Smash All Pots and Pans To Go to School

Chapter 422

Chapter 422

“This military academy is —— Damocles Military Academy!” Since Ying Yuerong has come to host, she will do her best. “As the only military academy that has reached the finish line and taken off the flag, they won the championship this time and received ten points.”

The Damocles Military Academy below immediately cheered. After many years, they won the divisional championship for the first time. Even if it was only the divisional competition, it was worth cheering on for.

The people from other military academies looked at them expressionlessly. Although they didn’t want to admit it, the organizer did not say to terminate the competition. It was just recognized by everyone in private. Now that Damocles came out with the military flag, even the organizer had to admit that they could receive the championship.

“Now, let’s please invite the five main members of the Damocles Military Academy to come up and receive the award.” Ying Yuerong looked at the five people in the audience.

Wei San fell to the back. As she walked, she brought out the broadcasting equipment from her combat preparation bag and placed it on the podium with a thud.

Five people and the broadcasting equipment were placed on the podium. Wei San lowered her head and fiddled with the equipment. The audience in front of the live broadcast camera did not know what she meant, but the members of the Imperial Military Academy who had been tortured immediately understood what she was going to do.

Everyone at the Imperial Military Academy: “……”

After Wei San finished it, she pointed the microphone at the broadcasting equipment.

At this moment, viewers across the federation who were watching the live broadcast heard a broadcast.

[Congratulations to Damocles Military Academy for successfully reaching the finish line. Repeat.…..]

Wei San played it back and forth five times before unplugging the broadcast equipment. She straightened up and held the microphone: “I’m sorry, I believe everyone didn’t hear the broadcast in the extremely cold stadium, so we decided to play it a few more times.”

The audience in front of the live broadcast camera: “……” doesn’t she see the ugly faces of the other military students below?

“Ahem!” Xiang Minghua coughed desperately from below, reminding Wei San not to go too far.

“What do you want to say to everyone after Damocles Military Academy won the championship this time?” Yu Tianhe took the microphone from Ying Yuerong and asked this customary question.

“Yes.” Wei San held the microphone and held Ying Chenghe with one hand in front of the entire federation. “We have always had a question to ask Ying Xingjue, one of the twin stars of the empire.”

Ying Chenghe turned his head and was suddenly startled. He understood what Wei San was going to say and tried to take her microphone.

Wei San raised her hand, hugged Ying Chenghe forcefully, and picked up a small handful of his dry hair: “What is your hair care secret?”

Everyone was in an uproar, especially those from the Imperial Military Academy. This Wei San was too provocative.

Wei San didn’t care at all about their reactions, her eyes met Ying Xingjue’s: “Can you teach some secrets?”

“Wei San, don’t bully others too much. Without our main command, you may not be able to make it back.” Situ Jia’s face was extremely ugly.

“I’m just asking for advice on some issues. Forget it if you don’t tell me. I’m not forcing you.” Wei San sighed helplessly, as if Situ Jia was making trouble unreasonably.

Ying Xingjue raised his eyes and looked at Wei San in the middle of the championship stage, and said calmly: “You can ask me in private.”

Wei San raised her brows: “Okay.”

[If they ask for advice in private, I’m afraid there will be a war of the century, right? 】

[Do you think the commander is stronger, or the mecha soldier alone is stronger? 】

[Of course Ying Xingjue is stronger, he is a super 3S level commander. 】

[But after adding Purple Mushroom Liquid to Wei San’s Impermanence, it seems that it can be regarded as super 3S level. 】

[Friends, this is a naked provocation! 】


The audience in the live broadcast room discussed that Wei San and Ying Xingjue were at odds with each other from now on.

Xiang Minghua winked at Wei San and them, his eyelids almost twitching. Finally, Jin Ke took action, took the microphone from Wei San, and started to say some beautiful words.

Ying Chenghe quietly wiped the sweat from his forehead and whispered to Wei San: “You really asked?”

Wei San was surprised: “Didn’t we agree to stand on the podium and ask him this question when we win the championship? Why are you so cowardly?”

“.…..I was joking about burning hair.” Ying Chenghe put aside the relationship in advance.

“But I’m not joking.” Wei San looked thoughtfully at Ying Xingjue, “I want to burn it.”

Liao Runing bent back, turned his face slightly and said to Wei San: “Add me too.”

Ying Chenghe raised his hands to cover his ears. He heard nothing and knew nothing. They really shouldn’t come to find him after his cousin’s hair was burned.

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