Soul of Negary

Chapter 280: Vol4 Ch5: Day one

Chapter 280: Vol4 Ch5: Day one

Translator: La0o9

The existence of the dome was quickly discovered by the employees of the site.

The site director and managers quickly arranged for unmanned drones to examine it.

The dome currently appeared like glass, but the strength was far beyond that. The unmanned drones were equipped with a few weapons that were rained upon the dome, but it didn’t amount to anything.

Several researchers were then escorted on locomotives to the edge of the dome, discovering that the world outside the dome had basically become a mosaic, or a static-filled black and white TV.

Using their instruments, they tried to measure what material the dome was actually made of, but only reached unclear, superficial conclusions that couldn’t be truly quantified. The one conclusion they did manage to determine was that this dome had completely isolated its interior from its exterior; nothing from the outside could enter, whether it was light, heat, air, or sound.

Inversely, nothing from the inside could leave the dome either, so if they couldn’t get a grasp on the situation soon, they would have to begin constructing a self-sustaining ecosystem from inside the dome.

“Oxygen, electricity, food, as well as manpower, will become our main concerns” the blond female researcher Elsa told the site director.

There were over a thousand people currently habiting this containment site, including researchers, security guards, office workers, the tactical response units, auxiliary staff, as well as the D-class personnel who were the most numerous; of course, there were also the few humanoid contained anomalies.

All of them were there to ensure that the site operated as normal. Due to the dome, the site had switched to using its emergency power supply, but the internal power supplies would only last for a week at most, and as soon as their electricity was cut, the entire base would fall into danger.

C-class anomalies were only ranked so because of their ease of containment, not danger level. Quite a few containment procedures were completely reliant on the use of electrical equipment, so if the power went out, these anomalies would immediately breach containment.

For example:


C-4-51: the Mad Spoon Killer. This was a unique anomaly that would choose a single person as its target, then patiently use a spoon to hit that target over and over until they were dead. Due to their weapon of choice being a spoon, this process could last up to 10 years.


Danger level: 3

Unknown level: 3

Correlation level: 3

Overall rating: C-class


In most cases, as long as the anomaly’s total score didn’t exceed 2 digits, they wouldn’t be granted the B-class rating.

Although C-4-51 had an immortal body and an unstoppable ability to go through solid objects, its target would only ever be a single person, and since the entire process usually took 10 years, C-4-51 wasn’t deemed to be very dangerous.

Through various experiments, C-4-51 had been concluded to most likely be the embodiment of ‘Stress’. In their daily lives, everyone must face various stresses of menial spending or issues; while these issues weren’t usually very troublesome, they were the same as the spoon hits from C-4-51, not very serious but hurt nonetheless.

If this truly was the case, as long as humanity still faced the stress of daily life, they would never be able to eradicate C-4-51.

At Site C4, the containment procedure for C-4-51 involved using a device to generate a constant electromagnetic field, preventing this entity from touching any actual solid surface and confining them inside the containment chamber.

Other than this entity, there were also C-4-36: The witch of destiny, C-4-63: Santa Claus, and others of the same nature, all of them posing a certain level of danger. While they weren’t dangerous enough to cause a great disaster, that was only relative to humanity as a whole; if they were released in this confined space of Site C4, the current tough situation would become intensely more dangerous for everyone involved.

“We need to quickly make our preparations, try to contact the outside world, and come up with a way to contain this dome” Site C4’s director solemnly stated, then began to arrange various countermeasures.

He tried sending several emails, all of which showed that they had been successfully sent, but did not receive any replies. The site director was sure that the outside world had already learnt of what happened here, but then why could his daily emails still be delivered without issues?

This isn’t as simple as it seems.

The site director began to examine all the issues that had occurred in this containment site for the past while. He believed that nothing in this world happened for no reason, as even some of the most nonsensical anomalies had been seen to contain their own underlying logic of cause and effect.

Using his authority, the site director of Site C4 continued to examine the profiles of the anomalies kept in this location, attempting to find any individual anomaly that might help ease the current situation. Sitting around waiting for aid from outside was no different than waiting for one’s death.

The first day slowly went by, as the staff members ate their slightly reduced portions of cafeteria food, they discussed the outside dome in hushed voices; this kind of information was impossible to conceal, even some D-class personnel who were lucky enough to get a relatively good regulatory cell managed to see the dome through their windows.

After the site was declared to have entered temporary martial law, everyone quickly returned to their respective posts. Security guards once again returned to their shifts of patrolling the D-class cells, starting from today, other than necessary periodic tests, all D-class personnel were to remain in their cells 24/7.


Kevin was patrolling a hallway with his firearm, subconsciously feeling a bit agitated. Although the Foundation’s security guards were hand-picked from the various military, police, and jail forces of the entire world, which afforded them great daily training and professional attitude, they were still humans, not rigid machines, they naturally had their own needs.

Today was supposed to be Kevin’s day off, following the security officers’ alternating shifts arrangements, all security personnel were supposed to work one full month in a row before taking one week off work. If this matter hadn’t suddenly occurred, he would have already gone home to his wife and daughter.

Hearing the constant tapping noise inside the regulatory cell, Kevin’s footsteps slightly halted. For the last two days, this D-class personnel had been constantly tapping the edge of his bed without pause.

Of course, it was also quite normal for D-class personnel to make small noises out of boredom. In the past, there used to be a D-class who did nothing but sing for the entire day, but as long as their actions had been confirmed to be non-anomalous, the security guards paid no heed towards them, after all, these people usually didn’t have much time to live.

However, Kevin was already in a bad mood today, so this monotonous tapping only caused him to feel even more annoyed. He stopped at the viewing port to look at the man inside, looking to force him to stop the incessant tapping.

Kevin could briefly recall the man inside the cell. For the sake of easier peace-keeping, they had all seen the profiles of the D-class personnel at least once. Bart was a fellow whose wife’s love of a big black rod sent him here, he even heard that the still-born child found in her womb during the autopsy was also black.

Thinking about that, Kevin couldn’t help but recall how his wife had also been a bit too close to a certain black male colleague of hers recently, causing him to feel even more irritated.

“Oy, stop your meaningless tapping” Kevin coldly said.

Bart looked at Kevin’s seemingly calm face through the viewing port, then smiled. Finally, a fish had bitten his bait, he turned to Kevin and said: “I can see your agitation, you’re worried about something aren’t you, brother?”

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