Chapter 636: Shocking Truth (2)

Chapter 636: Shocking Truth (2)

Sol stayed silent, digesting the information he had just received. Chaos and Order, the two highest goddesses in this world and those who were publicly known as the creators.

For all their powers, the two goddesses were shrouded in deep mysteries. The ambiguity of their existence resulted in very few people directly worshiping them. Even the Wings of Freedom who waved the flag of Chaos and its subsidiaries prayed to Ymir. Meanwhile, people of the Mortal Realm prayed to one of the fourteen goddesses or a pair of the twin goddesses.

Sol had many questions regarding them, one of which was why they remained asleep for so long.

“I don't know why or how Eve went through the road of separation. The process is extremely dangerous. Due to the opposing concepts the two selves hold, they are more likely to fight each other than cooperate. But the situation is what it is.” Adam intoned, his voice carrying hints of indifference and apathy. It was hard to reconcile his current emotions with the information that Eve was supposed to be his beloved wife.

“Well, either way, I can’t tell you much more about her. What I can tell you is that, after my Death, Eve should have become the de facto Guardian of this universe. She has the highest authority and her words dictate fate. But this authority was split. Weakening the Crystal wall and allowing the possibility for intruders to enter through a specific means.”

“… Reincarnation?”

“Bingo. You are pretty smart, as expected of me.” Adam grinned. “There are various ways to enter a universe. But you see, universes don’t like intruders and make sure to suppress them as much as possible. A foreign god entering a universe might become only as strong as a demigod, and this suppression worsens the stronger the universe and its World Will. According to my estimate, if a foreign god tried to enter my universe they would only be able to project the power of a King realm. Even the gods of the Prime Universe can’t escape this suppression.”

Unbridled pride echoed off in Adam’s voice, he made no effort to hide it. Forced to live in a soul body for so long, it seemed he wanted to feel good by bragging about his accomplishments, even if a little.

“To avoid this suppression, the best way is Reincarnation. Going through the cycle of life and death in the new universe and getting imprinted by it. In a way, I guess you could say it’s not unlike getting a permanent Visa or a Naturalization. The currently ruling goddesses have been abusing this system, it seems. They took souls from the Prime Universe and brought them here, allowing them to reincarnate into my universe.”

The smug smile hanging on Adam’s face twitched as he mentioned the shenanigans of the goddesses. Those girls were reckless. They were lucky that no foreign gods had managed to slip through their recruitment and reincarnate in this universe. However, there was another dimension to it. Most gods were wise, thus, they did not dare intrude into his universe even after his supposed death.

It went without saying that they knew very well how much of a headache provoking Adam would yield.

He started to doubt the circumstances behind Sol’s reincarnation in this universe. Some of the gods might have guessed that Sol's previous life was related to Adam so when Luxuria searched for a soul they could have made sure to send Sol to get rid of a possible time bomb, so to speak.

Adam explained his speculation to Sol which only left him speechless.

“You are me. But the version of you as a human definitely would have never succeeded in controlling End. The only possible result was you going berserk and destroying the Prime Universe. Who knows, perhaps one of the gods even has a hand in your death.”

“This…” Sol did not know what to feel about this piece of information. Should he be happy? Sad? Angry? In the end, he chose to sigh. The speculations were, ultimately, just that— speculations. There was no need to worsen his mood by ruminating on this topic.

“Well. I believe I have more or less told you everything of importance. However, you are still far away from grasping such concepts. You now understand why sometimes wise people withhold information, right? Knowing all this doesn’t mean you can do anything about it— nothing changes.”

“So now, let me give you a piece of information that will affect you and your future path.” Adam waved his hand and one of those universes appeared closer. From this distance, it looked more like an egg than a planet.

“Let’s resume things where we left off. I have told you about the existence of innumerable universes. But how are those universes born? The thing is… All verses have a specific creator. You must know the legend of Pangu and how he separated Heaven and Earth, right? It’s something similar albeit.”

Adam caressed the egg with a gentle expression, “Some individuals are born with what I call a seed or an egg. The embryonic forms of a verse. Those individuals are beloved by destiny and hold infinite potential. Potential high enough to give birth to a new universe. I was such an individual. I called my Seed The World. Back then, I would have never guessed how accurate it was.”

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He chuckled then pointed at Sol, “You also have a seed inside you. What you call the Mirror Dimension or the Inverse World. But your seed is quite different from mine. Because it was affected by the laws of this universe, it became like a dimension and thus mirrored many laws of my universe. Normally this would have been pretty bad. But you were lucky. After all, it copied My universe.”

