Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 30: Screaming Like A Girl

Chapter 30: Screaming Like A Girl

In another corner of the city..

Inside one of the tallest buildings in Manchester, are a group of over twenty men dressed in combat uniforms hiding in one of the rooms inside and the most noticeable thing is that they are not using their standard military weapons, instead they are equipped with Short Magazine Lee-Enfield Mk III Rifle or in short SMLE from WWII.

"Captain, what do you think? Should we go over and take a look? It might soldiers from another regiment." a young man wearing the insignia of a lieutenant who's around mid twenties asked.

"I doubt that, we already know that modern firearms are not working even though there's nothing wrong with them and we're already lucky enough to even have these WWII firearms still working in good condition" the captain around thirty years old shook his head while looking at the Sterling submachine gun on his hand and he added "and I'm pretty sure that sound is coming from a machine gun probably mounted on a tank or something and we are the only base around here with a couple of tanks so I'm not really sure if my guess is correct, they are probably not even soldiers of the British Army and our freaking tanks here are just tigers without any teeth...just decorations" the captain said in frustration.

"So, what are you orders Captain?" the lieutenant asked with some expectation.

"Of course, we go over there! We need to see who they are and see what the heck of a firearm they are using! Men, move out!" the captain commanded and his men hurriedly got and slowly walked out of the door of the building carefully.

One of the men slowly peeked his head out of the door of and look left and right and look back at the people inside and said "All clear" then he exited the door and positioned himself outside to keep a look out while the rest slowly left the room.

"Use your melee weapons and refrain using your rifles unless necessary" the captain commanded.

"Yes sir!" the soldiers softly said.

"Go, go, go!"

Outside the building

The streets are practically empty, littered with only trash and cars abandoned and one of buildings, over twenty soldiers cautiously walked out and one of them said "All clear!"

"Drivers, operate the three tanks and we'll use it towards our destination" the Captain commanded and three people immediately ran towards a tank of their own choice and the rest followed behind and just stopped beside the tanks and cautiously looked around their surroundings. Once the drives got inside, they immediately started it up.

Surprisingly the tanks are actually the FV107 Scimitar.

"Let's go! Tell the drivers to follow this tank I'm riding on" the captain said on a hand held walkie talkie they found earlier during their escape earlier today.

"Let's go, on me!" he barked as he tapped the tank driver on his shoulders and the tanks rumbled as they headed towards Leo's direction while the rest of soldiers are standing just on top of the tanks.

"Good thing our tanks can still run even though they are practically useless now except being considered as an armored vehicle but still thanks to this tanks that we survived until tonight" the captain thought as he sat outside on top of the tank.

While the soldiers are heading towards Leo.

The slightly shook as the M808B Scorpion slowly grew in size as it slowly nears them..

In front them appeared a tank that they probably have never seen before in the world.

"It's a scorpion, a scorpion tank.." the kid Jacob kept mumbling softly under his breath as he looked at the tank with shining eyes.

"Alright, you lot just make sure to follow behind" Leo said to to them as he tapped on car's window before he went back to the tank and operated the machine gun.

"Alex, continue!"

"Aye sir!"

The tank made a circle as it headed back towards the direction where it came from earlier as the Hummer carefully behind it.

"Hey System, I noticed earlier that I was still receiving kill notification earlier even though I wasn't doing anything and just talking to the group earlier. Don't tell me you're suffering from a laggy CPU?" Leo said with the last sentence said in a joking tone.

"It's because you're summon, Cyborg Guard I was still eliminating hostiles even though you didn't participate on it"

"He's called Alex now. So you're saying that the Exp's and Coins that Alex killed from the Zombies would still be received by me? Then doesn't mean that I can just lazily stay back at the Stronghold while my Summons hunts Zombies or Mutated Beast for me? Damn! That is sick!" Leo exclaimed as he pressed the trigger of the machine gun turret, decimating the Zombie lines.

"You need to be within a three hundred meters distance between you and them for it to work and beyond that would be just normal kills for them and you, Host would not receiving anything"

What the System said, was just like pouring a cold water on Leo as his dream of just living at the Stronghold in peace and doing ecchi things with his wives just shattered like a glass.

"Ahh, you could have at least let me daydream more longer!" Leo yelled at the system in his mind.

"Sir! Nine o'clock! A group of tanks are heading towards us!" Alex yelled from inside the tank.

Leo was distracted with his thoughts earlier that he forgot to keep an eye on any changes on his minimap that he didn't immediately discover this new group, probably the Army heading their way.

"Stop but keep shooting" Leo ordered and got off the tank and walked towards the Hummer where Dylan and his group are.

Dylan seeing that the tank suddenly stopped and seeing Leo jumping off from it and coming towards them, opened the car door and got out from the car.

"Dylan, right?" Leo looked at him and said.

"Yes" Dylan nodded.

"Hmm...follow me" Leo said as he walked back towards the tank.

Dylan was startled for a second and hastily said "Mark, you can drive the car. It seems Sir Leo needs me for something"

"Alright, be careful" Mark nodded as he immediately got out of the car and went to the driver's seat.

Leo waited for a bit and when Dylan just arrived, he immediately said "Mount that turret" Leo said to him as he pointed at the machine gun turret.

"Eh? Pardon?" Dylan snapped of his dazed looking at the majestic looking tank.

"I said, get on the top and mount the turret" Leo said smiling from inside his helmet looking at him.

"But I do-"

"You just need to pressed the trigger and direct the muzzle towards the zombies" Leo said impatiently when he saw the tanks almost reaching them, that he picked Dylan by his clothes and put him on the turret hatch.

"Wait, wait, wait. I c-can climb by myself" Dylan panicked from suddenly getting carried.

"Now, shoot at the zombies around the tank and...stay alive" Leo made a clicking sound with his tongue and pointed his index finger at Dylan in the shape of a pistol.

After that, Leo turned back and walked towards where the three tanks stopped at and behind he can hear Dylan screaming in panic while operating the machine gun.

"Neh~, he'll get used to it" Leo shrugged his shoulders, ignoring Dylan who's screaming like a girl.

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