Soul of Negary

Chapter 377: Vol5 Ch47: Power levels

Chapter 377: Vol5 Ch47: Power levels

Evident from the current situation, Mequik had led ‘Negary’ here to have him aid the Great Bear Druid, taking this chance to communicate with the bald ‘Negary’ so that it would be easier for them to deceive the other Righteous Gods, as well as ensuring that the original Negary wouldn’t fall into the trap.

At the same time, he also had to keep an eye out for Life Bearer, observing her measures carefully so that he wouldn’t be taken over by them and die.

The Great Bear Druid was still roaring without reserve, but his voice clearly sounded a bit drained.

This forest was their side’s home field. The surrounding trees and bacteria were all helping the members of the Half Life Church by constantly replenishing their vitality mana, even the monsters created by the forest who were attacking the enemies without minding their lives would return a portion of vitality mana to the Great Bear after dying.

Without this overwhelming advantage, the Great Bear would have already fallen in bald ‘Negary’s’ hands as soon as their battle began.

The Great Bear Druid’s strength was decent, but from what he had shown so far, he was barely at the third stage of release, and there was a night and day difference in their combat methods. ‘Negary’s’ vision and wealth of knowledge was simply far above the Druid.

After all, bald ‘Negary’ was a clone of the original; and unlike Life ‘Negary’, who was restrained from inheriting the original’s abilities, bald ‘Negary’ had inherited a great amount of both power and knowledge. His strength was definitely at least the third stage of release, but he hadn’t begun to manifest his Pathway.

This was the fate for all clones in general, having inherited too much power from the original, the originally difficult task of manifesting a Pathway only became even more difficult. On the other hand, since Life ‘Negary’ hadn’t inherited any power from the original and had incorporated Mequik’s knowledge with his own, he actually had a greater chance of manifesting a Pathway.


With Negary’s current knowledge, all living beings could be divided into 6 levels depending on their power. Additionally, humans without any supernatural power could all be listed at level 0, regardless of how much they had trained their skills or body, having no supernatural power meant that they could only remain at the lowest level.

Level 1 was equivalent to those who had achieved the first stage of release, they were those who obtained minor supernatural powers through their [Origin] or the Principles of other Pathways through one way or another.

Level 2 were those who had released their [Origin] a second time, obtaining more Principles and becoming more powerful, the only difference between levels 1 and 2 was how many Principles they had carved onto their souls.

Level 3 was completely different. The third stage of release could be generalized into three stages, the first stage was to fully release one’s [Origin] and obtain the Seed of Truth within it; the second stage was to obtain even more Principles and Truth to sustain the Seed of Truth’s growth; while the third stage was the preliminary stages of manifesting one’s Pathway, having a clear initial form of a Pathway.

Level 4 consisted of those who had fully manifested their Pathway. At this point, they could essentially be considered Gods, having wielded a Pathway of their own and continuously radiating their own Pathway and Principles into their surroundings. The New Deity, Progenitor Dragon, Seven Gods, and three Elven Lord Gods were all entities at this level.

Level 5 could equate to a Sand Realm. A Sand Realm consisted of many Principles and Truths, which formed a world that could house other living beings, while also having their own unique qualities.

In essence, there weren’t many differences between level 5 and level 4, additionally, some Sand Realms whose spirits weren’t in a conscious state would be easily invaded due to their rigid operation.

Level 6 were entities that were beyond Negary’s understanding. For example, the Black Abyss and White Light who created the Flame world, whose collision created an entire world; or the unobservable entity beneath the SCR’s Inexistent World, all of whom were far beyond Negary’s understanding.

Negary himself was at the third stage of level 3 with an extreme wealth of accumulated knowledge. At the same time, having ascended himself to become a virus capable of infecting worlds who could utilize the power of any world he had infected, he could be considered a level 4 entity if only his strength was in consideration.

The tools and equipment that humans created through science had the potential to fit certain Pathways, which granted them immense power. For example, regular firearms could exert the power equivalent to a level 1 entity, while nuclear weapons could even reach level 3 in power.

However, such weapons were mostly disposable, and they could not truly become intertwined with humans, thus unable to stimulate evolution – an improvement of essence and foundation – in humans.


Due to Negary’s essence as a world virus, it wasn’t too hard for him to borrow the power of the world to create a level 3 clone who hadn’t manifested their own Pathway, the bald ‘Negary’ was one such clone that he created not too long ago.

Originally, the bald ‘Negary’ was the second son of a certain noble house in the Academic City. His father suddenly became ill, followed by his mother, then his older brother, almost like they were inflicted with a curse, each of his family members died one by one.

Under these terrifying circumstances, the original bald young man didn’t simply accept his fate, the situation had instead stimulated his potential. He would train himself to maintain his health while also examining the book collection of his manor, he even used his family connections to try and investigate the truth.

In the end, he found Negary’s name in one of his family books and touched upon his existence, after which he volunteered to become closer to Negary and become one of his clones.

What happened in the bald young man’s family was due to a contingency plan by the Great Magus, who had left a type of half-curse, half-virus creature to incubate in the bald young man’s home. It was also because of this creature that the bald young man was bald in the first place, since he was already infected, if he hadn’t received Negary’s help when he did, he would have already died.

From that unique virus creature, the bald ‘Negary’ discovered clues that led to one of the Great Magus’ labs, from which he quickly grew and found Lisa’s existence.

〖 How resilient 〗touching his glowing forehead, ‘Negary’ spoke as he observed the Great Bear Druid: 〖 Your form has already been massively overclocked, your existence itself is only being maintained through the vitality mana being supplied by your surroundings, as soon as this supply is cut off, your own life structure will collapse without fail 〗

Golden beads drifted through the air, slowly integrating themselves into their surroundings. The madly attacking creatures’ eyes only flickered briefly before they spat up a great amount of black blood and collapsed, shedding a large amount of their own fur in the process.

The issue was that these creatures’ deaths were supposed to supply the Great Bear Druid with vitality through the surrounding environment, but this environment had now been taken over by bald ‘Negary’.

「 ROAR!!! 」

The Great Bear Druid roared irrationally. Without a supply of vitality mana to support it, his current form would only be a burden to his life, this was also one of the reasons why there were so few people capable of overlapping three life structures.

Just as the Great Bear Druid fell into despair, ‘Negary’ appeared from one side, landing next to the pile of dead creatures. The Vitality Siphon formation in his left hand swiftly detached from his left palm to land on the ground and expanded to envelop the entire battlefield. With the aid of the environment, it quickly siphoned the vitality mana from its surroundings as numerous unseen beings within this zone silently died off.

The cut-off flow of vitality mana began to move again, and even stronger than before under ‘Negary’s’ manipulation.

Having been supplied with ample vitality mana, the Great Bear Druid’s three overlapping life structures finally showed their true form.

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