along with the Fire Kirin.

Ahhh... loud cry followed as Kt stared at the house eagle obstructing their falling path.


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