Skeleton Knight, in Another World

Volume 8 - Ch 20

Translator: Silver Editor: Namorax

Dragon Kings and Undead Giants

Will Arc-hon be joining us soon?

Those leisurely words were uttered as a pattern-like ripple sailed across her large beautiful wings with every flap.

Even small movements with an eighty-meter long body created a gust around her.

Dragon King Williahsfim called out to Ferufivisurotte who restlessly looked back at Arcs shrinking back.

Ferufivisurotte-dono, arent we going after those guys soon?

Ferufivisurotte was a little surprised and glanced at him when she heard him, then a dry chuckle escaped her lips.

You know, I didnt really feel like doing something like this, but I guess its a great motivation to do something.

She made a somewhat strange expression as she looked away and scratched her neck with the tip of her tail.

Once this is over, things will settle down for those around me, but I have no personal investment in this.

Ferufivisurotte laughed a dragons throaty laugh at Williahsfims comment.

Well then, let us see what Arc-han has in store for use shall we?

She spread her wings and took off into the sky after that comment.

From the sky, they could see that the ten thousand allied forces had been divided into multiple platoons and were now approaching the Holy City in a semi-fan formation.

Just before they got within range of the undead giants attack, Ferufivisurotte took the time to search for Arcs figure once more.

The capabilities of a Dragon Kings eyes far exceeded those of a humans, so after she caught sight of Arcs back among the soldiers and warriors she started to accelerate.

Williahsfim followed closely behind her.

In that way, Ferufivisurotte and Williahsfim glided into a landing in few meters in front of Arc.

Holy Protection!!

The moment the two Dragon Kings landed, Arc unleashed his support magic Holy Protection , the shining membrane the spell created instantaneously covering their bodies.

Once the process was completed Ferufivisurotte flapped her wings once more and soared into the sky.

The membrane would only protect them against the giants black spheres a single time.

The two Dragon Kings took note of the growing number of undead surrounding the Holy City.

Here we go!!

With a mighty roar, Ferufivisurotte created multiple light spheres and sent them hurtling towards the ground like meteors.

A deafening cacophony of explosions erupted as the earth itself was scraped away upon impact.

Thousands of undead within the strike zone had been obliterated.

From Arcs perspective, he had just witnessed an air strike.

Hahahaha, what a lovely sound!!!

Unilateral aerial dominance in her unbridled amusement Ferufivisurotte began spiraling in the air.

Simultaneously, many more spheres of light appeared around her body however, this time she didnt release them all at once like before. Instead, she chuckled as the orbs rained down across the entire area.

The power was weaker than the initial bombardment, the resulting impacts kicking up a massive dust cloud. The undead soldiers and spider monsters were mercilessly disintegrated, their remains added to the cloud.

Williahsfim generated a massive tornado around his body and flew over the plains where the undead congregated, the pull of the vortex sucking them into the air.

Most of those that had been sucked into the sky were either ripped to shreds by the winds or fell back to the ground at terminal velocity.

Dragon Kings have such outstanding abilities that they cut down undead like lawn mowers as they made their way towards the Holy City.

However, their assault was interrupted when a series of black orbs were suddenly sent flying towards the pair.

The two undead giants in the center of the city had begun their counterattack.

As their hollow eyes caught sight of the two Dragon Kings, they raised their heads and spat out black spheres from the chasms that were their mouths. It was a long-range arcing attack.

The ground the black orbs landed on was eroded and twisted into a hideous landscape, but the undead in the area remained unaffected.

In response to the giants attacks, the two Dragon Kings split up and flew towards the center of the city from different angles.

As soon as the city walls were in range, Ferufivisurotte created a massive light sphere in front of her mouth and fired it at the wall.

With a blinding light and surging explosion a hole, so massive that the surroundings collapsed under their own weight, was blown into the wall.

An avalanche of debris fell into the streets as the hole in the city wall stabilized. Meanwhile, Williahsfim, whod entered the city after Ferufivisurotte was greeted by several black orbs, but he was far more agile than his female counterpart and easily dodged them.

