Summoned Again?

Chapter 212: Parallel Processing

Chapter 212: Parallel Processing

Grenada sat at her terminal and stared at the same data packet that Damon was staring at. It was a simple matter to remotely copy his terminal's access codes and to mirror what he saw. As the person that was above such things, her own nanobots were not subject to the general update, which meant that she hadn't shared in the knowledge that most of the population had received.

Her partner Darsha on the other hand was a supervisor and had foolishly taken Carol's advice. She had accessed the full recording of Sandra's and her custodian's experiences from the night before and Carol's recent experience. Now she was writhing on the bed in the bedroom after downloading the data and looping it. The bed was soaked with her juices and her loud moans were not as pleasing to hear as they normally would be.

Damn you, Demon! Grenada thought as her fists clenched.

She had known something was going wrong with the mission when the heroes were brought over and she discovered what happened. It was inconsequential to her, because the people the experiment had inadvertently killed weren't really real or mattered in the grand scheme of things. As long as she gained her heroes and they dealt with her world altering problem, that was all she needed.

With deft fingers, she opened the general update for the next day and debated changing things to fix the corruption that the variable 'Demon Custodian' had introduced to her her people. Just deleting it wouldn't work, because the Network was constantly pinging the variable to try and quantify the veritable hole it had where it knew a person filled with nanobots should be.

That gave her an avenue to pursue and Grenada cleared her screen and began to work. She dug, and searched, and directly accessed several of the monitoring devices and emitters in the transport facility, only to reach a dead end. According to the digital records, there were only four people in that area, despite the visual evidence that there were five.

Is that why the Network assigned him that variable name? Grenada asked herself and sat back to stare at the screen after she used a few keystrokes and returned her display to the one that mirrored Damon's. She was slightly impressed as the man pretty much copied her own digital tracks to search for himself and he reached the same dead end. It took him far longer to do so, however.

Just like Damon, Grenada wondered how she was going to access his nanobots and their programming without a viable way to get a signal to them.


I returned to the terminal after enjoying an interesting lunch with Connie. By lunch, I mean she rode me like a bucking bronco for an hour to thank me for giving both Carol and herself a mind-blowing orgasm. Their experiences had already been uploaded to the Network and I suspected it was going to cause quite the stir tomorrow morning after the general update.

The main update file was still read-only for me, despite several attempts to get at the core programming. I was very tempted to try and access the manager's or the owner's personal terminals, only to find that they were hidden on the Network. They were still there, only no one but the person physically touching them could access them. No remote connections were allowed.

I could try to break into their penthouse apartment to gain direct access, except that neither of them ever left their living area to do anything. I checked their movement history and the last time had been over a year ago. What was weird was there was no record of why or where they went.

I had to ignore it for now and went back to my assigned studying tasks. Because I had already pumped up my stats to their new maximum and filled all of my skills to 99, including a few new ones I had gained here, learning how to program was a piece of cake. I had to slyly look up designs and applications for said programming, though. I didn't want to give away that I wasn't limited to only programming.

I knew I was being watched and tracked, so I used that to mislead them and give them a false sense of knowing what I was doing. It was almost like a game as I played around and I intentionally didn't go as fast as I could. There was no point in showing off, even if my currently slowed learning speed still impressed Sandra.

I finished out the day's schedule for work and stood, stretched to ease the stiffness that I was pretending to have after sitting for so long, and I easily saw the adoring looks from Sandra, Carol, and Connie. I wasn't going to leave before thanking them, so I went to Carol first and bent over her terminal to give her a loving kiss. Her boldly grabbing my butt to hold on as I did so, made Sandra and Connie laugh.

I chuckled when I broke the kiss and Carol grinned at me as she let me go. I walked over to Connie and she didn't bother pretending to not take advantage of the situation and rubbed my crotch as I gave her a kiss, too. It was Carol's and Sandra's turn to laugh this time and Connie giggled into my mouth and broke the kiss.

You're going to do that every time I kiss you, aren't you? I asked her.

I'm a horny college student, Damon. You don't realize how much fun that thing is to ride if you have to ask. Connie said with a laugh. Of course I'm going to.

I rolled my eyes at her and then nodded to Clark. I haven't tracked down why Carol and Connie shared through contact yet, so a nod's all you're going to get.

I haven't reserved a patio for us to hang out yet, so there's no rush. Clark said.

I'll talk with Sandra and I'll try to reserve an appointment with a supervisor to get higher official access as soon as possible. I explained and he chuckled, because he knew I just admitted that I had unofficial access already and I didn't want to cause problems by revealing it.

We're scheduled for practical duty tomorrow, so I suppose you have the day off. Carol said.

I shook my head. My training is always a mix of both, so I'll figure something out. Maybe I'll order up a few tech pieces to pull them apart to figure out how the programming affects things.

That's actually a good idea. Sandra said and stood up from her terminal to do the same stretching that I did. She let out a cute sigh at it actually working and she nodded at the other three heroes before she took my hand to lead me out of the transport facility. I can put in a request for a few small things after we go home.

I nodded and we went to the elevator to return to one of the many apartment floors in the building. It was easier to ignore the looks I was receiving when I knew the looks were going to severely change in the morning. I was already mentally prepared to accept the change and the current looks would be downright tame to what I expected to see tomorrow.

