Solo Resurrection

Chapter 57

Chapter 57 – Rage Syndrome (2)

“Those who have taken or are currently taking Monster Power, please come forward and report yourselves!”

Soldiers were shouting through megaphones on the streets.

-Reward up to 500 million for reporting Monster Power users.

Flyers posted everywhere added to the gloomy atmosphere.

It was a bleak scene, as if a war had broken out.


“Is something wrong?”

“I suddenly feel like eating beef.”

Kang Hyeon didn’t seem to have any particular thoughts about the situation.

“We’ve arrived.”

Kang Hyeon and Shin Seong-a stopped in front of a building as they were walking.

“What? Is this the right place?”

The location of the Jeong Jin Guild’s office that they confirmed through Shin Tae-gil was definitely here.

However, the building seemed to have suffered a major fire and was left abandoned with burn marks still visible.

“It looks like they cut their ties and ran away.”

“That certainly seems to be the case.”

Han Si-hwan responded to Shin Seong-a’s comment.

“Well, it would be strange if they were still here in this situation.”

Kang Hyeon knew this but came hoping for a slim chance.

“What are you going to do?”

“What else can we do? Let’s go in and see if there’s anything left.”

If they turned back now, there would be no clues to track down the Jeong Jin Guild.

Kang Hyeon entered the abandoned building, grasping at straws.

“Phew! After burning down my office, they’ve gone and played with fire in their own guild building.”

“Cough, cough!”

Kang Hyeon frowned as ash floating in the air entered his mouth.

The interior of the building, completely blackened, presented a desolate appearance.

It felt as if the building itself was rejecting human visitors.

“What could possibly be left here?”

Han Si-hwan said with a frown.

“Mr. Han Si-hwan, you can leave if you want.”

“No, it’s fine…”

“No, really, you can go. Why do you keep following?”


As Han Si-hwan hesitated without answering, Kang Hyeon shook his head.

“Alright. Let’s just keep going for now.”

Kang Hyeon’s target was the 5th and 6th floors used by the Jeong Jin Guild.

Without bothering to look around elsewhere, Kang Hyeon went straight up to the 5th floor.

“It’s worse here.”

The source of the fire seemed to be this 5th floor used by the Jeong Jin Guild.

The interior, which showed much more severe fire damage than below, made it difficult to find any intact furniture.


Kang Hyeon, who had been looking around while walking, suddenly stopped the group.

“What’s the matter?”

“I can feel a faint magical energy. This way.”

Kang Hyeon carefully moved his steps.

“It’s here.”

Finally arriving at the source of the magical energy, Kang Hyeon carefully poked his head out.

“What’s this?”

What greeted Kang Hyeon was a woman in a haggard state.

The woman, sitting with her body leaning against the wall, was covered in blood from head to toe.

Moreover, blue veins protruding from her body made for a quite grotesque sight.

“Is she dead?”

“Not dead yet.”

At that moment, the woman raised her head and stared at Kang Hyeon.

Her eyes were tinged red, and Kang Hyeon felt like he had seen a similar sight somewhere before.

“As expected, you came here. Kang Hyeon.”

“I’ve become quite famous lately, so many people recognize me, but I don’t know who you are.”

“I am Hong Chae-yeon.”

Hong Chae-yeon revealed her name with a proud expression.

“Who’s that? Do you know?”

“I’m not sure either.”

Han Si-hwan made a dumbfounded expression after hearing their conversation.

‘She’s the guild master of the Jeong Jin Guild, you idiots…’

Hong Chae-yeon seemed to share the same sentiment, wearing an incredulous expression.


After swallowing a bitter laugh, she continued speaking.

“I am the guild master of… Cough! The Jeong Jin Guild.”


“Yes. I am Hong Chae-yeon… Cough, cough!”

“Alright! Stop talking!”

For a moment, Kang Hyeon’s expression suddenly changed.

‘Is this guy actually worried about me?’

Hong Chae-yeon thought he was telling her to refrain from speaking because he was worried about her seemingly critical condition.

“I’m not curious about your name or anything, damn it. Thanks for the fireworks last time. I had a blast thanks to that.”

“Haha… I heard you were crazy, but I didn’t know it was to this extent. Kekek… Cough cough!”

Hong Chae-yeon, who was laughing loudly, gasped as if she was about to lose her breath at any moment.

“Hey, hey, you can’t die yet!”

“Whew, don’t worry. I don’t plan on dying before I finish my story.”


“First, I’m sorry about last time. I was out of my mind because of the drugs.”

“Just in case you’re thinking about it, begging for your life won’t help.”

“I have no intention of doing that, so shut up. It’s hard to talk.”


Hong Chae-yeon was already in a state where it wouldn’t be strange if she died right then and there.

It was only her willpower, her anger burning until the very end, that was forcibly clinging to life.

“To get to the point, we were all played. By the guys supplying the drugs.”