The undead giant tried to pin him down with another wave of attacks, but Ferufivisurotte flew in flanked them with her light spheres.

It seemed as if one of the giants arms was on the verge of falling off after the attack, but its flesh swelled up and immediately restored the arm to its original state.

Such an annoying physical body hoo hoo, if the dead cannot die, thats just in bad taste!

Ferufivisurotte let out an unpleasant roar as she twisted her massive figure and stuck out the crystalline sword at the tip of her tail the glittering sword lopped off half of the giants head.


At that moment, the giant trembled as innumerable screams and groans escaped its body while strange black aura surrounds the giant.

The half-headed giant began searching for its missing cranium, but Ferufivisurotte reacted faster, flying towards the area the head had landed and bombarded it with a barrage of light spheres.

Ferufivisurotte attempted to rise up and confirm the condition of the head section, but the damaged giant rapidly fired black orbs at her, forcing her to stay low to the ground and use a nearby building as cover.

Once the dust had settled, Ferufivisurotte confirmed that the section of the head had been completely destroyed and tried to gain some distance while dodging the black orbs .

Hoo-ha, theyre nothing but a mass of death impurities. Well be at this for a while

Despite her complaints, she unleashed another bombardment of light spheres against the giant, eventually causing the beasts posture to crumble.

Capitalizing on this opening, Ferufivisurotte used her crystalline sword to sever the giants arms in quick succession.

Without the burden of carrying someone on her back and with Williahsfim dealing with the other giant, she had more freedom to conduct extreme maneuvers like that.

The damaged giant fell to its knees and began searching for its severed arms.

However, a just as she had done with the section of the giants head, Ferufivisurotte blasted both limbs into oblivion.

Although it took a while to destroy the large extremities, the enemy had lost a significant amount of mass now.

Such a waste.

At a distance outside the range of the black spheres, Ferufivisurotte shook her head as she looked down upon what remained of the giant.

When she turned her attention towards Williahsfim and his opponent, she found that the giant had been trapped within a giant vortex, the wind prison cutting off its movements completely.

Countless blades of wind broke off from the central vortex the blades chipping away at the giants mass like a grinder.

The soft flesh would knit itself back together after every cut, but the giant now seemed smaller than the one Ferufivisurotte fought.

Williahsfim strategy was to defeat his opponent by gradually cutting away at its grotesque flesh. Although he lacked Ferufivisurottes power, he was capable of keeping his attack going continuously.

Ferufivisurotte possessed incredibly high attack power, but she was at a disadvantage against opponents with high regenerative abilities unless she could kill them in one hit.

Williahsfims strategy was also clever on another level, as whenever the giant tried to shoot its way out of the prison, the vortex would harmlessly disperse the black orbs before they could escape.


The dead that composed the giants body screamed in agony, but the noise the vortex created blocked them out as the blades severed them from the main body and were disintegrated.

As far as she could see, the giant would soon disappear, so Ferufivisurotte returned her attention to her opponents. However, the giant had begun moving towards Williahsfim.

Hii, Ive got my own things to deal with!

She flapped her wings and quickly chased after the damaged giant.

The armless giant ran headlong towards Williahsfim prepared to fire a valley of black orbs at the Dragon King who was occupied with maintaining the other giants wind prison.

Realizing its opportunity to escape, the giant within the prison started shooting black spears, in high enough concentrations that they partially escaped the vortex, at Williahsfim.

If the vortex weakened, the wind blades would cease and allow the giant to free itself.

While dealing with the results of her momentary carelessness, Ferufivisurotte began attacking the armless giant with reckless abandon.

However, a jagged hole suddenly appeared in the damaged giants back, and it launched a black orb at Ferufivisurotte.


The black sphere the giant shot Ferufivisurotte was hit squarely in the face with the death impurity laden attack and was thrown into a building by the collision.

The visual marker from Arc spell had vanished after a single blow.

After righting herself, Ferufivisurottes used her long tail like a harpoon and penetrated the damaged giants leg and soar into the sky, knocking the giant off its feet in the process.

Haa, if it werent for Arc-hons magic, Id be with Eva right now. Nevertheless, for the face to be just a decoration I was careless.

