Solo Resurrection

Chapter 14

Chapter 14 – Hero in disaster (3)


Kang Hyeon woke up with a start.

“So I did fall asleep after all… Huh?”

But what he saw in front of his eyes was not the forest path from yesterday, but Kang A-hyun’s office.

“What the… Why…”

Kang Hyeon stood there dumbfounded for a moment, unable to comprehend the situation.

“This goddamn bastard, so in the end…!”

Kang Hyeon finally realized that he had died while he was asleep, and he let out a stream of curses.

“I should have just smacked him in the back of the head! Phew, just wait until I go back today.”

This time, the stage could have been easily cleared thanks to the ring. But Kang Hyeon had been overly cautious, so it could be said that he failed.

“Is cursing every morning a concept or something?”

“Ah… No.”

Sighing at Kang A-hyun’s words, Kang Hyeon plopped down in his seat.

“Cut it out a bit. People are getting anxious.”

“Ah, sorry.”

‘Right. For now, let’s focus on reality.’

Organizing his thoughts, Kang Hyeon looked around. The unfamiliar feeling was a bit stronger than yesterday, perhaps because he had been in a different space for a day.

“Nothing happened, right?”

“Nope. It’s quiet outside too.”

Approaching the window, Kang Hyeon looked outside. The silent streets were devoid of both monsters and people.

“With things like this, there’s nothing to do. Should I go find something to eat?”

“Why are you volunteering for that? Just stay still.”

The startled Kang A-hyun hastily covered Kang Hyeon’s mouth.

“Don’t start acting up just because you got a little stronger. Are you going to take responsibility for all these people to the end?”

“That’s not it…”


At that moment, a man approached the siblings.

“Is something wrong?”

“Ah, manager. No, it’s nothing. Haha…”

“If there’s a problem, don’t just worry about it alone. Maybe we can find a solution if we think about it together.”

“Yes. Thank you for your concern.”

Unusually, Kang A-hyun spoke sweetly with a haha-hoho tone.

Kang Hyeon made a face that clearly showed his displeasure.


“Stay still.”

“Isn’t that high heel a bit much?”

Kang Hyeon grabbed his ankle and frowned.

“Don’t move, your stomach will hurt.”

“You’re right… I’m hungry. I think it would be better if I went to get something.”

Kang A-hyun rolled her eyes at Kang Hyeon’s muttering.

“What are you going to do if you see something? I’m hungry, so let’s just wait until today. If it’s still quiet tomorrow, I’ll go out then.”

“Phew… Okay.”

In the end, she had no choice but to agree.




-Bang, bang!

“What’s that? Doesn’t it sound like the gunshots are getting closer?”

That afternoon.

The distant gunshots were gradually getting closer, and soon the ground began to rumble.

“Everyone, it’s the military! We’re saved!”

A platoon-sized group of soldiers, along with an armored vehicle, was passing by on the road.




Hearing the sound, goblins and taranque rushed in, but they were all killed miserably in the face of modern firearms.

-Citizens, please rest assured. We have eliminated most of the monsters, and the final cleanup operation is underway.

“We’re alive. We’re alive…!”

-The streets are still dangerous, so please remain indoors. We will be distributing relief supplies at Gunwoo subway station starting at 12 noon tomorrow. Citizens, please rest assured. Currently…

The recorded message repeatedly played from the giant loudspeaker.

It aimed to both calm the citizens and lure the monsters.

“As expected, the soldiers have come!”

“God, Father, thank you.”

“Shouldn’t we follow the soldiers instead of just waiting?”

“They said to stay indoors.”

Most of the people hugged each other in joy, but a few tried to go out and follow the soldiers.

“If you want to go out, it’s best to do it right now, before the soldiers get too far.”

“Aren’t you going with Kang Hyeon?”

“That’s up to Kang Hyeon to decide, why are you trying to take him with you?”

A battle broke out between those who wanted to stay in the building and those who wanted to follow the soldiers, trying to take Kang Hyeon with them.

“I’m sorry, but I plan to wait a bit longer and then go home.”

“Ah… I see.”

“That’s how it is…”

“There you go!”

Disappointed looks appeared on the faces of those who had wanted to go outside at Kang Hyeon’s words.

