Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

Arc V Chapter 11

Arc V Chapter 11



Arc V Chapter 11


The meeting dissolved and Fumihiko followed his mistress. He had something to discuss with Asami, but such was easier said than done because he had lost sight of her. Asami exhibited the annoying habit of disappearing into thin air. Her steps were light, her stature quite short for her age, which made her easy to overlook.

Fumihiko peaked around the corner, with success. There she was. He finally found her. He picked up the pace and continued his pursuit, quickly reaching her. “Asami, wait a moment.”

Asami halted. “Oh, Fumihiko~, do you need anything?”

Fumihiko nodded. “Yes, I want to talk with you. Well, you see, you put me in charge of the right flank, and ...” He scratched his head. 

“And what?” Asami smiled.

Fumihiko hesitated. “Do you really think that is a good idea to choose me?”

“Why not?” Asami tilted her head.

“You see, I am just a simple chunin. I fear that I don’t have much experience when it comes to commanding troops ...”

“Ah, I understand.” Asami drew her sword. “Could you please kneel down for a moment?”

Her request startled Fumihiko, but he obeyed and knelt. 

Asami placed her blade on his shoulders, knighting him. “By the powers vested in me by the Hokage and the village council, I promote you hereby to jonin. See, problem solved. You are now a jonin, an inexperienced jonin admittedly, but a jonin regardless. Incredible how quickly you get promoted these days. Do you perhaps want another field promotion, Fumihiko?”

Fumihiko stared at his mistress with incredulous eyes. “But ... But ... But ... Is this even legal? Promoting random people to jonin?”

“Who knows. Most likely not, but who cares. What Konoha doesn't see, Konoha doesn't know.” Asami stroked her chin. “But I wonder which promotion are you even talking about, Fumihiko? I don’t remember any.”

Fumihiko, the fresh jonin, blinked, bewildered. “I am talking about my promotion ...”

“Your promotion? Congratulations, Fumihiko, I didn’t know you become a jonin. When did that happen?” Asami beamed.

“...” Realisation finally dawned on Fumihiko.

Asami pinched his cheeks. “It seems that we understand now. And don’t worry about the promotion, I have met enough jonin with dubious qualifications that have attained their rank under much more questionable circumstances.”

Fumihiko, however, was confronted with more pressing issues. “Aasaammi, coouullssshhhdd you plleaashhhhhe stop pinnncching mmme. It hurrttshhhh.”



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