“Choi Min-jun! Because of that son of a bitch Choi Min-jun, my guild was ruined! All my guild members are dead!”

Hong Chae-yeon, who had been speaking calmly, suddenly became agitated and slammed the wall.

With that impact, the outer wall of the building instantly crumbled, and wind rushed in.

‘It seems like she’s still got a long way to go before dying…?’

Kang Hyeon tilted his head at her appearance, which still seemed quite robust.

“Calm down and continue your story.”

However, he had to keep listening to the story, so Kang Hyeon carefully waited for Hong Chae-yeon’s excitement to subside.

“Haah… Right. That guy named Choi Min-jun. And even his crazy subordinates who follow him. There wasn’t a single one who wasn’t strong. In the end, all my guild members were killed, and I barely managed to escape like this.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

“Especially that guy Choi Min-jun, he’s a complete monster. Probably a monster that even Han Se-yeon or Choi Dong-woo couldn’t handle… Cough!”

Kang Hyeon felt frustrated as the story seemed to be going in circles, but he decided not to upset Hong Chae-yeon.

‘I shouldn’t provoke her and make her excited again.’

Hong Chae-yeon continued speaking.

“What I’m saying is that they’re not just some third-rate organization selling drugs! Choi Min-jun’s goal isn’t some petty conquest of the underworld, it’s much big- bigger… Gah!”

Hong Chae-yeon, who was speaking, suddenly screamed and twisted her body.

The blood vessels that had risen to her skin were wriggling as if they had a will of their own.

“Hey! Don’t go yet! Finish the story!”

“Huff, huff! Don’t underestimate me. This is nothing.”

Fortunately, the blood vessels subsided, and Hong Chae-yeon, who had been gasping for breath, regained her composure.

“So what I want to say is… It’s shameless, but I’d like you to take revenge for me.”


“After I die, take my equipment.”

“Don’t worry about that.”

“And I’ll give you information about Choi Min-jun, so I want you to kill that bastard.”

“I’ll think about it.”

Hong Chae-yeon let out a hollow laugh at Kang Hyeon’s sarcastic response until the end.

But thinking that it was more than enough that he was listening to her story, she continued speaking.

“The place where Choi Min-jun is…”

The conversation continued for a few minutes, and finally, after finishing all her words, Hong Chae-yeon wore a relieved expression.

“Now, I can die…”

Hong Chae-yeon’s voice became grotesquely distorted as she spoke.

“Gruk, kek! Kruruk!”

And she fell to the floor, writhing and screaming.

“Ki… Kek, kill… Keruk! Kill meee!!!”

Kang Hyeon, who had been watching Hong Chae-yeon shedding tears of blood, took out Ogre’s giant hammer.

‘Still, there’s something like hateful affection, so…’

“I’ll send you off cleanly.”

Kang Hyeon, using ‘Wayne’s Secret Technique’ and ‘Giant’s Strength’, lifted the hammer with all his might.

-Thud thud thud….

As the enormous weight pressed down on the precarious building floor, stone dust fell.

“If you’re reborn, you know…”

“Keak, kek!”

Hong Chae-yeon looked at him desperately, as if trying to hear Kang Hyeon’s last words.

“Don’t become a junkie.”

“Keruk..! You, you bastard…”

Kang Hyeon, meeting Hong Chae-yeon’s resentful gaze, swung the hammer down with all his strength.





Kang Hyeon quickly left the spot after coming out of the building.

Part of the building had collapsed due to the impact of the hammer strike.

“At least it wasn’t a wasted trip.”


“Who would have thought the guild master of Jeong-jin Guild would be waiting there?”

Soldiers who rushed in after hearing the noise were bustling about.

After watching them for a moment, Kang Hyeon soon smiled contentedly.

“And I got a useful ring too.”

Being the master of a fairly large guild, Hong Chae-yeon had a wide variety of items.

Among them, Kang Hyeon was very excited to find an item that was perfect for him.

Name: Kamiel’s Ring

Grade: B

Durability: 500/500

Description: A ring worn by Kamiel, who reached the pinnacle of martial arts in a woman’s body. The ring, which has been with her throughout her life of training, has been imbued with her tenacity and determination.

Ability: Mad Dog, Increases Health stat by 8

*Mad Dog – A mad dog never lets go once it bites until it dies.

Looking at the rough-shaped ring, it seemed more like a weapon than an accessory.

The abnormally high durability for an accessory also contributed to this thought.

“No, it’s all good, but what’s this ‘Mad Dog’ thing?”

“Is there something that could be problematic?”

“Look at this.”

Shin Seong-a, who took Kamiel’s ring, slowly nodded.

“It’s an ability that suits you, Kang Hyeon.”

“Should I be happy about that?”


“Haa… Never mind. So what do you think this ability does?”

“Literally, it means to ‘chomp’ with your teeth, doesn’t it?”

Shin Seong-a, uncharacteristically, even used hand gestures to express ‘chomp’.


