Stuck in The Tower

Chapter 847

I narrowed my eyes while watching the live broadcast of

episode 26 of the side story .

Although it was split into multiple screens, there was no problem viewing the content.

“I guess this wasn’t the only place prepared.”

Terrorism was occurring all over the world.

Meanwhile, key cities were not hit.

I guess that’s a burden for them too.

They first attacked remote or abandoned places like Santorini where we are.

Nominally, there is no problem.

Because people don’t care what happens outside of human territory.


‘We attacked a place where hunters from other countries were located.’

Hunters like us who came to the monster’s territory were caught up in the terror.

I guess they are trying to compensate for the damage and leave behind elements that can be avoided.

It goes without saying that hunters are the power of a nation. There is no country that tolerates messing with them.

“What are you seeing? Is there anything fun?”

Lick-jjak approaches as if the cleanup is complete.

Followed by Hair Loss Man and Nyangfundo.

Although the criminals are strong, they are no match for us.

“look. “It was moving with the intention of being ouroboros or something.”

“These guys are crazy.”

“I guess all the half-baked people have come here too.”

Everyone has a bad expression.

It is true that working as a hunter involves risk.

That danger would be a problem if it were someone other than a monster.

They are carrying out a show of force.

To acknowledge our existence.

‘What specifically do you want?’

The goal may be to establish their own country, or the goal may be to escape their criminal status and return to society.

People who can no longer live together in a normal way.

He’s making his point like a half-threat.

‘It’s similar to North Korea.’

It is no different from holding a nuclear weapon and raising your voice.

It was a funny thing, but I can’t just ignore it.

After looking at the news, Nyangpun found that the damage had already been considerable.

There are places like ours that have prevented terrorism, but there are also people who barely escaped with their lives, and quite a few people have died.

It is unclear whether damage was suffered at the national level, but it was enough to raise awareness.

Their goal is not to start an all-out war, but to show off their power.

The purpose was fully achieved.

“It seems like everything is finished, so let’s move on to the students first.”

While I was thinking about various things, Bosongsong came to control the students.

That is correct.

Field study cannot continue in this situation.

A surprise attack won’t happen again right away, but it doesn’t hurt to be cautious.

“I need to take care of some fluffy students. I think it would be a good idea to hand over the captured bastards to the fairy club and join them.”

There are also students who have rendered many of them incapable of combat.

In other words, it means that there are many people who can extract information.

You might get in trouble if you take it to Korea, so it would be better to leave it to the fairy club.


‘I need to check something.’

There is something I felt while fighting those guys.

I needed to check whether it was just a coincidence or not.

No matter how much you think about it.

“These guys are stronger than expected.”

It’s stronger than you thought.

No matter how much they raised their skill level, there would have been limitations.

The level of skills used is also high.

When you reach the 90th floor, an event occurs that allows you to increase your skill level.

Of course, international criminals cannot reach the 90th floor.

It is said that the number of floors climbed is not a measure of a hunter’s strength for no reason.

Did I acquire SSS-level skills by chance?

‘It’s not impossible to get.’

Whether it is luck, skill, or chance, there is a way to achieve it.

Maybe I acquired the skill in another way that I don’t know about.

The skills or abilities contained in SSS-level items were extracted and transplanted.

There are all kinds of abilities in the world, so even so, I have nothing to say.

‘If that’s the case for the entire Ouroboros organization, then it’s a problem.’

It’s natural that their danger is extremely high.

I didn’t know that there might be someone who would be attracted by that and try to join their organization.

no. It will definitely happen.

Because there are too many hunters who want power.

As he has revealed his existence to the world, Ouroboros will also begin actively recruiting.

Because it’s better to have more people speaking out.

They may secretly contact important figures in each country.

Simply put.

“I need to find out more about them. “You have to catch something like this in the pasture.”

We finish it off before Ouroboros is clearly established.

The beginning.



They will be captured hostages.

After hitting the guy on the head as he tried to come to his senses and knocking him out, he tied them up with rope.

“They might attack again, so I’m taking the students with me. “Nyanfun, make sure to stop that guy from doing anything stupid.”

“haha! Don’t worry. “I will stand next to you and stop you.”

The hair loss man spoke with confidence in response to Lick Jjakkie’s words.

“You follow me! “Because the right answer is to separate you two.”


Sigh. The bald man was caught by the licker who pulled his ear.

It’s a good choice.

There’s no need to rush around since we’re just moving the criminals anyway.

Just me and Nyangfun are enough.

“Ugh. “I’m so glad you handed me the bomb.”

“no. “You can’t believe a person is a bomb.”

It was absurd to see Nyangfun making a groaning sound.

[The concept explodes and he tilts his head.]

He then closed his mouth.

* * *


A country that was home to the Fairy Club and is now the most powerful country in Europe.

Is it because there is a connection at the tower? Is this a benefit of top tier status?

There was no problem entering France without a visa.

It was rather comfortable.

When I explained the situation, they provided transportation.

Thanks to this, I was able to come in without being noticed.

“long time no see.”

“It’s been several months. So these are the guys?”

“uh. “For now, I’ve tied them up, but they might escape, so watch carefully.”

“I guess I could just stick it in the lava.”

The magma fairy nodded and sprayed lava at the captured creatures.


“Khaaaa! “This is crazy!”

“We have human rights too!”

“You guys aren’t there?”

Since everyone has fire resistance, they won’t die.

There is nothing I can do if I die.

If you die from something like this, it’s the end anyway. Because you won’t know anything.

When the lava hardens, it becomes a natural prison. I can’t even move a finger.

“What about the Jiri Fairy and the Muscle Fairy? “I don’t think I can even see the Awl Fairy.”

“The Muscle and Awl Fairies have been dispatched, and Sister Jiri is also supporting remotely.”

