Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 336:

Chapter 336:

Chapter 336

“Ah. Feel free to do so.”

Davis Garrett looked as if he had been hit on the back of his head with a hammer. Seo-jun and the other actors were also surprised, but then they understood and burst into laughter.

Lunchtime after the morning shoot.

The actors and director of [Survivors] gathered at one table.

Jeffrey, the director, told them about his recent thoughts on making a ‘director’s cut’ in response to Davis Garrett’s question of how he came up with the idea.

Andrew, who was still young, listened to the story with a blank expression, not understanding anything, but the other actors nodded in agreement.

Especially Vanessa Olsen, who was less known than the other three actors, nodded her head constantly.

“That’s right. There are times like that. When it’s a really attractive work, but it doesn’t seem to be a hit. I’m a little hesitant now, but how much more when I was a rookie.”

It was a busy time for rookies who had to make their names and faces known to many people.

It was the best choice to appear in a hit work that had a high possibility of getting the next opportunity.

“The problem is that you can’t guarantee a hit even if you do that.”

Everyone agreed with that.

Davis Garrett rubbed his chin with a nervous face.

“But that wasn’t what I said to you, director.”

“Haha. I know. I just couldn’t get that out of my mind.”

Jeffrey, the director, smiled and continued.

“But don’t you think my interpretation is pretty good these days?”

“That’s right. There are more scenes where Davis and Jun just follow the script without saying anything.”

Milan Chellen said, and Vanessa Olsen smiled softly.

“Sometimes they look like they’re going to explode when the shoot is over.”

They felt a little stung.

Davis Garrett and Seo-jun rolled their eyes and met each other’s gaze, then laughed.

“I’ve never seen a director like this before. Usually they just accept what I say or completely reject it, but this is the first time I’ve seen a director who modifies the script himself and comes to me for discussion and modification.”

“It’s a bit depressing when the director understands the character better than me.”

Everyone laughed at Seo-jun’s words.

“But usually it’s the actor’s job to follow the script as it is. This is my first time doing this kind of shoot. I’m glad I didn’t have many changes in my lines.”

“That’s right. I can’t do this.”

Vanessa Olsen raised both hands at Milan Chellen’s words.

Andrew, who was eating lunch and listening to the adults’ conversation, also thought for a moment and raised both hands brightly.

“Me too!”

The cuteness of the young actor made everyone laugh again.

“I have a goal now.”

“A goal?”

The actors tilted their heads at Jeffrey’s words after finishing their meal.

“To make a work that is so perfect that Davis and Jun can’t change a single letter.”

Jeffrey’s eyes sparkled as he said that.


The actors looked surprised and looked back and forth between Jeffrey, Davis Garrett, and Seo-jun.

Davis Garrett’s eyes widened at the challenge thrown in front of him.

“That won’t be easy, director.”

“I know.”

To meet again as a director and an actor, Jeffrey’s synopsis had to be chosen by the production company, and then it had to appeal to the actors.

And it was hard to make a ‘perfect work’ on the first try, so they had to try several times.

No one knew how long that would take.

Jeffrey smiled brightly and continued.

“But you two are going to act for life, right? And I’m going to make movies for life too. We have plenty of time.”

At that, Davis Garrett looked stunned for a moment, then laughed cheerfully.

“Yes. That’s right. Then I’ll look forward to it.”

As Davis Garrett and Jeffrey smiled at each other, Seo-jun looked awkwardly around with his eyes rolling.

‘Um. I usually act according to the script…’

This [Survivors] was an exceptional case.

‘It was fun to improvise, but there won’t be many co-stars who will accept me like Davis in other works.’

Seo-jun didn’t plan to do ad-libs like he did in ‘Survivors’ even if he did them.

‘Well. But still…’

“I’ll look forward to it too, Director.”

He was curious about what kind of work Jeffrey would make with his determination to make a perfect work, so he decided not to dampen Jeffrey’s enthusiasm and kept quiet.

‘Good script♪ Good script♪’

He felt like humming a tune.


The set of [Survivors] changed completely after the talk of ‘director’s cut’.

“If we don’t have time, we’ll use money…!”

Jeffrey said that and asked the planning team leader, who readily agreed.

That’s how twice as many cameras as before surrounded the set.

Half of them were for the theatrical version, and the other half were for the director’s cut. Of course, they could change during editing.

“So many cameras…”

It was a bit unfamiliar to the staff who worked in Hollywood.

“There’s no place where you can’t be filmed if you go on the set, right?”

The cameras were not only on the places where the actors stood, but also on the places that were just backgrounds. So the art team had to work harder to restore them.

“Did you hear that they’re making one more set?”

“One more?”

“Yes. It takes time to restore it when it collapses, so they’re making one more. They shoot here and while they’re restoring it, they shoot on the other set. They said they’re making it exactly the same and hired more art staff.”

“…But they need machines for that too.”

“That’s right. They said they already got all the machines.”


It was a speed that made them marvel.


“Ready, action!”

A silence that seemed to last forever settled in the basement.


They didn’t even know if this was underground or above ground.

Sometimes they walked on flat ground, sometimes they crawled up a hill.

And sometimes they carefully went down.

Just north.

The survivors were slowly moving north, following the needle of the compass.

Raymond Wish, who found and made the way, was at the front, followed by Cynthia Lindberg, Jackson Miller and Ian Weaver, and Lee Hyun-woo.

