Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 362:

Chapter 362:

Translator: MarcTempest

Editor: AgRoseCrystal

Chapter 362

“…Don’t you think you need to get your face known by acting in this and that work before you can get a big role in a bigger movie?”

“I don’t care if it’s a small role as long as I like the script. And if I like the role, I’ll work harder, right?”

The conversation between Min Hee-kyung, who mistook Seo-jun for an unknown child actor, and Lee Seo-jun, an honest superstar, was slightly off.

“…What if you don’t find a work that you like?”

“Then I’ll wait until it comes out. I’ll also look for plays and dramas.”

Seo-jun, who had scripts coming from Hollywood, thought it wouldn’t be too hard to find a work that he liked. 

Min Hee-kyung was worried that he would never get to play the main character if he was so peaceful.

“Senior! Excuse me!”

“Okay. Sure!”

A third-year director called a first-year student. 

The first-year student called Seo-jun. 

Seo-jun headed toward the third-year director and Min Hee-kyung looked at his back.

Seo-jun, who was showing short demonstrations of acting to the third-year director and actors, was shining. 

All the students’ eyes were on Seo-jun. 

They didn’t even blink as if they were trying to learn from him.

He must have great acting skills that even his friends acknowledge.

But he’s still unknown.

‘I wish he could show his talent to more people…’

She thought that such an actor shouldn’t be unknown. 

Min Hee-kyung decided to take out the awl that she had hidden in her pocket. 

And she wanted to film with him, who loved acting and shone like that.

“What’s your favorite movie?”

Min Hee-kyung asked Seo-jun, who came back after giving advice.

“Favorite movie?”

“Yeah. A movie that you wished you could act in.”

Seo-jun blinked his eyes after thinking for a moment and answered.

From very old works to recent ones. 

He crossed movies, dramas, and plays, and the ages of the roles were varied. 

Min Hee-kyung listened carefully as if she was engraving them in her head.

“But why did you suddenly ask me about movies?”

“I’m trying to write a script that you would like to act in.”


Seo-jun’s eyes sparkled at the director’s words.

“Then I’m happy!”

“But I can’t see any commonalities.”

“I like everything as long as it’s fun.”

“That’s the problem. You’re more picky than you think. From classics to recent works… You’ve mentioned all the masterpieces.”


Seo-jun laughed at Min Hee-kyung’s words. 

Min Hee-kyung also smiled.

Ah. It’s good.

When was the last time she enjoyed creating a story like this?

“I’ll write a good script for you, so wait for me.”

Don’t change your love for acting even if you’re struggling as an unknown.

Seo-jun tilted his head at Min Hee-kyung’s worried eyes and soon smiled brightly and answered.

“Yes. I will.”

Seo-jun was curious about what kind of script would come out and was only happy.

A little later.

The filming went smoothly with Min Hee-kyung and Seo-jun’s advice and ended with all the kids. 

The kids cleaned up the equipment one by one. Seo-jun also rolled up his sleeves and helped.

“Thank you for today.”

“I had fun today too. Be careful on your way home.”

Min Hee-kyung waved her hand with a smile at the kids who bowed their heads.

The kids left laughing and chatting. 

Min Hee-kyung looked at them with a pleased face and took out a paper and pen from her bag to write down the story that filled her head.

At that moment,

“Ahh! I forgot to ask his name and contact number…!”

She screamed at the realization that came too late.


Movie production company, Dahong.

The production company that made the movie [Rebellion], where Seo-jun played Danjong, was looking at the scripts and synopses that came in today as usual. 

It was not easy to find a work that would be successful among the works piled up on one side of the office.

“Really, these days all the endings are like this.”

“That’s how trends are.”

Ever since [Survivors-Director’s Cut] was uploaded on Plus+, endings where all the characters die kept coming out.

“It would be fine if it was once, but now I think they’re all going to die from the first read.”

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement with one employee’s words.

It was boring, but finding a work that would shine brilliantly among the similar scripts was their job, so the eyes and hands of the employees moved busily.

An employee picked up a new script. 