Europe also suffered terrorist attacks.

Although he made a good save, there was no damage.

The magma fairy is probably staying behind in case France gets hit directly.

“Whew. I put out the fire in a hurry. ah! “You’re here.”

Good timing too.

The Chiriri Fairy, who must have been concentrating and wiping the sweat from her forehead, entered the room.

“I heard the story. “I also checked the action cam.”

I sent the video taken with the action cam I was wearing before coming here to Hunter Watch.

Originally, it was installed to see how students would handle their first real battle and how they would react to international criminals, but this is how it ended up being used.

“To sum it up, the risk level of international criminals known to the public needs to be raised at least several levels.”

We also saw the terrorist scene being broadcast in real time, but it wasn’t as bad as the Jiri Fairy.

Because it provided long-distance support through concept weapons and abilities and moved with numerous observers.

It was also said that the fairy saw all the major terrorist attacks that occurred in Europe.

“The skill level was high. “It’s too much to say I got it by luck.”

Because all three international criminals had SSS level skills.

To the extent that one has power, one can make accurate judgments.

The Chiri Fairy agrees.

The grade of the hunters who dealt with them was as low as C.

At the highest level, it was up to S level.

‘Three A-level people and one S-level person got hit.’

No matter how many people were involved in the surprise attack, the damage was incredible.

“The response analysis team also said the same thing. They say they are using an estimated level SSS level skill. “When I saw that the level was quite high.”

“I guess we were already preparing for it a long time ago.”

They prepared for a long time.

It didn’t appear by accident; it appeared intentionally.

Raising the level itself wouldn’t have been difficult.

Since they come from the monster area, the monsters you hunt and the gate will be overflowing.

“Let’s convene the International Hunting Federation. “I don’t think this will work if we do it alone.”

Nyangfun also reacted to the Magma Fairy’s words.

“Let’s interrogate the kids!”

“yes. “There are kids here who have information.”

The rough confirmation has been completed.

All that’s left is to ask the guys in Ouroboros directly.

I walked towards them.

“If possible, let’s go comfortably with each other. “I don’t like doing this either.”

“Oh don’t come!”

One of the reasons I came here.


That’s my specialty.

[Frozen Breaker (SS) Lv.MAX]


“You can’t stop right now!”

“Are you still human?”

Used a skill to cool the lava.

Whether it’s hot or cold, it’s good for your skin and blood vessel health.

My face was red with fever, but I opened my inventory while looking at the guys chatting their teeth.


A hammer used to make equipment.

It’s a bit big, but it doesn’t matter.

Looking at him, he seemed too arrogant for a criminal.

“From now on, we are going to play whack-a-mole. “It’s not right to say information that can be used faster than others.”

-Kang. Gang.

I lightly hit the hardened lava with a hammer.

hmm. The strength is reasonable.

As long as you don’t hit it too hard, it won’t break.

“If you don’t want to be hit, duck to avoid it. “I will allow that.”

“I can’t even move my body, how can I–!”


Before he could finish speaking, he swung the hammer.

I guess it’s because I’m a stone-faced person with no sense.

I don’t think he died.

what. If you knock on the head of a stone, it will be fixed.

“Okay, next person.”

I raised the hammer again.

“If you keep your mouth shut, they’ll just hit you.”


The moment you hit the hammer at the nearest guy.

“The European branch is in Hungary!”


The guy raised his voice and naturally turned to take a picture of the guy next to him.

I keep saying this, but the one who speaks first is not right.

“good. Finally, a child who understands what to say has come out. “Speak up when everyone else is talking.”


The eyes of those who were watching the bloody hammer being raised were shaken.

“Otherwise, I won’t be able to talk even if I want to.”

* * *

International criminal organization Ouroboros.

Although it has just emerged, the organization itself was formed six years ago.

Although they are said to be made up of international criminals, not all of them are like that.

Named criminal, PP cult, worshiper of the power of a fallen nation.


“Is it okay for you not to show yourself, Old Mother?”

“There is no need for me to show myself.”

Even the person who led a large guild in the past.

It was almost like people who were active in different forces and areas came together.

There are a total of five key figures in Ouroboros, made up of representatives of each force.

Gu Hwang-mo was also one of them.

I had been exposed to a lot of information since leading a large guild, so I prepared in advance.

He said that one day, if the Peujing Alliance emerges, he will be done.

I wanted to prepare as much as possible by then.

“but. It’s enough to be interested in coming to the front. “What’s important is what we do here.”

It was finally accomplished.

Muhammad, the head of the Big Three, a mercenary organization formed by survivors of fallen countries, nods.

What’s really important isn’t what happens outside.

“I gathered what I could. Now I have to tear it off.”

“Will countries agree to negotiations?”

“If they don’t do it, you have to make them do it. There isn’t much time left. In fact, it’s already too late.”

The representatives of Ouroboros look at the Nine Emperor Mother.

The reason they were able to come together in one place.

How I gained strength enough to show my face to the world again.

“Uhm. Well, it’s not bad, but it’s not very good either. “It’s difficult if you keep delaying payments like this.”

The dimension merchant who was looking at the treasures they brought back from all over the world crossed his legs.

“Again, the reason I specifically gave you something in deferred payment is because I have goodwill in this world. “It’s not that I have any interest in them.”

It was a comment that openly belittled them, but no one said anything.

“Anyway, let’s go. “Because I’m busy too.”

Karka waved his hand roughly to congratulate the guests and rested his chin.

“This is it. “I also have a relationship with Mr. Evileye, so I’ll open a dimensional store at least once. He’s so heartless.”

Karka recalled.

The sight of an infinitely feeble being climbing to the top of the tower and returning to its own world.

I couldn’t forget that beautiful scene from my mind.

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