Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 352:

Chapter 352:

The actors who were praised by Jeffrey, who was receiving a lot of attention from the public.

Davis Garrett and Lee Seo-jun.

Davis Garrett was active in Hollywood, so the Korean movie industry could only aim for one actor.

‘As expected, it’s Seo-jun.’

No matter how good his acting skills were, it was hard to make a movie successful with just one actor.

A script that suits the public’s taste, a director who can direct according to the script, actors who act together, enough production costs.

There were too many things to consider, but he had never failed in any of his works so far.

‘Is he good at choosing works or is he lucky?’

Of course, being lucky was not a bad thing.

Rather, it was the most important factor in this world where each work was like a gamble.

As a movie industry that hoped for a hit, they had no choice but to be interested in Lee Seo-jun, who had become a totem of success.

The influence of that interest made more scripts and synopses come into Cocoa Entertainment.

Seo-jun smiled as he thought of the scripts that Ahn Da Ho would bring home every Monday.

“Dad also went to see it with mom at the theater. It felt different from television.”

“Right? Movies should be watched at theaters.”

Seo-jun nodded his head repeatedly. He had seen [Director’s Cut] with his friends from Mirinae High School.

[Survivors-Director’s Cut], which was shown on a large screen at the theater, had a different impact than a small television screen.

The sound that echoed from the large speakers installed around the theater made the audience’s bodies tremble every time a building collapsed.

The deep and vivid red color that remained captivated the audience’s eyes.

And watching the actors’ facial expressions on a large screen made them hold their breath.

The anxiety, nervousness, and despair that came from the actors’ shaking eyes made the audience shiver.

There were also people who visited the theater again to see that impact.

The screening period was short, so there were more eager viewers.

Among them, there was even a rumor that a YouTuber appeared at both theaters at the same time.

“They say Jeffrey might film his next work with Bearound.”


Bearound was thrilled by the unexpected success of both [Theatrical Version] and [Director’s Cut], which were filmed without additional shooting.

They also heard that they were aiming for Jeffrey Rodex’s next work, which started it all.

They talked about various things related to [Survivors], and they didn’t have much left until they reached their destination.

“We’ll be there soon.”

Seo-jun and Seo Eun-hye looked out the window at Lee Min-jun’s words.

A large building came into view.

It was a familiar place for Seo-jun and his parents.

Milky Way Center.

It was where they performed the children’s play Spring.

“We came here last time to see the play, right?”

“Yeah. It was fun.”

They had visited the place many times after the children’s play Spring to watch plays or musicals.

They parked the car and got out. Seo-jun, who wore a gray hat, made his presence less noticeable than usual.

“There are a lot of people. Seo-jun, let’s take out the bouquets later.”


At Seo Eun-hye’s words, Seo-jun carefully arranged the yellow freesia and purple lilac bouquets that he had placed next to him.

Meanwhile, Lee Min-jun called someone on his phone.

Yeah, we’re here.

Okay. He nodded his head and hung up.

“They’re inside. Let’s go.”

“It was the annex, right?”

Seo-jun and his parents headed to the Milky Way Center annex where people who looked like families were entering one by one.

They all had colorful bouquets in their hands.

There was a banner hanging in front of the slightly smaller annex than the main building.

[The 8th ATR Violin Competition]

Seo Eun-hye and Lee Min-jun looked at the banner with unfamiliar expressions.

Having a son who had been acting as a child actor since he was young and learned various things for acting, they also had many indirect experiences.

“But this is the first time for a competition.”

“Seo-jun doesn’t care much about competitions.”

He played violin and piano as a hobby, but he had never participated in a competition, so Seo-jun himself, and his parents, Seo Eun-hye and Lee Min-jun, felt a bit strange about competitions.

“If there was an acting competition, he would participate, right?”

Seo Eun-hye smiled softly at Lee Min-jun’s words.

“Seo-jun would want to be first and also curious about the actors he would act with. He would definitely participate.”