The giant tried to attack her as it trailed behind her, but Ferufivisurotte dodged them with minimum effort while simultaneously raining down light spheres on its head.

Williahsfim began channeling a portion of his magic away from the prison and retreated to a safe distance.

The area darkened as a massive thunderbolt formed above the giants head and unleashed an enormous bolt of lightning upon the trapped monster. Unfortunately, while the surface had been burnt to a crisp, the flesh soon rose to heal the damage.

I was able to shave it down a bit, but its quite the difficult enemy!

Williahsfim spat out a stream of curses as he increased the power of the vortex to disperse the imprisoned giants attack while dodging the random attacks from the armless giant.

The fight between the two undead giants and the dragon kings had reduced the Holy City to battlefield but now wasnt to worry about the collateral damage as destroying the enemy took top priority.

Ferufivisurotte and Williahsfim began putting distance between one another while attacking their respective opponents with their unique magic.

However, while the giants continued to shoot black orbs towards the dragon kings the way that they approached one another instead of chasing after them made Ferufivisurotte feel uncomfortable.

When the armless giant suddenly lept unto the shrunken giant, their bodies congealed and fused with one another.



The two dragon king shouted surprise at what they were witnessing.

The two giants fuse into one being, its body growing in size as four arms sprouted from its abdomen, and another, even more jagged mouth appeared on its face. Black spheres were appearing in every hand and in its mouth, all five of them emitting high concentrations of death impurities.

!? I wonder if it can get any larger.

Ferufivisurotte used her light sphere to cancel out the death impurities while Williahsfim let out a series of curses as he twisted and jerked his body to evade the orbs.

The undead giant leaned back and shot black orbs at Ferufivisurotte like an anti-aircraft gun, but she evaded or dispersed all of them and managed to get in close enough to cut off one of the giants arms with her crystalline sword.

However, when the severed arm landed on the giants foot, it was reabsorbed into giants body and moments later the stump had reformed into an arm.

Williahsfim unleashed countless wind blades towards the giant, but the cuts they inflected closed up just as quickly as theyd been formed.

The giant was nearly ninety meters tall, far exceeding Ferufivisurottes full length. As for Williahsfim, it was proving impossible to deal significant damage to an enemy more than twice his size.

Baa, dont tell me its regeneration speed has increased together with its size!?

Williahsfim struck one of the giants lower arms before flying away to gain some distance.

Meanwhile, the giants four arms split in half, creating eight arms in the process and drastically increasing the number of attacks it produced.

While evading the giants anti-aircraft fire, Ferufivisurotte dove towards the giants central mass, occasionally shooting light spheres towards it, but they only managed to do superficial damage to the giant.

Ferufivisurottes patience was reaching its breaking point, and she was beginning to think about erasing the entire city when a dazzling light suddenly appeared at the giants feet.


The undead that the giant was composed of screeched as the earth rumbled and it seemed as if hell itself had been cracked open underneath its foot.

When the light faded, one of the giants legs was missing, everything beneath the knee had been beautifully severed, causing the now off-balanced giant to start falling.

In the next moment, there was a ground-shaking impact as buildings collapsed and dust clouds sprung up around the fallen giant, blanketing the area in dust.

However, neither Ferufivisurotte or Williahsfim allowed this opportunity to pass them by.

The dust clouds reduced visibility in the city below to next to nothing, but a Dragon King could accurately target an undead even in absolute darkness.

The impurities cannot be hidden so easily!

She rapidly descended on the cloud as she spoke, but backpaddled when two of the giants arms suddenly shot out from the cloud of dust.

Before they could do anything, the arms were captured by two tornados that Williahsfim created and were subsequently obliterated by an onslaught of wind blades.

Hihihi, the finish line is within sight!

Seeing that the situation had turned in their favor, Ferufivisurotte dove into the dust cloud and began cutting off the giants limbs one after another.

Williahsfim followed closely behind her, diligently capturing the giants severed limbs and destroying them with powerful wind magic.

For a period of time, the Holy City was overwhelmed by the desperate wails of the undead, but the sound gradually diminished before disappearing completely.

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