Soul of Negary

Chapter 303: Vol4 Ch28: The birth of vampires

Chapter 303: Vol4 Ch28: The birth of vampires

Translator: La0o9

If I kill everyone, there will be no one left to criticize me.

Such a stubborn and twisted thought flashed through the man’s mind.

Even the remains of a timeline became twisted by the unspeakable power, let alone the human mind, although the emotions that Negary infused into it also played a big role.

Humans were a complex species with a lot of versatility, and it was this versatility that allowed their timeline to be both the longest-lived and most socially developed.

The stone demon mask was something Negary modified from the timeline remains and the twisted factors it contained, he was now using a human to take on that power to take advantage of human versatility and observe the process of how a timeline could be created and twisted.

Sister, do not blame me. Brother would feel very lonely by himself down there, I’m merely sending you on your way to meet him.

After killing his own family members, the man silently snuck into his dead comrade’s home, grinning oddly as he stabbed the bone knife into the widow’s neck. The blood that shot out caused his grin to turn even eerier and twisted as he licked the drops of blood that splattered on his face.

After putting the stone demon mask on, he could feel that he had undergone a strange alteration. The sight of human blood and flesh brought him an unfounded ecstasy.

Piercing his hand into the wound on the woman’s neck that he created, he started to rub his fingers on the warm, flowing blood and the flesh inside it, feeling a gradually stronger loss of control.

“Big sister!”

The fearful scream snapped the man out of his trance, he looked back to see a young man around 16-17 years old wielding a spear with a tip made of bone who howled in anger. He thrust the spear into the man’s body and applied force to throw him away before hurriedly running to the woman’s side.

“Big sister, are you ok?” the young man tried covering the woman’s neck with his hand, but it was all meaningless, as his big sister had already lost her warmth

A shadowy figure abruptly moved behind him, the bone-chilling pain caused the young man to spit out blood.

“Liang, I forgot about you. Since you caused me such heavy injuries, you should naturally use your own flesh to make it up for me, don’t you think?” with a twisted smile, the man’s hand pierced into the young man Liang’s back like a knife. It felt as if there were countless sharp teeth on the man’s hand that were eating away at the young man’s flesh.

All living statues had a certain basic ability: since they were all made of rocks, they were capable of taking the bodies of their compatriots into their bodies to grow.

And it was this ability that was transferred by the stone demon mask, the man was capable of consuming the flesh and blood of his fellow humans to grow.

The man’s hand almost seemed to have fused with Liang’s innards, easily assimilating his flesh.

Liang’s back slowly shrivelled up, but the commotion had also drawn the attention of the others from the tribe. Believing that a wild animal had infiltrated their village, they all came rushing with weapons ready.

“Fu, what are you doing?” the tribal chief charged forward with his weapon, swiftly and decisively sliced off the man’s hand, then caught Liang and threw him to a subordinate behind him; angrily questioning the man called Fu as they slowly surrounded him.

“How careless, for me to be ambushed twice in a single day. But since all of you are here, that saves me the trouble of coming for you” he raised the stump of his severed hand in the air, grinning at the tribal chief: “Only the strongest person in the tribe gets to be chief and represent all of us, then today, the Xu tribe will be inherited by me!”

Fu then charged straight at the tribal chief, ignoring the sharp weapons that sliced through his body and his spilling blood. Fu how held power unrivalled by normal human beings, even having a weapon through his stomach didn’t affect him in the slightest, which he took advantage of to leap onto the tribal chief. Tightly restraining him, Fu’s entire body seemed to have turned into a giant mouth that devoured the chief alive.

“I am the strongest, the name of the Xu tribe should be inherited by me alone!” Xu Fu stood back up with his severed hand once again grown back after gaining flesh.

The ability of the living statues was perfectly reflected on a body of flesh and blood after being twisted.

Liang had completely lost the sensations on his back, his life hung by a thread that could snap at any moment. The severed hand had now completely fused into his body, the malicious and twisted willpower contained within it eroded away at his soul. As he heard the loud and unrestrained laughter, a strong will appeared in Liang’s heart to resist that twisted willpower.

As if by a miracle, Liang regained a bit of his senses and saw the center of the battlefield. Xu Fu was now at an absolute advantage, thanks to his unusually powerful vitality and the fact that he was an experienced hunter, none of the tribe’s other hunters was a match for him.

I can’t stay here; I have to run.

Liang clearly recognized this fact. Xu Fu wouldn’t let anyone in the tribe go, he had already felt the other party’s twisted nature during his mental battle earlier, in fact, thanks to the severed hand in his body, he was even able to see through a few of his memories.

The stone demon mask.

Such a thought crossed Liang’s mind, noticing that Xu Fu didn’t seem to be carrying it with him.

At the same time, Xu Fu also noticed another consciousness in his mind, quickly recognizing who the other party was and their intentions.

You’re after my treasure?

Xu Fu opened his eyes wide. After consuming a large volume of flesh and blood, he could clearly sense his essence achieving evolution, his mind had gotten unusually clear, soon realizing why he managed to sense Liang’s thoughts.

Even after my blood and flesh had gotten detached, it’s still capable of holding a connection with my body.

Perhaps this can be used as an ability.

With that in mind, Xu Fu grabbed one of his opponents, easily piercing his finger into their bodies, through which his flesh was swiftly implanted inside them.

Through his flesh, his twisted and insane willpower invaded the person’s psyche, twisting their mind.

“Become my most loyal servant” Xu Fu soon got accustomed to this detachment of flesh, which he used to actively twist the other party’s will and made them loyal to him.

It’s regretful that I didn’t take an active part in Liang’s conversion, my flesh and blood inside his body has lost my influence.

“Go and kill Liang, my servant” Xu Fu ordered his newly-created subordinate, then waved his hand to stop the others’ attacks.

I’ve already consumed quite a bit of Liang’s flesh; it is only thanks to fusing with my hand that he managed to stay alive.

But he should still currently be in a weakened state, one converted person should be more than enough to kill him, I should be dealing with these impertinent tribesmen instead.

Liang shouted for the women and children in the vicinity to run away while he stumbled his way towards Xu Fu’s house. He understood that this was the only way for him to draw the other party’s attention and buy his fellow tribesmen a chance to flee.

It was currently the middle of the night, still a long time away from dawn; and during this era, the twisted abnormal lifeforms were everywhere in the wilderness. Leaving the house in the middle of the night was highly dangerous, so they might not be able to flee very far.

Even if his tribesmen could avoid the abnormal creatures of the night, they still needed some time before they could flee far away enough, and Liang had determined himself to buy them this bit of time.

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