Seo-jun laughed at his parents who knew him too well.


The inside of the Milky Way Center annex was bustling with people.

The [ATR Violin Competition] hosted by the ATR Foundation was a large-scale violin competition with elementary, middle, high school, and general divisions.

The competition was large, so there were many finalists and many people who came to cheer for them.

“Don’t be nervous!”

“You’ll do well!”

The participants who were dressed neatly could not enter the waiting room, so they met with their friends and relatives who came to support them in the lobby of the annex.

People who looked like families entered the Milky Way Center annex one by one. Seo-jun and his parents looked around for someone.

“Lee Min-jun!”

Someone waved his arm from the corner of the lobby. It was Kim Hee-sang, who still had a playful face even though he was old.

Next to him, his wife, pianist Choi Soohee, smiled and waved her hand.

Seo-jun and his parents smiled and walked over.

They could only see the cute little Kim Subin in a neat suit when they got closer.

There were so many people.

Seo-jun smiled brightly and waved his hand.

“Hi, Subin.”

Kim Subin, who was holding a violin case between Kim Hee-sang and Choi Soohee, looked at Seo-jun with sparkling eyes.

He seemed so happy that Seo-jun and his parents laughed.

“Hi! Hyung!”

When Seo-jun squatted down and opened his arms, Subin ran over to him with quick steps.

He remembered his mom’s words that it was dangerous to run.

He hugged Seo-jun tightly.

The adults laughed at the sight of the two children who hugged each other tightly.


“Hyung. So I’m going to play this part softly and this part strongly. Like this! Ta-ta-tan!”

“Hmm. Sounds good?”


Subin’s cheeks were red as he talked with violinist Gray Vainy, no, Seo-jun, while looking at the score marked with pencils here and there.

The adults talked while watching the two children.

“Subin’s friends didn’t come?”

“Subin’s friends are still young. They might not be able to focus for a long time. It would be rude to disturb other participants when they play, so I couldn’t invite them.”

Seo Eun-hye and Lee Min-jun realized that they had forgotten something.

Seo-jun was very quiet when he watched plays or movies when he was in second grade or younger.

“When was the preliminary round? We would have come to cheer for him then.”

“Yeah. You should have told us earlier. Wouldn’t Subin be mad that Seo-jun didn’t call him?”

Kim Hee-sang laughed at Lee Min-jun’s words. It seemed that Subin liked Seo-jun more than his dad, so he might have pouted and kept his mouth shut.

“The preliminary round was a video screening, so we couldn’t invite you.”

“Video screening?”

“It’s a big company that hosts it, so there were a lot of participants.”

Choi Soohee added to Kim Hee-sang’s words.

“It’s hosted by ATR Foundation. If you get an award here, you can get extra points when you apply for Yeoul Arts Middle School and Mirinae High School. Of course, you can also get recognized as an experience by other music colleges.”


Seo Eun-hye and Lee Min-jun looked around. They could see the serious faces of the participants.

“Then they must be really good, right? Why did you apply for this competition?”

At Lee Min-jun’s words, Kim Hee-sang scratched his cheek.

He had been learning violin since he was six years old, but he had never been interested in competitions until now.

Choi Soohee, who had been playing music for a long time, didn’t ask him because she was afraid that competitions like this would have a negative impact on Kim Subin’s love for violin.

“Well… Subin said he wanted to participate in a competition, so I looked it up. I showed him various competitions, but he wanted to participate in the biggest one.”

Choi Soohee also smiled awkwardly.

“I told him that this is a competition for older kids, a very very big competition… Don’t you have something else you like?”


Seo Eun-hye and Lee Min-jun looked at Seo-jun and Subin.

Kim Hee-sang and Choi Soohee, who were worried that Subin might get traumatized if he didn’t play well on stage, also looked at the two children.

They were talking excitedly while pointing at the score with their fingers, as if they were having so much fun.

They looked alike.

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