He skipped the tentative title and looked at the name of the owner of the scenario. 

Depending on whether the owner of the scenario was a director or a writer, the work that the production company had to do would change.

“A director. Min Hee-kyung?”

She didn’t seem to be a director on Dahong’s blacklist, which distinguished directors who were hard to work with, such as abusing actors, ignoring schedules, and mistreating actors or staff.

She wasn’t a famous director like Woo Jeong-han, who decided to produce [Rebellion] without even looking at the script.

The employee thought that he didn’t have to look for a director who matched the scenario since the owner of the scenario was a director.

‘If Director Min Hee-kyung’s skills are not very good, I’ll have to buy the scenario and entrust it to a new director.’

But the director or directing was secondary.

The most important thing was the content of the script.

“Let’s take a look at the script first.”

The employee turned the first page. 

There was a brief description of the characters that appeared. 

The employee’s eyes stopped at the age of the protagonist.

18 years old.

The employee stared at that number and got up from his seat. 

A colleague sitting next to him looked at the employee leaving the office.

“Where are you going?”

“Oh, just to the warehouse.”

Eighteen, eighteen.

Muttering, he headed to the warehouse. 

The employee looked at the boxes lying around and sighed lightly and opened the box containing the scripts that the employees had looked at yesterday. 

This warehouse was where they kept works that did not meet the movie production standards.

“Eighteen years old. Eighteen years old. When did I see it…”

The employee looked through the scripts from two days ago, three days ago, and the day before. 

He turned the first page to check the age of the protagonist and put it back in the box.

“Oh! Here it is.”

And he found the script he was looking for in a box from a week ago.

“Director Min Hee-kyung. It was the same director.”

The employee took the script and left the warehouse. 

He returned to his office.

The employee sat down and looked through both scripts. 

They were by the same director, but they had different titles. 

He read the first page and saw that the protagonist was unchanged, but new characters were added. 

The introductions were also slightly different.

A colleague who was curious about his actions asked him.

“What did you bring?”

“Oh. I thought I saw this script somewhere, so I went to look for it in the warehouse.”

“Do you remember all that?”

A colleague asked in astonishment at the employee who memorized the scripts that came in without a break. 

The employee smiled and said.

“Of course not. I couldn’t even remember the director’s name… I just remembered the protagonist’s age.”


“He’s eighteen.”

“Oh… that…”

It seemed like an age that was aimed at someone.

The employee noticed the colleague who thought of Lee Seo-jun in an instant and nodded.

“I also remembered it because of that, but the script was not very good.”


Usually, if it was interesting enough, it would go into the [review] box. 

Then other employees would have read it too, but judging by the fact that he hadn’t read it, it seemed to be pretty bad. 

The colleague’s face, which was excited, seemed to lose some steam.

“But I guess she revised it and sent it back in a week.”

“A week…”

It was a short time to fix a lot of content.

“Do you want to read it? The content is similar to before, isn’t it?”

“It seems like there are more characters and the introduction is quite interesting.”

“Well. I don’t know how much she changed it with the same director and no screenwriter…”

The colleague continued his work, shrugging his shoulders at the sight of the employee starting to read the script.

Some time passed and the colleague looked at the next seat. 

The employee was still reading the script. 

He wondered if it was another director’s script, but it wasn’t. 

If it was boring, he would have skimmed through it and put it in the box, but he was reading every sentence carefully.

The colleague picked up the old script on the desk.

He turned the first page and read the introduction of the characters and the first scene. 

Hmm. He seemed to focus a little, but then he flipped through the paper quickly. It was a story that seemed familiar and boring. 

He understood why it didn’t go into the review box.

‘It doesn’t seem like it would get much better…’

The time to revise was only a week.

Unless he met the god of movies, it was a short time for a bad script to get much better.

Then, the employee took his eyes off the script. The colleague asked quickly as if he was waiting.

“How is it?”

“It’s amazing.”

“In a bad way?”

“In a good way!”

The colleague straightened his body leaning on the chair at the sight of the employee’s eyes wide open and loud voice. 

Then he read down the script he received from the employee.

