Solo Cultivation in The Apocalypse

Chapter 60 A Deadly Challenge

The severed hands of the murders continued to choke, scratch, and peel Reon's skin. She had managed to survive till now but when Hitori left the dungeon, she lost her motivation.


She fired another bullet, a claw that had reached her stomach fell to the ground. The area below her waist was covered in dark green, red color crawling claws.

Some managed to reach her thighs under her skirt and a few managed to tear her skirt. She struggled hard to prevent the claws from reaching her waist or above but… her efforts resulted in vain.


She unleashed another series of shots and took a last glance at her chat window. She saw Hitori online but she received no replies from him.

Tears formed in her eyes, "why… Hitori-san?" she had concluded Hitori's action to only one possible outcome. "I should not have trusted you," she muttered in her weak, trembling voice.

She felt a strange gross sensation on her stomach. There was no need for Reon to look down, she was sure it was a claw that had made its way to her stomach.

She could FEEL the sensation inside the game. It was not possible for players to feel any kind of pain or sensation in the game.

The claw's long nail circled her belly before it started to pierce it.

Reon stood and acted as if nothing was wrong, "I can not log out…" she leaned against a side of the pit and dropped her head down.

When she stopped her movements the claws started to mount her body, "Guess I will die like this…" she relaxed her body.

Slowly, her back scratched against the irregular surface of the pit and she slid down. Her lab coat converged around her neck, it was covered in dirt because Reon slipped down to the ground.

Things turned easy for the crawling claws, their target came into their claws. The severed claws started to take over Reon's whole body.

A few crawled up through her stomach, through her cleavage, and reached her neck. A few made their way inside her skirt, climbed her thighs, and crawled her back.

It was a strange, disgusting feeling she felt. Hundreds of fingers run through different parts of her body, she felt disgusted yet she could not find any motivation to fight back.

Suddenly one grabbed her breast, she let out a shriek but it was cut short when another one covered her mouth. And now she realized how the female leads in reincarnation novels and anime felt when the slim monster covered them.


[God's Hell has…]

The message vanished from Reon's eyesight, "forget it," her voice came muffled as a claw was stuffed in her mouth.

She had no hope left. Even if God's hell had entered the dungeon, her hope was lost.

The claws finally started to make their move. When one claw reached her neck, it wrapped itself around her neck.

The claws squeezed only her neck at first, but soon, the claws started to squeeze every part of her body.

Her health started declining, Reon's vision faded completely. The dark claws covered her eyes, she suffocated under the claws, the claws choked her.

p Her health moved further down and reached the yellow bar, it fell a little more.

"Oh!" A man shouted as he slid down the entrance tongue, he quickly stood and raised from the ground when he saw a huge pit in front of him.

A frown appeared on his face, he stretched out his hands and a wand slid down in his right hand, "Denki no Mahou," he took a few trembling steps forward and stood right above the pit.

Although he had already chanted his spell, he had trouble raising his wand high above his head. Still, he managed to hold the wand above his head.

A light ball of yellow energy formed on its tip. The man concentrated all of his mana on manifesting the energy ball.

He took a gulp, looked down in the pit, "electrify!" He cast his spell.

He threw his wand down. His arm was held straight forward but his wand was pointed vertically downwards.

The ball of yellow energy that had formed on the tip of his wand dived into the pit, it glowed brightly on its way.

A thin bolt of electricity fell into the pit. Everything around lit up for a moment before darkness took over once again.

That bolt of electricity managed to shoot down a column of claws. More made their way back to Reon and covered her tightly. But the impact disturbed the surrounding claws a little.

Kamiya clicked his tongue. His heart was already beating hard, he was in a panic but tried his best to keep himself under control.

He had faced even dangerous things in the past, both in real and fantasy life. But he had never faced something this creepy.

Kamiya pulled himself away from the pit. He frowned and glanced around him, "it is not going to work." he declared.

Even if Kamiya managed to defeat the claws, they were infinite. And bolts of electricity would not pull Reon out of the pit.

"Reon-san!" Kamiya shouted. The ground beneath him crumbled into the pit and fell on the claws.

Two claws fell, rest moved away for a second before contracting back on her body.

Kamiya clicked his tongue, threw his hands, and moved back from the pit, "how? How do I do it?" He grazed his hand over his forehead.

He turned and glanced once again in the pit, Reon's health bar was declining with discipline and consistency. He did not have much time.

Based on Kamiya's calculations, at this rate, "I do not have more than three minutes- maybe two and a quarter." He frantically started checking his surroundings and equipment.

"What would have I done if it was Akemi-nee-chan…" that thought seemed to calm down Kamiya, he stopped frantically looking around, "what would… I, as a responsible brother do?" Kamiya gulped.

"I need to maximize the damage of my attack," he looked straight in the pit, "without actually killing Akemi-nee-chan." he imagined Reon to be his sister Akemi.

But after observing this much, Kamiya became confused, "what now?" he rubbed his forehead once again.

Kamiya glanced at Reon again, the tension rose and her health reduced. Kamiya brought his hand down and grabbed his wand.

He took a deep gulp and stepped away from the pit, "I do not have any option left."

He muttered as he pointed his wand straight at the pit, "Reon-san," he gulped once again, "I hope you can swim," his wand went up and came down, "Mizu no Mahou: Torrent!"

First, the recoil threw Hitori back, he landed on the ground. Second, a huge wave of water, almost a flood, entered the pit and started to fill it.

Kamiya grunted while trying to keep up with the recoil, but he failed. Kamiya pulled his wand away and the water disappeared.

The insides of the pit started to float up. The severed hands had no choice but to let go of her but a few were still stuck to her breasts and thighs.

The claws dispersed and spread across the pit, Reon started to rise from the bottom slowly too. But, she did not move.

Kamiya pushed himself off the ground, he saw that Reon was unconscious but had not logged out. He wondered where her subconsciousness was but decided to discard that curiosity.

He went close to the pit, "electrify!" he shouted and a bolt of electricity entered the pit.

He raised his wand once again and swung it, "electrify!" He continued to chant the spell a few more times till the pit of water bloomed with electricity. The sizzling sound of the water echoed.

Those electric shocks acted as cardioversion. Kamiya was not sure if it would work or not but when Reon suddenly splashed and struggled in the water, it was Kamiya's victory.

"Good! Now come to shore!" he shouted. But, Reon just kept struggling without saying anything.

Kamiya forgot one important thing. He lifted his wand again, "Kyushu!" yellow bolts of electricity started to come out from the pit.

All of the bolts gathered near Kamiya's wand. After he made sure to suck the electricity out of the pit, Kamiya threw his wand up.

The bolts of electricity pierced through the roof and disappeared into the dark floors.

Kamiya sighed, he looked down. He took a few quick steps and squatted down near Reon, and stretched out his hand, "Come on now, I will help you." he shouted.

But Reon neither spoke nor made any attempts to swim. Kamiya's frown faded, he could feel what was about to happen next.

At one point, Reon even stopped struggling. She let go of her body weight. And Reon started to sink into the ten feet deep pit.

"A-are y- you, you… for- for real?" Kamiya's mouth dropped open.

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