Soul of Negary

Chapter 284: Vol4 Ch9: Essence of Distortion

Chapter 284: Vol4 Ch9: Essence of Distortion

Translator: La0o9

In an unknown aspect of the world, the Devil Goat was angrily glaring at Negary, trying to ram its horns into anything and everything in its surroundings.

The dome was a spatial phenomenon that Negary had created using his comprehension of the aspects of reality. Although it seems like a glass dome from the perspective of a normal person, it was essentially a barrier that stretched across the spatial aspect of reality

When other things were absorbed into the dome, they would appear as pictures that were stuck on the surface, but they had in fact been taken to the spatial aspect.

〖 Its essence is very powerful, almost as if it represents some sort of world 〗

Negary concluded after conducting an immersive observation of the goat. However, even though it was powerful, the only thing special about it was this unique characteristic itself. Once its unique characteristic had been stripped away, it would be nothing more than the most mundane living creature.

For that reason, the anomalies were both powerful and rigid, because even the direct users weren’t clear about the principles behind their power.

They couldn’t flexibly use their unique characteristics, so after a period of being studied and researched, the strong and weak points of the anomalies would be fully discovered. As long as the humans choose the correct way to respond to them, they could contain even the most terrifying anomaly with their feeble bodies.

This was common among the majority of anomalies, including this goat. Its unique characteristic was powerful, but in essence, it was only a slightly smarter animal than normal. Once they grasped its unique characteristic, even a couple of normal people driving a car could push it into a dead end.

Unlike the three supernatural creatures that were related to some sort of [REDACTED] S-class anomaly, the Devil Goat had no correlations to any other anomalies.

Through the aspect of existence, Negary was able to observe that the Devil Goat’s power could only display itself through this one goat.

This unique power was tightly bonded to the goat, which led to the goat’s unbreakable body.

Negary’s virus began to infect the goat’s body, but due to the cover of the unique characteristic, this infection was terribly slow.

Even so, the goat’s body started to manifest golden patterns before scattering away as golden particles.

The infected portions of this world were supplying Negary with power, countless soul shackles were reaching from unseen aspects of reality into various aspects of the goat. Whenever a portion of it was fully shackled, it would fall completely under Negary’s control, signifying that it no longer hid any secrets from Negary and that he would be able to recreate them by expending a certain number of particles.

Meanwhile, from the outside of the dome, the goat’s picture slowly became unusual. At first, its fur began to disappear, then its skin and flesh began to rot away, almost like something invisible was decomposing the goat.


“A-6-12 has been taken by the other party as well?” at an unknown location, the E5 council was currently discussing the current potential S-class containment breach.

They were sitting in complete darkness. This zone of darkness itself was actually an anomaly, capable of being set so that certain information would not be displayed. It was thanks to it that no one at the scene could see the faces of the others, only hearing their modified voices.

Through this method, they ensured that no information of the E5 council members could ever be leaked. Furthermore, there was a unique method of employing this location’s characteristics so that certain information could only be displayed here, resulting in the profiles of most S-class anomalies to be available nowhere else but this location – aside from certain unique S-class anomalies.

“Although the other party is a virus, their state of being has certainly exceeded that of humans. A lot of what are anomalies to us are nothing but mundane creations to them. We must admit that they are a lifeform that has surpassed us”

“Indeed, sending out anomalies with clear weaknesses now would be going nothing but turning against ourselves”

“For that reason, I propose we use S-1-3”




As time went by, the goat picture on the outside of the dome had become an image worthy of mosaic.

The goat itself was nothing but a normal goat, so with every bit that Negary used his virus to cut off its unique characteristics with itself, that bit of its body would be converted.

In the end, the entire goat had disappeared without a trace, leaving only a blob of eerie black liquid.

This blob of liquid’s existence itself gave off an ominous presence. While stuck on the dome as an image, it was clearly just a single black dot, but it had caused every SCR Foundation personnel to feel inexplicably nauseous as they observed it.

And that was from their superficial observation of a 2D image, if they were to stand at Negary’s current position, their minds would be quickly corrupted by it and mutate, either becoming a low-grade anomaly or a sacrifice that would help this ominous blob grow stronger.

〖 There are so many negative emotions contained inside this. What kind of circumstances would manifest this level of negative emotions? 〗Negary pondered as he observed this blob of black substance as it stubbornly tried to struggle and escape from Negary’s control.

Although Negary wouldn’t be able to take over it yet, it was quite simple for him to prevent it from escaping.

〖 A unique characteristic of complete distortion that contains no rationality? 〗

Negary’s gaze swept downwards, then rested on a broken wheel of a car as he made a small opening. The black blob of liquid quickly moved through space and drenched the tire of the wheel.

The originally ordinary tire immediately stood back up, then began to roll by itself, becoming a new anomaly. However, there was an occasional slight golden glow on top of the wheel; quite obviously, his infection did not stop, only allowing it to move into a new anomaly which might perhaps accelerate his analysis and allow him to infect it faster.

〖 From my observations, there are currently three types of anomalies 〗

Negary began to reorganize his understanding of the anomalies up to this point.

The first kind were natural phenomena that could not be understood by humans, like the Mad Spoon Killer, who was actually the manifestation of human stress.

The second kind were the anomalies manifested from the authorities of this world, the Omniscient Eye being one of them.

The third kind were anomalies like the Devil Goat, negative substances that did not belong to this world, yet somehow existed in the same breath as the world itself.

Whenever these negative substances corrupted the objects of this world, they would become new anomalies. By nature, these anomalies were distorted and highly difficult to infect, the only good choice being slowly analyzing them.

〖 After that little probing, they should probably show their true mettle 〗

Negary thought.

This goat attack should be nothing but a kind of probing from the SCR Foundation. The goat’s code number was A-6-12, meaning that there were at least 6 A-class containment Sites, each of which contained at least 12 anomalies.

In other words, from what he had known so far, the SCR Foundation had at least 72 unique A-class anomalies under containment. If the fact that there were anomalies with unique immobile containment chambers were to be taken into account, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration for there to be just over 100 A-class anomalies, at least.

There should be even more B-class and C-class anomalies, not to mention the unknown powerful S-class anomalies, the SCR Foundation’s actual forces couldn’t be underestimated.

At the same time, the SCR Foundation wasn’t the only anomaly containment organization in this world, there were also the various world governments, certain containment organizations funded by private corporations, as well as individually possessed anomalies. Once Negary officially began his infection of this world, he would surely face their intense retaliation.

〖 Furthermore, my true enemy has never been these things, but rather this world as a whole 〗Negary narrowed his eyes and laughed, fully looking forward to it.

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