Soul of Negary

Chapter 282: Vol4 Ch7: This time, is it actually ‘Day three’

Chapter 282: Vol4 Ch7: This time, is it actually ‘Day three’

Translator: La0o9

The entirety of Site C4 was now in a slight panic. Today had already been the third day since their enclosure, many experiments had been suggested and conducted on the dome, only to turn out as absolute failures.

The experiments were still ongoing, but it was quite clear to everyone that this kind of anomaly wasn’t going to be easy to break, at least, not with the resources available at their site.

“It seems, the only thing we can do now is to wait for reinforcement from outside” the director of Site C4 sighed. It would be good if the outside could break this barrier within the next 4 days, but if they couldn’t, what awaited them would be a mass containment breach of anomalies.

There were a total of 136 C-class anomalies within Site C4, 23 among them required constant electrical currents to maintain containment. As soon as these anomalies escaped containment, the following chain reaction would cause even more anomalies to also breach containment.

Even for them, who had been dealing with these anomalies for so many years, even with the military forces and equipment they had to handle containment breaches, they were still not confident in being able to survive a mass containment breach of this scale.

“What’s the situation in the base now?” the site director asked a staff member.

“Although basic order can still be maintained, we can’t keep this up for too much longer” the personnel reported. He was reading data from the daily psychological screening results: compared to previously, everyone’s psychological states were quickly degrading.

Under the sealed space of the dome, entropy was quickly and clearly rising. In thermodynamics, the term ‘entropy’ was used to represent energy that a system could not convert to mechanical force, and within this ‘system’ under the dome, the resources they were able to utilize were quickly decreasing.

Food, electricity, oxygen, and even the site’s sense of order. They were all slowly turning into things that humans could not utilize, a self-sustaining ecosystem couldn’t be built in such a short time.

For this reason, everything was clearly heading towards chaos, not to mention there were those actively instigating it.


Bart was becoming increasingly impatient as well. Although he had managed to achieve some results during the past three days, such results were basically insignificant for the entire site as a whole. He could clearly sense that if he kept dragging his feet, unable to accomplish his given goal, the opportunity granted by Negary would slip away from his grasp.

In that case, the poor circumstantial victim-cum-culprit that was him would never be able to obtain his freedom, nor exact his revenge on those he wished to.

So I have no choice but to risk it?

Bart began to feel hesitant. Negary’s modifications of his soul afforded him an almost absolute level of control over himself, but this modification didn’t directly alter his personality; and without any stimulations, he simply didn’t have the courage to match his physique.

“Somebody, anybody!” Bart pounded on the door of his cell, shouting and screaming, once a nearby security guard noticed him, he immediately continued: “I know the secret of the dome!”


〖 So he has finally decided to act? Better late than never I suppose 〗Negary shook his head.

Although Bart was granted a few things, compared to Site C4 as a whole, he was still a weakling. Even within the dome environment that Negary had devised as an opportunity, he was still in a weaker position compared to everyone else; and yet, Bart wanted to not take any risks, deciding to hypnotize others into acting for him to accomplish his goals.

If Bart had continued like this, the only outcome for him would have been to strip what’s left of himself away to become a clone of Negary.

Without paying further attention to Bart’s performance, Negary continued his own work. The three supernatural creatures from earlier had now become his experimental subjects, their bodies were dissected thoroughly by Negary, but they were still not dead.

〖 While they have clear differences from living beings of this world, they are still a part of this world in essence, huh? 〗Negary examined these creatures’ [Origin]: 〖 A bit similar to the Disaster world, but also very dissimilar 〗

A large volume of golden particles poured from Negary’s hand into the body of this creature, quickly analyzing everything there was to analyze. However, there was a unique part that persistently refused infection from Negary’s virus, the difficulty of which felt almost like Negary was trying to infect something from an entirely different world.

〖 Perhaps, this world isn’t quite as simple as the Dim Silence Envoy had thought 〗

Negary thought to himself. From what he had seen so far, the anomalies of this world truly weren’t simple, but the majority of them were only this way at a surface level. Once Negary had gotten to studying them, they would no longer have any further secrets to hide.

The Dim Silence Envoy had most likely thought the same. He accidentally discovered the coordinates of this world, and to not draw the Moon Tree’s attention, the Dim Silence Envoy snuck his way here. After some preliminary scouting, he left the Dim Silence Journal as a beacon for transmigration, then left, believing that this world’s energy level wasn’t comparable to the Moon Tree world.

〖 Of course, there is also the possibility that Dim Silence intentionally misled me 〗

Negary pondered further, the fact that Dim Silence had handed information of this world over to Negary of his own accord would naturally not be from the grace of his dying heart. The only reason he would do such a thing was if Negary’s arrival in this world benefited him somehow.

If one day, Negary would also be pushed into a corner this way, he would surely leave certain superficially realistic but actually fake information to lead others into resurrecting him as well.

〖 The S-class anomalies will need to be guarded against and investigated 〗Negary patched the three supernatural creatures back up, washed off the majority of what he left over their bodies, then implanted germs into their bodies through certain other aspects of reality. To them, this would also be foreign information, and just like how Negary temporarily didn’t understand their existence, they would also not do any better.

The enemy might be powerful, but Negary wouldn’t belittle himself either. He had already gone through three worlds, this one being the fourth. In each world, Negary had always maintained the mentality of needing to study further, so if the product of his total accumulation of knowledge were to be resolved so easily, his efforts up to now would have been wasted.

〖 Hmm? 〗Negary abruptly looked up, something from the outside of the dome had just attempted to break inside.

〖 The outside has already begun to act as well? What interesting anomaly will it be this time? 〗Negary was very much looking forward to it.

The outside world hadn’t been completely peaceful for the past three days either. The SCR Foundation had informed the world leaders of Negary’s existence, it was only after every normal weapon had been tested and proven useless against the dome that they had begun to mobilize abnormal weapons: anomalies.

The manifestation of the three supernatural creatures during the second day were naturally noticed by them, understood to be an attempt to break through the dome from the personnel inside. At the same time, they had been able to consistently receive reports from Site C4’s director without fail, causing the SCR Foundation members to feel very confused.

They couldn’t easily trust the reports they received either, having experienced Negary’s terror. But the fact that he had taken over the site for three days without taking complete control of it was unusual, contradictory to his claim of controlling this entire world.

[Mobilize A-6-12, begin recording. Breaking through the dome experiment No.168]

A goat was then released.

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