“It seems the situation is nearly over, so there’s no need to worry. If you’re still uneasy, you can take one of the swords piled up here and go.”

“Yes, thank you.”

“Uh… Can I really defeat those things with this?”

“If you fight without fear, you should be able to take on one or two easily.”

Kang Hyeon truly believed that.

An average adult male should be able to easily defeat a goblin one-on-one.

‘Of course, that’s assuming they can overcome the fear.’

Since they only needed to get to the soldiers right in front of them, he didn’t bother to add any discouraging remarks.




Late afternoon.

The streets, from which the soldiers had departed, were once again shrouded in silence. Occasionally, people could be seen walking around.

‘I think it’s safe enough for Kang A-hyun and I to go out now.’

After observing the outside for a while, Kang Hyeon finally stepped out of the building with Kang A-hyun.

“Wow, it’s so… Horrific.”


The bodies of people and monsters were scattered everywhere, and the entrances of various shops had been broken into and looted.

“Should we grab a share too?!”

At Kang Hyeon’s words, Kang A-hyun shook her head.

“Nah, if we steal something now, I won’t be able to sleep well at night.”

“Tch. Acting all righteous.”

Kang Hyeon had actually been joking, so he was secretly satisfied with Kang A-hyun’s response.

“Wow, it’s really quiet. Has it ever been like this before?”

Walking through the deserted city center, which was always bustling with people, made the reality seem to fade away.

“At least the soldiers seem to have cleaned up thoroughly.”

Kang Hyeon maintained his vigilance, just in case. But fortunately, they were able to reach home without any incident.

“Phew, we’re here!”

“Let’s hurry inside and take a shower. And let’s eat!”

The siblings rushed up the apartment building’s stairs.

“What are you doing?”

Kang A-hyun, who had finally reached the front door, just stood there staring at the slightly open door.

“Didn’t you close the door when you came out?”


Kang A-hyun’s gaze was fixed on the slightly open front door.

“Don’t know…?”

When Kang A-hyun opened the door, the completely trashed interior was revealed. Kang Hyeon stared at the sight with a dazed expression.

“You idiot! What if you didn’t lock the door when you stepped out?!”

“Look at that! Your own brother saved you, and you’re talking with such bad manners! You’ll never get married, you brat!”

“Aaargh! Stop nagging about marriage already!”

The bickering that ensued as they started cleaning the room didn’t end until late that night.




[Welcome to Kang Hyeon’s tutorial!]

[An error occurred during the fifth stage. I will move immediately]

[May your courage save the earth]




The next morning.

Kang Hyeon woke up with a dazed expression, but it was only momentary.

“Why..? What’s the reason for this?!”

He immediately grabbed his head and started raging.

“Why! Why did the tutorial content change?!”

When he entered the tutorial yesterday, the content was to defeat the Nightmare and Succubus. So today, Kang Hyeon had planned to show Kim Yeon-ji the meaning of justice as soon as he entered, by striking her on the back of the head.

“But it was clearly that…”

However, when he re-entered the tutorial, it demanded a completely different location and clear conditions.

“Could it be that the content changes every time for this stage?”

Kang Hyeon was already weak at using his head, and he was full of worries. But if the tutorial content keeps changing every time, then…

“This is completely hopeless. Fuck. If I mess up, it might take years, right?”

It might even take a lifetime.

“Sigh… There’s no choice. Let’s think about it calmly. Calmly.”

Calming his mentality, Kang Hyeon came out and prepared breakfast.

“Wow, what’s this? You’re preparing breakfast again today. You’re quite good at this, aren’t you?”

Kang A-hyun, who came out to the living room, poked Kang Hyeon and teased him.

“Don’t start a fight.”


“Your brother is in a pretty fucking bad mood today, you know?”

“Hey, don’t talk like that! Huh?”

-Poke, poke

“Ah, shit, why do you keep picking a fight!”

Eventually, an annoyed Kang Hyeon shouted. Then Kang A-hyun grinned and brought her smartphone in front of Kang Hyeon.

“Hehe. Look at this.”

“What’s this?”

-Geonwu-dong Goblin Slayer

-Geonwu-dong Massacre Man

-Compilation of Geonwu-dong Massacre Man videos

“Geonwu-dong Goblin Slayer…?”