“…You have a family outside, don’t you?”

Jackson Miller said that and looked back at the boy who had gone to the most dangerous spot at the back.

Lee Hyun-woo, who had said he wouldn’t move unless he was at the end, looked a little more lively than his pale face.

He seemed to be getting better, but he was worried.

Ian Weaver, who was holding Jackson Miller’s hand tightly, also kept looking back.

He wanted to walk with Lee Hyun-woo, but he held Jackson Miller’s hand obediently.

The two of them followed the survivors, not knowing or caring about their gazes.

That’s when it happened.

There was a big shake.

There was no sound of an explosion, but it seemed like the shock had reached here.

The walls around them, which were unstable, shook as if they were going to collapse.


The back of Lee Hyun-woo didn’t look good.


At Raymond Wish’s voice, Cynthia Lindberg and Jackson Miller headed straight ahead.

Ian Weaver, who happened to be looking back, tripped over something and fell. Jackson Miller, who was holding his hand, also lost his balance for a moment.

The hands that they were holding onto each other fell apart.


At the same time, a pillar collapsed between Jackson Miller and Ian Weaver.

They would have been crushed if they had been a little late.


Boom! Thud!

A wall appeared in front of Ian Weaver, who had fallen face down because of the falling rocks.

Ian Weaver lifted his head in surprise and looked at the wall that was piling up.


There were two hands that hugged him in surprise.

Ian Weaver turned his head.

He saw Lee Hyun-woo, who was biting his lips to avoid panicking from the shaking.

Lee Hyun-woo bit his lips so hard that blood came out, trying not to lose consciousness.

It hurt. It hurt so much that tears came out.

But Lee Hyun-woo remembered the warmth that was next to him.

He remembered the voice of the boy who talked to him when he was only pushing himself away.


The passage that was already blocked up to Lee Hyun-woo’s chest.

Three anxious adults appeared on the other side of the wall.


Lee Hyun-woo’s eyes met with Jackson Miller, who quickly reached out his hand.

Ian Weaver was pulled over the pillar by Jackson Miller’s hand.

Ian Weaver looked back and saw relief on Lee Hyun-woo’s face.

As Ian Weaver crossed the wall,


The surroundings collapsed.

The wall that blocked Lee Hyun-woo and the survivors was already up to Lee Hyun-woo’s chin.


The sound from behind was ominous.

The pain that he felt on his lips also faded in the chaos that eroded Lee Hyun-woo’s mind.

His breathing became faster.

The sound and vibration that thumped made Lee Hyun-woo go crazy.

His whole body trembled and he couldn’t keep his balance.

He leaned on the blocked wall and supported his body.

He saw his own hand, which was dirty with dirt and had broken nails, in his blurred vision.

Across the cold wall.

Just like his mom and dad disappeared, he too.

The black darkness slowly grabbed Lee Hyun-woo’s feet and crawled up his legs slowly along his ankles.

A deep fear swallowed Lee Hyun-woo,

“What are you doing?!”

A loud voice rang out and something suddenly entered his sight.

A dirty hand stretched out among the falling dust caught Lee Hyun-woo’s eyes.

Lee Hyun-woo’s head followed the hand up.

There was a narrow space above, unlike the front that was blocked by the collapsing ceiling.

He didn’t see it because his vision was narrowed by panic.

But it didn’t seem like it would last long either.

“Come out this way!”

The owner of the hand was neither Jackson Miller nor Cynthia Lindberg.

It was Raymond Wish with a twisted face.

Lee Hyun-woo reached out his hand unknowingly and grabbed Raymond Wish’s hand.


It was the hand that he wanted to touch his mom and dad with.


“He saved him.”


Davis Garrett laughed at Jeffrey’s words.

“He came out.”


Seo-jun also laughed off with ease now.

They had seen this scene a lot while shooting [Survivors].

If it had been as it was originally, Lee Hyun-woo would have been isolated alone.

‘I guess it won’t be that easy.’

Jeffrey crossed his arms and thought about the next scene.

The improvisation of the two actors was so familiar that they didn’t even need to touch their foreheads anymore.

“! I have a good idea. Let’s shoot a close-up shot right away and shoot the director’s cut too!”

At Jeffrey’s words, the actors and staff started to move.

While the actors were getting their makeup done again, the staff prepared the second set that was ready in the studio.

“Oh. Director. His leg touched the pillar at the end.”

Seo-jun said among the staff who were dusting off the dirt.

He was dragged by Raymond Wish’s hand like a caught fish when he crossed over the wall when a pillar collapsed and touched Lee Hyun-woo’s leg.

The set that could touch the actors’ bodies was made of soft materials, not just for appearance.

Even if they had failed to escape in time, they would have only felt a slight pressure.

Jeffrey nodded at Seo-jun’s words.

“Then Lee Hyun-woo is injured in his leg… Is it the right one? The left one?”

“The left one.”

“Left. Check.”

Jeffrey and the actors checked the situation and prepared for the next shoot.


Time passed, and at the end of February.

[Hollywood actor Lee Seo-jun returns home!]

[Movie ‘Survivors’ shooting ends!]

[When will Bearound’s ‘Survivors’ be released?]

Seo-jun, who had finished shooting [Survivors], returned to Korea.

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