Solo Cultivation in The Apocalypse

Chapter 70 Flamethrower.

Reon gulped, "you do not think we will encounter monsters on the bridge, do you?"

Hitori's smile dropped and the life in his eyes faded, "I suppose." Hitori replied.

Kamiya glanced between both of them. If they will face monsters on this narrow bridge, it will be hard.

"But… are monsters the ones you are afraid to face, Reon-san, or is there something else?"

Reon had faced dangerous monsters together with Hitori, which included the gross claws, Wendigo, and a Pontianak herself. Would that scare her even now?

A person does not think twice before killing another person if he has been doing that for a long. It feels thrilling and scary only for the first few times.

Reon's eyes fidgetted around the floor, "uh… I…" she grabbed her gun and stepped forward without looking at Hitori, "I will take the left side with Kamiya,"

Hitori nodded, "Hm." he turned to his wall, "that is better." He grabbed his katana, "are we ready now?" Hitori asked.


"Y- yeah… I guess." Reon's reply came weak and full of uncertainties.

But Hitori ignored her and raised the wall as he took a step forward. He was ready for another ax either from the right side or from the left side.


It came from the right side. Hitori raised the wall and blocked the ax. Blocks of ice fell down the valley followed by the ax. The ax created a thick mark of its blade on the wall but it was not a problem, Hitori covered it with ice again.

"Next might be from the left, be ready." Hitori lightly took a step forward, expecting an ax from the left side.

Hitori took a step forward and suddenly, fire torches flickered across the floor. They all looked around in surprise.

Medival torches were hung on the walls that were at a distance of ten feet from the stone bridge. The wall was made up of big stones, it looked cold and empty, it looked like the walls of a fort or a castle.

Hitori looked straight. It was a narrow four feet wide bridge and a never-ending bridge in length. Although lights had lit up, Hitori still could not see the bridge's end, it stretched out till the end of the earth.

Although lights had lit up, Hitori still checked each tile in the middle and on the right side by stepping on them himself first. Kamiya handled the left side of the bridge.

Kamiya held his wand ready but Reon had some trouble. Reon could not hold her gun properly, she was breathing heavily at intervals. Her head was down, her gaze was on the stone bridge instead of the axes.

Kamiya stood on the edge of the bridge while Reon stood a few steps away, in the middle of the bridge and right in between Hitori and Kamiya.

Hitori took light steps while Kamiya took firm steps ahead but Reon, she took wobbly steps head. As if she is not willing to move forward.

Kamiya took a step forward and he felt his foot sink into the tile till a click sound came.


This time, an ax came from the left side. Hitori heard the click and turned around, he lifted the wall and tried to bring it in front of Kamiya before the ax.

"Bakuhatsu!" the energy blew the ax away and Hitori failed to move the wall.

Because of the sudden chant, Reon was startled, she looked around like a lost kid in an amusement park.

Kamiya sighed and looked back at Hitori, Hitori looked back at him, "I tried,"

"You did not have to," Kamiya lifted his wand.

Hitori was turning his head when his eyes fell on Reon, "you okay?"

"Ah- yeah. Just… startled," she chuckled. Kamiya frowned behind her.

Hitori glanced at him then at her and nodded, "stay alert," Hitori moved the wall to the right.

Something seemed wrong about Reon to Kamiya. He let it go and turned back to his position.

Hitori took two more steps and another ax jumped from the right. He defended it but exactly at the same moment, Reon stepped on a tile… ahead of Hitori.


[you have crossed half of the tower]

Both Hitori and Kamiya turned around. Reon stared down at the tile she had stepped on, she lifted her anxious face and glanced at both of them.


Kamiya glanced down at her feet, Hitori looked up at two axes, "Kamiya!" Hitori shouted.

Kamiya jerked his head around. Hitori lifted the wall once again and turned it to the other side with all of his might.

Kamiya switched his spells, "Repel!" by the time Kamiya blew away the first ax, the second one had made its way too close to Kamiya that right now, it was impossible for him to cast the explosion spell.

"Repel–" he tried but realized the distance between him and the ax.

"Reon-san!" Hitori brought the wall to the middle of the bridge and moved it across the bridge, to the left side. But he knew he would not make it.

Her eyes danced around in panic, she could not think straight. Reon took a step away from Hitori as he swung the wall.

"Oh, crap." Hitori dropped the wall in the middle and pulled his wand instead, "fireball."

The fireball engulfed the ax and took it down the valley with it. Kamiya removed his hand from above his head and glanced at Hitori.

They nodded then they turned to Reon. Hitori's cold stare scared her even more, "what is wrong? Why are you acting like a coward all of a sudden?" Hitori demanded an answer.

"Reon-san… you seem scared… what is it?" Kamiya took a step forward.

"Why?" Hitori asked, "why are you acting like a wimp?"

Kamiya sighed and walked past Hitori, "We are in the middle of something very important and serious, you can not mess it up for us."

Kamiya's voice rose with every word he spoke. He jerked his wand inside and started to stride towards Reon with a frown.

It was not common for Kamiya to get angry, so Hitori was taken by surprise. Hitori was going to scold her for not using her weapon but Kamiya did not give Hitori a chance to do so.

"N- n- no!" she acted like a woman who is about to be murdered, and stepped back, away from Kamiya.

His frown disappeared. Kamiya stopped and raised his hand to stop her, "no!"

Click, click, click, click!

She stepped on multiple tiles at the same time. Reon panicked again! She turned about and glanced back at the stone tiles she had stepped on.

"Crikey!" Hitori did not panic, absolutely not.

Hitori stretched out his wand at the axes on the right side, "flamethrower!" He cast the most expensive spell from the fire element domain.

But a scourging wave of fire swallowed down every single ax on the right side but behind him, axes flew at him.

"Fire–" be stopped. The axes were close to him. He did not have any time to swing his wand. He was trapped, "flame–" he just could not!

By the time he swings and points his want at the axes, one might even ax his wand.

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