Solo Cultivation in The Apocalypse

Chapter 42 The Sensational Sacrifice.

A sweet breeze scent entered the hospital room. Hitori and Reon stopped walking when both sensed something behind them.

"You called her ugly,"

"Yeah" with a stammer 'yeah' Hitori turned around to face a woman dressed in white.

The woman let out a high-pitched scream which almost deafened Hitori and Reon. Hitori saw a pair of blank white eyes coming his way.

To protect himself from a pale face with no pupils, Hitori raised his arms in front of him. The woman climbed on Hitori and wrapped her hands around Hitori's head.

Reon was pushed away by the woman at the same time. Reon had landed hard on her butt, she had aimed her gun at the woman. By pulling the trigger, she started a free fire. She did not care whether the bullet hit Hitori or not.

The woman who had grabbed Hitori released her damn long claws out. Reon turned around, grabbed her gun, and started shooting at the woman's head. But even after that, she was not letting go of Hitori.

She lifted her claws and dug them deep into Hitori's back. When Hitori saw his health decrease by a huge deal, he grunted, "fire flames,"

Dark orange flames of fire erupted from his hands. The woman sitting on his top pulled her claws out and rushed away from Hitori.

She stopped a few steps away. Hitori pulled his arm near his waist, a fireball appeared in his palms, "fireball," he chanted the spell and threw the ball at the woman.

The woman stepped back and disappeared into the darkness. Hitori's fireball disappeared with her. As if the ball passed through a hole from where even light can not escape.

With no sign of the woman, Hitori and Reon regrouped, "you okay?" she handed him a flask of potion. Hitori accepted the potion and shook his head before gulping down the potion.

"The boss?"

"The boss."

Another high-pitched scream rang through the empty ruined hospital room. The same woman with a pale face and blank white eyes appeared from the darkness.

She was flying in the sky with her white dress flowing along with the flow of the air. She opened her claws once again and dived towards Hitori.

"The stakes!" he shouted as he pushed Reon away and jumped in the opposite direction himself.

Hitori landed on the ground. Hitori rolled on the ground and stood on his knees with his flaming katana in his hands.

The woman came down like a rocket, Hitori raised his katana, she raised her claws. Their weapons clashed against each other, Hitori was pushed to the ground by her.

He used his legs to kick her away. She went back a little but charged at him again. Hitori swung his katana at her, her claws pushed the katana down.

Hitori got on his knees, clashed with the woman once again before running off to the other side of the room. Hitori's eyes fell on Reon who was on her knees behind him.

Reon transformed her gun into a launcher, loaded it with the maximum capacity of stakes: one. She got down on her knees behind the bed, to take cover.

Hitori looked forward. His eyes met with a woman dressed in white but her eyes were blank and face pale. She was standing in a dark corner of the room.

Hitori clicked his tongue, he put a stop and turned around with a grunt. She stood right in front of him once again. He pulled his hands and charged a fire beam at her. Once again, his fire disappeared with the woman.

Hitori looked around. She was nowhere to be seen. He lifted his head, and she appeared above him.


An iron stake had pierced the woman while she was still in the air, and Hitori's eyes went wide in surprise. The woman let out a medium-pitched sound and turned back into the darkness.

The recoil damage was tremendously reduced down to almost zero because of Reon's new position which sent the recoil down to the earth through her body.

The white woman suddenly changed her targets and appeared in front of Reon. Reon aimed her launcher up at the roof and fired another stake.

The woman let out a louder scream this time and disappeared into the darkness once again. The stakes were inflicting some damage on the woman, not much but, pretty average.

Hitori unsheathed his fire katana and ran towards the bed. The white woman faded in from the darkness, Hitori took that chance.

"Cover me," he placed his feet on the corner of the bed, tensed his thighs, jerked his body, and jumped high in the air.

He threw a fireball from the left hand and swung his katana with the right. The woman did not move at all till Hitori's attacks were close to her.

And just in the blink of Hitori's fire hitting her, she disappeared. His fireball dived deep into an endless dark corner.

Hitori clicked his tongue and spun his head. Reon was still in her position, but that was not what Hitori wanted to check.

Since Reon had managed to inflict damage on the boss of twenty-five to thirty, her threat level had increased potentially. So obviously, Reon was the boss's new target.

Just as Hitori had predicted, the woman faded in from behind and raised above Rion, opened her pair of claws to swap them down and hunt her prey.

Hitori pulled his katana back and threw it like a spear in the woman's direction. He had started falling down though.

Reon pulled her eyes away from the scope of her launcher, she saw Hitori's flame-covered katana coming towards her. She pulled down her launcher and ducked forward.

Hitori's thrown katana went past Reon. The boss disappeared for the nth time and Hitori's katana went through nothing but thin air.

Reon rolled forward and regrouped with Hitori, "hand me a stake, please,"

Reon already had her launcher loaded, she handed him two stakes with only one remaining with her now.

"Only if we could touch her," Hitori said, "it would be easy to stab her if we manage to somehow hold her still," he looked at Reon. then moved his head back to focus on his surroundings.

Reon heard him. She gulped and looked up at the woman who was slowly fading in again. Hitori raised his stake in one hand and threw it at her.

She easily managed to dodge it. Reon gulped once again. She looked at her launcher, her hands went to the slot where the stake was loaded. She pressed the release button.

Reon took off, "oey?" Hitori was confused at her actions, "where-" the woman appeared in rage, "are you…" he paused.

Reon tugged her launcher and threw it at the woman, she disappeared. Hitori took a step back.

Reon knew that the woman would appear behind him once more. As soon as she felt a presence behind her, Reon turned around to grab the woman's neck.

Reon let go of her body weight on her and fell on the ground together with the white woman. Reon brought forward the iron stake she was holding onto. She pierced the stake through the woman's brain to pin her on the floor.

"Throw your stake!!" Hitori was left speechless. Reon's order woke him up. He quickly brought his stake near his shoulder, took it behind his shoulder, and threw it with all of his strength.

The stake made an arc in the air, Hitori's expressions started changing while the stake was yet to fall down.

"No…" he took a step forward, "no!" he let out a shout.

The iron stake fell down and pierced the woman's neck. Hitori could not move his eyes from the scene in front of him.

Reon's face turned pale, a mouthful of blood poured out of her mouth and fell on the woman in front of her.

Reon slowly moved her eyes down to her stomach. The woman's arms were raised up, two arms went through her chest and stomach.

Blood dripped from the woman's claws that had gone through Reon's body. Hitori kept staring at the sight with a guilty expression slowly unfolding on his face.

"W- what were you planning to do?" he asked at last.

Reon turned her head to Hitori with a struggle, "hold her still…"

"You fool," Hitori's eyes did not move from her face, he rushed near her and pulled out a potion flask.

Reon raised her hand to stop Hitori from wasting his potion on her, "Be sure to collect my drops, I will be back," she smiled.

Hitori stood there as Reon's health bar turned grey from red and her health points dropped down to zero.

He did not get up from the floor before Reon's body started turning into pixels and disappeared from the room.


Will Be Continued…!

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