We were barely inside her apartment when Sandra pretty much assaulted me and begged to give her the same treatment as the heroes. I had suspected she had been holding herself back all day and the anticipation had driven her to new heights of passion. Like the old trope, it was always the quiet ones that were the wildest in bed and Sandra didn't disappoint me as she ordered me to ravage her.


I stood by the kitchen counter and asked for breakfast. When the custodian came in, her set smile grew and her eyes almost danced when she saw me standing there naked. She somehow knew what I was going to do and she coordinated with me as we made breakfast together. We set it on the kitchen table and then she led me to the bedroom and into the shower room.


Sandra woke up after the general update had already been sent out and she had a huge smile on her face at the new data. When she had ordered her Damon to treat her like she wanted, she hadn't really expected for him to do so, even if it had felt absolutely wonderful. After the update, she knew he had successfully completed her order and did to her what he had done to both Carol and Connie.

She climbed out of bed and felt she needed to clean up, asked for a shower, and the wall opened up. She walked over and wasn't surprised to see her custodian pressed against the wall or hearing her moans.

I should have assumed this was going to happen. Sandra said and stepped in to let the wall close behind her.

We already made breakfast. Damon said and drove into the custodian one more time and his hips shook as he finished inside of her.

Why am I not surprised that you already discovered the anti-pregnancy protocols? Sandra asked as Damon pulled out of the custodian and gently set her against the wall to recover.

Wait, there are anti-pregnancy protocols? Damon asked, clearly surprised.

Sandra blinked her eyes for a moment and then she laughed. She laughed pretty hard, because he had been putting copious deposits into several women for two days and he hadn't taken any precautions about it at all. Damon chuckled and then he was scrubbing her all over like a good custodian and she moaned and writhed under his expert hands.

He didn't try taking her until she was clean and then Sandra was pressed against the wall and rammed into like an animal. She loved being treated like that, the ultimate pacifist, and she let him do her as much and as hard as he wanted. Their breakfast was left to cool on the kitchen table for the entire morning.


I sat at the small workbench with a product scanner and I thought about what my life had become. I knew my sex addiction was a severe problem when I met someone I clicked with and I accepted that I would be sleeping with at least one new person in each world I went to.

This world had turned out to be completely different. I had only been here for a few days and I had already slept with four women, which was a new record for me. I kept asking myself why I wasn't fighting against being used like that, because I was definitely being used. Their thoughts easily gave that away. I was a convenient stress reliever and they didn't feel guilty about it at all.

The only one that didn't quite have the choice was the custodian, except for that first time when she accepted my erection as an order for her to spread her legs. After that first time, she was downright eager, despite her smile only changing slightly. I would have to check her programming as well, even if it was read-only.

I wanted to track down how my interactions with her had changed her and if I could somehow use that to my advantage. Case in point, I used the portable terminal to look over the product scanner's programming and it was both detailed and simple. The functions were simple while the decoding and logging software was as detailed as possible. It even had the size, weight, and displacement volume.

Once I had it all mapped out and certain sections highlighted and copied into a save file, I picked up the small toolkit and looked at each tool as I searched for their functions. With that knowledge in my head, I carefully took apart the outer casing on the product scanner. There were some very delicate parts inside, especially the laser emitter, and I did not want to damage anything. It was a surprisingly expensive piece of technology, despite it's small handheld size, and I logged each part and how it was all connected on both the circuit boards and the wiring.

The computer chips would be much harder to track down and discover their processes and how they worked with the programming. It was going to be worth the effort, because as I took the thing apart, several ideas of how to rework it had floated into my head. I made notes about everything and spent the rest of the day running parts of the programming to see how it affected different components that were still connected. I had spent almost nine hours completing what should have been a simple task.

When I finally reassembled the device, the custodian came into the room and accepted it. She surprised Sandra by giving me a kiss on the cheek and she left to return it to where it came from. I was sure they wouldn't use it until it was taken apart by an expert and checked over again, just to see if I screwed up with it. I hadn't, thanks to maxing out the Technology Disassembly skill I had gained.

The funny thing was that I didn't gain a matching Technology Assembly skill. Maybe it was streamlined into the other one? As long as I knew how to take something apart, perhaps that was all I needed to put it back together? In any case, it worked and Sandra looked pleased at both my efforts and my copious amount of notes.

I wasn't surprised when Sandra mentioned that I could have submitted a request to a supervisor to release the secured records from the different departments and I could have gotten the full reports and schematics for the device. She saw and read all of my notes and I didn't mention that if only read the reports and things, I wouldn't have had any inspiration about how to change things.

Because handling the parts was what had sparked the ideas, I hadn't recorded what those ideas were. I wanted it to be a surprise when I started ordering specific parts and they would assume I was assembling another product scanner. I wasn't, because I had designed something completely different using the parts and the gun I had confiscated the day I had arrived.

I would need a better power converter and battery, though. A quick inquiry gained me both, as did a few more charging capacitors, and it netted me a larger emitter that was used for cargo containers. It was going to be a huge surprise when I assembled the parts into a similar and yet different configuration to both the gun and product scanner.

It was going to be a huge shock to them, that was for sure. The best part about it was that only I would know how to make them. I needed to somehow make a clean room without Network access to keep the design and the technological advancement to myself.

The birth of handheld laser weaponry was going to be my secret for as long as possible.

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