“Yes. Chomp.”

“Y-yeah. Ahem..!”

Anyway, if that was true, Kang Hyeon couldn’t help but seriously ponder about the personality of this woman named Kamiel.

“Sounds more like a street fighter than the greatest martial artist…”

Even excluding the special ability, an increase of 8 in health is a great gain.

Kang Hyeon took off the D-grade ring he was wearing and put on Kamiel’s ring.

“Whew… Feels good!”

Since the ring he was wearing previously increased health by 2, the actual increase was 6, but even with that, Kang Hyeon felt a significant boost in his physical abilities.

▫Name: Kang Hyeon

▫Title: Tutorial Graduate and 3 others

▫Level: 58

▫Detailed Stats:

Strength 28 (+4)(+2)

Agility 27 (+3)

Health 29 (+3)(+8)

Magic 30 (+3)(+4)

Additional Stats: –

▫Unique Ability: Resurrection

▫Abilities: Intermediate Swordsmanship(D), Lower-grade Shield Technique(E), Lowest-grade Crossbow Technique(F), Basic Martial Arts(E), Lowest-grade Blunt Weapon Technique(F), Magic Detection(E), Poison Resistance(F)

▫Skills:Roar of the Enraged Lion(C), Advanced Bodily Regeneration(A), Bisection(D), Giant’s Strength(B), Magic Explosion(D), Wayne’s Secret Technique(D), Entria’s Shell(D)

With this, the Health stat was the first to reach 40.

Now, even if he goes all out using Giant’s Strength, the phenomenon of his body not being able to withstand it like before will be greatly reduced.

“So this is what they call item power, huh?”

In fact, Kang Hyeon had been quite dismissive of items until now.

He thought what he already had was enough.

But after wearing equipment that substantially increased his stats, his mind changed.

“I should be more proactive in acquiring skills and items.”

“That’s a good idea.”

“Yeah. Let’s head back for now.”

Kang Hyeon walked towards the safe house they were using as a temporary hideout.

The place was, of course, provided by Shin Tae-gil.

“By the way, why does Mr. Han Si-hwan keep following us?”


“I’m asking why you’re tagging along like a baby duck. Aren’t you the vice guild master of the Guardian Guild?”

“That’s correct.”

Kang Hyeon made an expression of utter incomprehension.

“I’d think a vice guild master would have lots of work and be busy, is it okay for you to be leisurely walking around like this?”


“Why are you the one feeling guilty?”

Shin Seong-a cleared her throat unnecessarily at Kang Hyeon’s words.

“Haa… It’s embarrassing, but may I say something?”

“Go ahead.”

While walking, Han Si-hwan nodded as if he had made a big decision.

“Yes. The Guardian Guild is essentially finished.”


“The initial grand and noble spirit and goals have disappeared, and now only greed remains. So, I’m thinking of establishing a new guild with the guild members who follow me!”

“That’s admirable. You must be busy then. Well, goodbye.”

Kang Hyeon waved his hand, uttering words without a trace of sincerity.

“Yes. But rather than doing that, I was thinking about joining the Badass Guild…”

“I said no.”

“No, I mean, I’m still considering whether you’re someone who would fit in with us…”

“I said no.”

“Mr. Kang Hyeon! You don’t seem to understand, so let me tell you. Actually, my colleagues and I are good enough to be welcomed in any guild…”

“For fuck’s sake, I said no!”

Finally, Kang Hyeon frowned, unable to contain his anger.

Han Si-hwan, who had seen Kang Hyeon fighting before, unconsciously hunched his shoulders.

“Y-yes… I understand…”

Han Si-hwan lowered his head, turned around, and trudged away.

“We are the guardians of humanity, Guardian Guild”

What Han Si-hwan was singing was the Guardian Guild’s anthem.

A song that Guild Master Park Se-hyeon had commissioned from a famous composer.

It was a nostalgic song that guild members, who were initially reluctant, eventually came to sing along with.

“Villains, step back~”

The song, which aligned well with the guild’s motto and founding philosophy of protecting humanity, had the power to increase a sense of belonging and elevate spirits.

“Tsk tsk…”

Watching Han Si-hwan, Kang Hyeon spoke.

“He seems to have gone mad from the shock.”

“Yes. He certainly doesn’t seem to be in his right mind.”

“It’s a pity.”

“Should we restrict his access to the guild office from now on?”

“Let’s do that. But we don’t have a guild office anymore, do we?”


Shin Seong-a nodded with her mouth open at Kang Hyeon’s words.

“Anyway, let’s head back now.”


That’s when it happened.



Kang Hyeon’s head turned at the sudden scream.

“Han Si-hwan?”

The man who had left singing just moments ago was now running back screaming.

“Help me!”

“What are you… Shit! What is that?!”

Behind him, hundreds of people were chasing Han Si-hwan with drool dripping from their mouths.

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