His eyes and hands that moved without a break stopped.

“…Did she really meet the god of movies?”

Just a week.

The film production company Dahong moved with admiration at the work that had changed as if it had been reborn.


Min Hee-kyung sat nervously in the conference room. 

She couldn’t even touch the coffee in front of her.

Until she got contacted, she thought it was a voice phishing that caught some leaked information, but she was able to enter Dahong’s office, a real film production company.

The first commercial film production company was not as big as Dahong, so her hands trembled like a rookie director making her debut. 

No, maybe she would have been more comfortable with a rookie director who was excited.

Min Hee-kyung, who knew enough about reality after failing once, fiddled with her damp hands.

‘What if they tell me to sell my script.’

Dahong would have done enough research on her too.

‘They must have seen my first work and independent films.’

They might have liked her script, but not her direction.

Min Hee-kyung sighed softly.

‘Then I’ll have to leave.’

There were many production companies besides here. 

She didn’t know if they were good places or not.

‘Or maybe I can make it as an independent film?’

Even if it was an independent film, it would cost a lot of money to make a feature film, but Min Hee-kyung wanted to make it.

She had already decided on the protagonist.

An actor who loves acting, wearing a black hat.

Min Hee-kyung wanted to make this film with him.

So she revised her story from the day she came back from Hangang to her home. 

She squeezed out ideas until she had a headache and watched works that the boy liked and put her hands on the keyboard. She didn’t have confidence to write such a masterpiece, so she just had to write hard.

She hoped that her script would please him and he would act for her.

‘…Even though I don’t know his name or contact number…’

Min Hee-kyung snorted with disbelief.

She wanted to squeeze herself for being stupid enough not to ask his name or contact number even then.

‘The kids too… Why did they only call him senior, senior and not his name…’

That was because the third-year director was careful not to call Seo-jun’s name in the crowded Hangang Park and asked the first-year to do it instead, but Min Hee-kyung didn’t know that.

Min Hee-kyung was struggling to think of one more hint about the boy when the door of the conference room opened. The planning team leader and staff who would be in charge of this production came into the conference room with bright faces.

“Hello, Director Min Hee-kyung.”

“Ah, hello.”

They exchanged greetings and started the conversation.

The meeting proceeded in a smooth meeting.

Contrary to Director Min Hee-kyung’s worries, Dahong didn’t seem to have any intention of changing the director. She listened to the explanation about the contract terms and discussed the matters related to the production.

She answered the planning team leader’s question about whether she had decided on the places for filming, whether she had a preferred cinematographer or art team.

“Then we’ll look into it for you, director.”

“Yes. Thank you.”

Director Min Hee-kyung also answered comfortably as the situation progressed smoothly.

Somehow, she felt like this movie would do well.

“Ah, Director Min. Do you have any actors in mind for the protagonist?”

Director Min Hee-kyung, who was smiling brightly, stopped moving at the words of the planning team leader. Before Director Min Hee-kyung could open her mouth, the staff smiled brightly and said.

“It must be Seo-jun, right?”

“That’s right. He’s exactly eighteen years old. He would like this story too.”

“If Seo-jun acts in it, it’s a guaranteed hit!”

“No need to worry about funding!”

“Plus will definitely invest, right?”

“Of course. They’ll be the first ones to go.”

Even the planning team leader nodded his head with a smile.

Unlike them, Director Min Hee-kyung had a different protagonist in mind.

The actor with a black hat that she thought of for a week while revising her script.

He had already taken over every image in the movie that Director Min Hee-kyung imagined.

She panicked at the sight of the staff who decided to send the script to Coco Entertainment.

If Seo-jun decided to appear, she couldn’t stop him. She felt like she would be swayed if Seo-jun was cast.

She wanted him to act for her because she thought of him while writing.

‘But I can’t say I want a kid whose name and contact number I don’t even know as the protagonist!’

Director Min Hee-kyung shouted.

She hoped that he was good at information and didn’t forget her who he met briefly at Hangang.

“Can’t we have an audition?!”

Director Min Hee-kyung’s shout echoed in the conference room.

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