Soul Land 5: The Rebirth of Tang San

Chapter 309: The Earth Demon Ox and the Red-Crowned Crane

Chapter 309: The Earth Demon Ox and the Red-Crowned Crane

Bloodthirsty Demon Ape chuckled. "So, you'd better win, otherwise there'll be a lot of disappointed humans! It's about time, let's go."

As a demon, it didn't realize how significant this event was for humans. After all, demons had always looked down upon the seemingly weak humans and would never expect them to harbor any spirit of resistance.

Wu Bingji's gaze was cold and resolute, and the four people following him each experienced different emotions. However, they all shared one burning sentiment: a sense of duty!

The massive gate in front of them slowly opened, and a roar was heard. It sounded like a combination of a mountain collapsing and a tsunami striking the shore. This time, as Tang San and his friends saw the light outside, they also saw the gate of the Great Beast Fighting Arena opposite them opening at the same time.

Yes, this time they were not making an early appearance, but were entering the arena simultaneously with their opponents. This also signified the arena's recognition of their strength.

"Let's do this!" Wu Bingji clenched his fist and swung it powerfully.

"Let's do this!" the squad shouted in unison, then strode out into the arena with confidence.

Cheers, restless noises, curses, and roars rose from the stands like a wave.

The majority of the spectators in the stands were still demons. However, in an inconspicuous corner, a group of nearly a hundred humans, dressed somewhat more brightly, caught Tang San's eye.

They were also shouting something, but their voices were completely drowned out by the demons' roars. With his Purple Demon Eyes, Tang San could faintly make out their lips moving. "Go Shrek! Go humans!"

He took a deep breath, a long-lost bitterness swirling in his heart as he said to himself,Go humans!

At that moment, their opponents had also entered the arena.

Unlike the previous fight where they faced opponents of the same race, this time, their five opponents were from different races.

Leading the way were two burly male demons, each over three meters tall, with exceptionally broad shoulders and a pair of thick black horns on their heads. Their skin was dark and rough, and their muscles looked like braided steel. They wore metal helmets but were bare-chested, and each held a weapon resembling a wooden post, engraved with blood-red markings.

It didn’t take much thought for Tang San to identify their race: these were bovine demons, and their weapons were known as Totem Poles. These were powerful weapons blessed by their race through years of rituals. Judging by their stature and the Totem Poles they wielded, these two bovine demons were surely the backbone of their race, the Earth Demon Oxen!

This clan was heralded as one of the eight mightiest warrior clans of the Empyrean Dominion.

The other seven were all clans belonging to powerful races. Meanwhile, the bovine demons were not considered strong, but the Earth Demon Oxen were an exception. They possessed the strength and resilience of their kind as well as formidable defenses, and they were fearless in combat. The Totem Poles in their hands symbolized the pinnacle of their lineage's might.

Bovine demons did not possess a golden bloodline; their rulers were the Totem Priests. The Earth Demon Oxen obeyed only the commands of these priests. Armed with their Totem Poles, they were a terrifying presence on the battlefield.

Only those Earth Demon Oxen of the seventh order or higher were eligible to wield a Totem Pole. The two oxen before the Shrek Squad were likely around the eighth order. Their gazes were cold, and their auras heavy. The Totem Poles in their hands emanated a bloody scent, as if containing a mysterious power.

It was because of the Earth Demon Oxen that the other bovine demons could hold their ground in the Empyrean Dominion and avoid becoming a vassal race like the pig demons.

Fifty thousand Earth Demon Oxen warriors represented the true backbone of their race, possessing the strength to confront any mighty clan head-on.

Behind the two Earth Demon Oxen warriors, a tall, slender male walked in the center. It looked very human-like, and its lean figure was outlined by a white suit. Its white hair had a streak of red. Its eyes were narrow and flickered with cold light. It held a long sword in its hand, not an ordinary weapon but one empowered by an array and exuding a chilling aura.

Was this a Red-Crowned Crane?

Red-Crowned Cranes were one of the noblest races, one led by a Demon Emperor.Theys possessed high intelligence and a natural talent for wielding weapons, particularly swords. In fact, the Demon Emperor of the Red-Crowned Crane lineage was also known as the Sword Saint Demon Emperor.

Although few in number, nearly all Red-Crowned Cranes were formidable. The one in the arena right now was definitely at the ninth order.

Just looking at these three, one could imagine that Tang San and his companions were up against carefully selected opponents once more today.

Following the Red-Crowned Crane, there were two fox demons. These were unlike any Tang San had ever seen. One was male and one female, both with gray hair and tails, and upon closer inspection, one could notice the strange deep blue tips of their grayish-white fur.

Are they... Blue Foxes? They’re masters of spiritual power and have amazing support abilities!

Tang San's gaze swept over the five opponents. This battle would not be easy! The toughest to deal with was the Red-Crowned Crane, a quasi-first-tier bloodline at the ninth order.

Even among those of the ninth order, differences in bloodline tiers resulted in vast disparities in strength. The Red-Crowned Cranes were considered quasi-first-tier because the Sword Saint Demon Emperor that led the clan was ranked lower among the Demon Emperors, and the emperor status involved more than just bloodline power.

The reason few registered for the team battles in the Great Beast Fighting Arena, aside from the near-certain death for the losers, was that only the truly strong dared to sign up. Without top-tier strength, who would risk their life? Moreover, those who did were often desperados, the type who valued money over life, willing to gamble it all in the team battle.

Though not perfect, the opponent's team combination was obviously potent. The Red-Crowned Crane was likely their strongest, while the Earth Demon Oxen wielding the Totem Poles for both attack and defense were also extremely formidable. The two Blue Foxes' support abilities could not be underestimated either, and together, they undoubtedly enhanced the team's overall strength.

Tang San murmured, “Senior brother, I’ll take on the Red-Crowned Crane. The rest are up to you.”

Wu Bingji turned to him. "Should we go with Snowstorm? "

He, too, had noted the strength of their opponents.

Tang San shook his head and said, “The Earth Demon Oxen’s Totem Poles might have some dispelling abilities. Snowstorm might not affect them much. Plus, they have support. Use your icicles against the Earth Demon Oxen. They know we have a teleportation array disc and probably won’t stray far from those two Blue Fox demons. The Red-Crowned Crane will probably be the main offense. I’ll hold off the Red-Crowned Crane while you guys attack from a distance. If we take down the Red-Crowned Crane, the other four won’t be much of a problem. Brother Gu Li, and sister Cheng Zicheng, try to disrupt the Blue Foxes' support abilities.”

“Got it!” Gu Li and Cheng Zicheng nodded in agreement.

The tactical setup didn't take long, and soon, the announcer’s familiar, high-pitched voice filled the stands.

“Today’s battle promises to be a spectacle. Will the Shrek Squad continue their streak of decisive victories, or will the Sword Demon Squad advance? Let’s wait and see. The betting for the battle’s duration is now open. The match will start momentarily!”

The wait was longer than expected, leading both teams to eye each other intently. The Red-Crowned Crane’s gaze was locked onto Wu Bingji, clearly identifying him as the core of his team from the information they had gathered. With his eighth-order cultivation and continuous defeating of ninth-order opponents, his icicles had left a deep impression in the Great Beast Fighting Arena. Indeed, the Shrek Squad’s reputation for decisive victories was almost entirely due to him.

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