Geonwu-dong was the name of the neighborhood Kang Hyeon was living in. Sensing a bad omen, Kang Hyeon quickly played the video.


-Bang, bang!

It was the scene right after the dungeon opened.

The camera was frantically turning, capturing the soldiers and fleeing civilians.

-Get out! Time’s running out, you bastard!

At that cry from nearby, the camera moved urgently.

Just then, a scene was captured of Kang Hyeon avoiding the sword and shoving a kitchen knife under the goblin’s chin.

-Cer… Cer…

-Thank you. Now get lost.


Kang Hyeon snatched the sword and kicked the goblin cleanly, and the camera then focused solely on Kang Hyeon.

-Swish, swish!


Scenes were captured of Kang Hyeon ruthlessly slashing the goblins blocking his way, and the video ended as Kang Hyeon completely disappeared from the camera’s view.

“Who filmed this? Looking at the camera position, it seems to be from the next building?”

“It looks like it was filmed from around the 3rd or 4th floor.”

Kang Hyeon checked the comments after watching the video.

-Wow, his sword skills are at a professional level, is this real?;;

-He seems to have cleared at least 3 stages of the tutorial.

-He definitely didn’t clear stage 2. If he had cleared stage 2, he could have used the weapon he got there in real life, but at first you see him stabbing the goblin with a kitchen knife? There’s no way he didn’t have his own weapon.

-Oh, that’s right in front of our house… Lol.

-There are videos of other people catching monsters too, but this one has a different class, doesn’t it?

-It’s not that much, you’re overreacting.

-This guy has other videos, and those are even more brutal.

As Kang Hyeon was looking through the comments, he tilted his head.

“What other videos are there? Could there be more?”

“Well… It seems that someone from the company filmed you fighting and posted it, now that the first video has become a bit famous.”


Kang Hyeon sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

“Play it.”

“Here it is.”

-Additional Geonwu-dong Goblin Slayer video

The video started with the scene of Kang Hyeon clearing the barricade with the people.

-That’s enough. Everyone, please step back now.

The people hastily stepped back at Kang Hyeon’s words. Soon after, Kang Hyeon cleared the last locker, and 6 goblins rushed in.

-Keruk, kek!


With a single blow, one goblin’s head was cleanly severed. As the next one charged, Kang Hyeon pushed it away with his shoulder and simultaneously blocked the sword of the goblin next to it.


After a brief test of strength, Kang Hyeon’s sword naturally slid, severing the goblin’s both wrists.


With the goblin writhing in pain from the severed wrists, Kang Hyeon beheaded it, and began dispatching the goblins one by one.

About 3 minutes later.

After all 6 goblins were killed, cheers erupted.

The slowly moving camera’s final shot captured a pile of goblin corpses beyond the entrance.

-The Geonwu-dong Goblin Slayer rushed in to rescue his sister who was trapped at the company. On the scene, he’s completely muscular and cool.

The uploader’s video description.

“Should I laugh or not at this?”

Checking the comments, the reaction was much more explosive than the previous video.

-This is completely insane. He’s not a civilian, but just..?

-He crushed 6 of them single-handedly.

-Wow, it really does seem to be a different class, doesn’t it? Any other 6 vs 1 videos besides this one?

-In other countries, 10 vs 1 is common too.

-Looking at the other bodies, it seems he didn’t just fight once, he must have kept fighting all the way from home to the company.

-You’re making a big fuss over just goblins. My brother said goblins are no big deal.

-Your brother died as soon as he met the tutorial, so he doesn’t know if they’re a big deal or not.

The view count and comments were still rapidly increasing in real-time.

“In this situation, do we even have the leisure to watch these kinds of videos?”

“That’s why, maybe even more so in times like this. You’re stuck at home and can’t go out, what else would you do?”

Kang A-hyun’s words did make some sense.

“Is there no other video?”

“No, there’s just this one.”

Kang Hyeon had ignored people asking for help on his way to the company.

Even now, he thought it was an unavoidable situation, but the fact that those scenes were captured and causing a commotion was also a concern.

“Anyway, you’ve become a celebrity now. Since it’s come to this, what about requesting the copyright and getting the advertising revenue?”

“Are you serious?”

“Then at least it’ll help with the living expenses a bit!”


When money talk came up, Kang Hyeon shrank smaller and smaller.

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