Soul of Negary

Chapter 323: Vol4 Ch48: The battle called Breakthrough (last)

Chapter 323: Vol4 Ch48: The battle called Breakthrough (last)

Translator: La0o9

Xu Fu’s body had been pressed into a deformed mass of flesh by Mi Ze, but his immense vitality prevented him from dying.

This is the so-called triple synchronization.

Xu Fu’s mind was clear unlike never before. After Mi Ze became the common ground for the two worlds’ fusion, he became this world’s God, and it was only then that Xu Fu discovered just how pathetically weak he was.

If I can’t defeat even the God of this world, how can I break through the limit of this world? Let alone defeat Negary who is no different from the Creator God?

Xu Fu’s thoughts quickly circulated within his soul, continuously extracting the shared information he had with the other parallel world versions of himself.

I need to overcome the control of triple synchronization upon everything in this world.

Such a thought crossed through Xu Fu’s mind. This body, his power, all of it were materials that belonged to this world. Even his soul grew and matured within this world’s environment, so it also belonged here.

That was the reason why Xu Fu was completely powerless to even resist Mi Ze who had become one with the world itself.

Despite information being shared among 300 different parallel versions of Xu Fu, a lot of that information overlapped with one another. After all, at some point in the distant past, all 300 versions used to be the same person.

This is...

As Xu Fu searched through all the information left by himself trying to find a chance of survival, he finally discovered a piece of very interesting information from a certain Xu Fu.

At the very beginning of it all, that Xu Fu made a completely different decision from the others. He didn’t choose to wear the mask and become the undead Progenitor; instead, after discovering the mask’s function, he went back to search for his dead comrade’s body, which was Mi Liang’s brother-in-law, and put the mask on him.

Having been resurrected from the dead, that individual became a different kind of undead monster—— an Other1.

He shot his comrade’s leg out of his will to survive but then gave the mask to the corpse out of guilt. After his comrade was turned into the Others Progenitor and inflicted countless calamities upon the world, Xu Fu was once again plagued by his guilt and began his journey to find the method to defeat the Others.

The Xu Fu of this parallel world could be said to have embarked on a full-fledged hero’s journey. On his way to search for the stone demon mask’s origin, he arrived in front of the Divine flame. At this place, he obtained an ancient tome hidden by the Central tribe – Flint Fire.

The very first entity to come into contact with the Divine flame and spread its wisdom to humanity was said to have ascended to Godhood, but before doing so, he had recorded the knowledge he saw through the Divine flame into what was known later on as the Flint Fire.

The reason why this ancient tome was called Flint Fire was that it was a piece of lumber that had been burnt half to coal. To obtain the knowledge within, one must use it as the flint to light oneself on fire.

This version of Xu Fu tried to use Flint Fire to find the way to defeat the Others, and he succeeded – after throwing away half of his life. Through the tome, he learnt that the Others were, in essence, a byproduct of the living statues’ world fusing with his world, they were erroneous entities.

Having understood the essence of the Others, Xu Fu created a method to light the flames of one’s vitality, using individual correctness to redeem the error of the Others, just as he had continuously tried to redeem his own mistakes.

After teaching his method to others, he became fully ignited by Flint Fire, plagued by the knowledge within it. While he obtained a long lifespan in the process, he also became no different from a torch, cursed to be burnt for as long as he lived.

The overall power level of that parallel world wasn’t particularly high. The Others merely had a bit more vitality than humans and a stronger ability to infect others than the undead of this world, so Xu Fu wasn’t too interested in them. On the contrary, Flint Fire managed to rouse the interest of a few versions of Xu Fu, but none of them managed to find it.

The Others, error.

A spark of inspiration flashed through Xu Fu’s soul. After he achieved awakening, the version of Xu Fu who was constantly redeeming his mistake found that all the other versions of himself had mostly become an ‘error’ that is the undead Progenitor. He then shared the knowledge he obtained from within Flint Fire to them, hoping that his other selves would become ‘enlightened’.

All of this knowledge displayed what was ‘error’, as well as the way for the other Xu Fu who had become intertwined within ‘error’ to fix it. But being the kinds of people they were, the versions of Xu Fu who became the undead Progenitor only took a glance at this knowledge before leaving it aside.

Even this Xu Fu was the same, but now that Xu Fu took a closer look at the concept of ‘error’ that this information pointed out, he gained a different kind of enlightenment.

The undeads themselves are errors, so as their Progenitor, I am the source of all that error.

Because of this, it is meaningless for me to pursue the correct path of triple synchronization, even if I succeed, I would only become a puppet called ‘God’ within this world.

The power of Error is the true path I should pursue!

Xu Fu’s twisted body completely collapsed, parsed into the most basic components that made up this world by Mi Ze. However, Mi Ze didn’t feel any joy from that success, he only felt a terrifying creature filled with errors quickly returning from the dead.


The figure standing on top of Revelation displayed a slight smile. After his evolution and apotheosis into a world virus, Negary hadn’t used the Dragon of Eternal Sin form a single time, but Negary still hadn’t forgotten about the power of Error.

8888 parallel worlds were in fact 8888 laboratories, each containing numerous research topics. Even Mi Ze’s World – Man – Will triple synchronization was the off-shoot of one such research.

In the past, it was him who guided Mi Ze into coming up with the idea of triple synchronization. This individual was certainly brilliant, as he managed to faintly notice Negary’s existence after that occasion. In the end, as an individual, Mi Ze did not lack the ‘talent’ of intelligence but instead lacked the ‘talents’ of willpower and courage to face desperation.

Flint Fire was another of Negary’s research topics, with the enlightened version of Xu Fu as the test subject. Unfortunately, he lacked the ability to shoulder the Error, instead only wishing to redeem it, so that experiment had veered off-course and became postponed. He didn’t expect that a seed he planted in another lab would grow into a flower in this one.

〖 This is the wonder of souls, while they come from the same [Origin], they are capable of deriving into so many different possibilities 〗Negary sighed and said to himself. Although he took advantage of this world’s characteristics to divide it into parallel worlds and divided the souls of over 13 billion lives into numerous versions, the related secrets were so numerous that Negary still hadn’t fully understood souls.

〖 The path of betterment is long and far 〗at the center of all the parallel worlds, an indescribable giant golden monster opened thousands of its eyes. Among the countless rays of light, the several dimmest ones began to collapse under Negary’s gaze.

Each ray of light was one parallel world, the billions of lives within could do nothing but stare at the world breaking apart, only to see a faint gaze looming upon them before clutching their heads in panic, fear, and hysteria.

As some parallel worlds collapsed, the majority of matter and energy that made them up quickly gathered towards the world where Xu Fu (Error) was residing in, while the remaining parts manifested as a new parallel world.

Some of the souls whose rationality did not collapse under Negary’s gaze were extracted, then were brought into this parallel world. Those who still had value deserved a chance to survive, as this was Negary’s benevolence.

The thousands of eyes slowly closed back up, but the total light of the 8888 parallel worlds remained completely the same, not at all affected by the fact that some of them had been destroyed.

〖 But I continue to seek high and low! 〗1

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