Adam laughed. Normally, a seed should have had nothing. Only pure chaotic energy. Then once the creator started the beginning of time, new laws could be made to house the creator’s ideal world.

Back when he was a mortal, Adam’s seed, [The World, developed a path that incorporated the laws of the Prime Universe. To do that Adam had to fundamentally learn all the core laws that bound the Prime Universe— Gravity, Time, Space, Electromagnetism, Strong Nuclear Force, Weak Nuclear Force, and innumerable branches that shot off from the fundamental laws. Just remembering all the efforts he put into this made him want to barf.

He even went further and incorporated the laws of Dream and Reality, thus invoking the power of Legends.

This was the reason the main planet of the Mortal Realm was so similar to Earth in the Prime universe.

This was also why Names and Legends from Earth had so much influence in this universe, thus capable of making Kings, Demigods, and even Gods.

“You are different, and I must say, I am quite jealous.”

Was it because Sol and Adam shared the same soul origin? Or perhaps because of some unexpected influence? Adam could not say. But in the end, while Adam had to build everything from scratch, Sol was able to start with a full-on template and a world filled with completed laws.

“Of course, everything isn’t without consequence. Because you started in such a way, your control over your Universe is extremely minimal. Not to mention, your universe doesn’t have a spark of life or a World Will. A dead universe that is nothing more than a copy of a copy. At your current level, this might seem powerful and it truly is. But after you taste the true power of Fate, you will be able to realize the limits of your powers.”

Adam was not trying to insult Sol. He simply stated things as they were. Sol’s dimension was just that— a dimension, an ideal superimposed on reality rather than a reality in itself. If nothing changed, the highest level it could reach would be something similar to a Divine Territory. This was perhaps the lousiest result someone who had a seed could reach.

“But fear not. You have three different options to choose from.” Adam raised three fingers, “The first is to do nothing. Really, you don’t need to do anything. It isn’t like you seek to become the strongest. As long as you have no plan of ever leaving this universe what does the strength of your seed even matter? I am sure that you will be able to reach a level similar to Ymir and even surpass her. But that's about it. Don’t even dream of fighting Eve. Even if she split her soul and body, she is still this World's Guardian. The apex of this world’s existence.”

Sol frowned but continued to listen. If possible, he didn’t wish to fight Order or Chaos. But leaving his future to the whim of those two crazy goddesses felt unwise.

“What about options two and three?” Sol asked.

“Your second option is to completely separate your universe from mine and start everything from scratch. It will be painful and it will take time, perhaps billions of years really. You will fall into a deep slumber as you fuse with the Origin of the universe in order to bring a new Beginning and ignite Light and Life. This way has 100% chances of success and zero dangers.”

“But…?” Sol knew there was always a but in this kind of situation.

“But you will also become a foreigner to my universe. I think as a Creator you will be considered the highest level of enemy by my universe so even entering back will be nigh impossible. As for your women or should I say the women who manage to survive by the time you succeed in creating your verse, well, they will also become foreigners in the universe you create. The only way to not face continuous suppression will be for them to die and reincarnate in your universe.”

Adam chuckled, “But I know you. There is no way you would choose this option. You should know more than anyone what reincarnation truly means.”

Sol nodded. Reincarnation was not changing one’s body. One would never be the same after reincarnating, even if they managed to keep all of their memories. This applied to Sol, and the same would happen to his women. Sol would never choose this option unless he was left with no choice.

“So, this leaves us with option three. You already have the gist but you need to think bigger. Grow your dimension, strengthen it to the highest level possible, and finally— fuse it with my own universe. Wrestle control from Eve and the goddesses and stand as the new Almighty God King!”

Adam opened his arm wide in a dramatic fashion, shouting those words with emotion as if he could already see the epic battle on the horizon.

Sol sighed, nonplussed. He could see that Adam was having too much fun with his theatrics. “You already knew that I wouldn’t take the first two options. Why not start from here?”

“Hahaha. What can I say, I like drama after all. They didn’t call me The Magician for nothing. So, what will you choose?” Winking at Sol, Adam asked with bated breath, eyes twinkling with mischief.

“Is there any need to ask?” Sol stood up and sauntered away from the gate. “I guess I need to add Universal Conquest to my list of things to do.”

His voice was calm, but his decision was made. He had already planned to steal the Mortal Realm. So, things didn’t change all things considered.

The target only became bigger… Much, much bigger.

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