Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

Arc V Chapter 4

Arc V Chapter 4



Arc V Chapter 4


Shikaku observed the map. He gave the most logical response, “The world?”

“Correct, the world.” Asami guided him. “And what more?”

“The five great shinobi nations?” Shikaku looked up.

Asami smiled. “Full points. Next question, how are these five nations ... organised? From a political perspective, who stands with whom? ” A sense of danger lingered in the air. 

“...” Shikaku stared at the map, yet no answer surfaced.

Moments passed before Asami came to the rescue. “As said, danger looms on the horizon, Shikaku. Two alliances emerged from the ashes of the Third Great Ninja War. Have you never thought about the bigger strategic implications of the coming invasion?”

“...” Shikaku leaned back in his chair, brooding. Alliances, invasion, strategic implications. He didn't understand.

His eyes wandered across the map, from Iwagakure to Kirigakure, Iwa’s traditional ally. Both villages shared similar interests and the same enemy, Konoha. Kumo would join the war on Iwa's and Kiri's side, just like in the previous war. Together, Konoha and Suna stood outnumbered against …

“...” Shikaku's eyes widened in realisation. He understoond. He now saw the whole picture. Asami's words connected. Everything suddenly fell into place and silence followed. He was lost for words. Minutes passed undisturbed. Neither he nor Asami uttered a single word.

Konoha would lose her sole ally. Konoha would stand alone against four hidden villages, alone against a traitorous Suna, a hostile Kiri, a revanchist Iwa, and an expansionist Kumo. Konoha would need to fight a four front war, isolated, without allies, surrounded on all sides. The moment Konoha showed weakness, her enemies would fall upon Konoha like a pack of hungry wolves. 

Shikaku folded his hands. “We stand alone, don't we? We against the world.”

“...” Asami merely nodded. “Trying times await Konoha, even if we should be able to repel the invasion. But not everything is lost yet. There is still hope, Shikaku.”

Shikaku blinked. “How so?”

“Isn’t that obvious?” Asami grinned, pointing at herself. “After all, the village still has me.”

“You?” Shikaku despaired. “I guess we are doomed.”

Asami clicked her tongue. “No need to be sarcastic. But to be honest, your lack of faith in me disappoints me, Shikaku. I expected more. As long as the village relies on me, Konoha's future will be assured.”

“...” Shikaku had his doubts, and yet ... There was such confidence in her voice and such determination in her eyes.

Normally, he would have broken out in open laughter. A little girl with fluffy cheeks told him that she would save Konoha from destruction like a shining hero from a fairy tale. Ridiculous, wasn't it? And yet he didn't laugh, not even for a moment. Their little princess was serious, dead serious.

He read her ANBU dossier. Her estimated body count was already staggering despite her age. Konoha's grim reaper had a body count that put even veteran ANBU to shame. Entire Iwa, Kumo, Kiri squads, entire platoons, entire companies simply disappeared by her hand. There was no doubt, Asami was strong, but was it enough?

Shikaku maintained his poker face. “You might say so, but with all due respect to your capabilities, I have a hard time believing you.”

Asami chuckled. “Unfortunate, I must say, but luckily, I am not alone. We have all of Konoha behind us.”

Shikaku listened. “I feel there is more. Care to explain?”

“Shikaku, ultimately, there is only one solution to our strategic dilemma. We need to strike first, we need to strike fast, we need to strike hard. There are three villages. There are three enemies. We must act before they can turn their united strength against us. We must knock out one village before it is too late, or at least incapacitate it to such a degree that they won’t pose any threat to us in the future.”

“...” Shikaku didn’t need to be a genius to figure out the meaning of her wars. Did Asami comprehend, however, what she was proposing? She did, and that was what frightened him. Asami understood perfectly well what she was about to unleash. “You ... You planned this from the beginning, didn’t you, Asami?”

Asami tilted her head and played dumb. “Oh my, really? Did I? You are quite late to notice that, my friend.”


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