Seduce the hero's mother (GL)

Chapter 29: Chapter 28. The Cassius Estate

Early the next morning, we left the Royal Academy on the family carriage of the Duchy of Cassius.

As Rachel said, her father «asked» the director to let us go early, which he did not object to. His only condition was that we faithfully completed all the necessary tasks upon returning to school.

Thus, Rachel and I went on vacation ahead of schedule, while all the students were writing tests and taking tests with might and main. Realizing this, I was even glad that I didn't have to pore over textbooks. After all, it was just this activity that I disliked most of all.

Rachel, Duke Cassius, and I rode in the same carriage, which at first seemed very awkward. The journey to the northern border of the empire was a long one, so I had no idea how I would survive this time. Especially when there were two such terrifying people next to me.

Rachel almost immediately looked out of the window, not paying attention to the world around her. The Duke was sitting on the seat opposite from us, and pretended that he was sorting out some documents. Although he kept glancing in our direction, as if at any moment we could do something indecent.

Contrary to my initial opinion of him, Raymond Cassius turned out to be by no means what I imagined. When I first met Rachel, I assumed that her father had bullied her as much as she had bullied her son. I expected to see a typical tyrant who beats his child with a whip and controls him in every way. After all, this is exactly how the villain Cassius looked in the eyes of the entire empire.

But, to my surprise, the real picture turned out to be exactly the opposite. During our short acquaintance, I have never seen the Duke treat his daughter terribly. Rather, she did not put him in anything, as if he was not her father but some kind of outsider.

I didn't know the reason for the emergence of such a relationship between them, but I suspected that everything was not just like that. There must be a reason why Rachel grew up so angry at the world around her.

Duke Cassius must have known the answer to that question, although I didn't dare ask him yet. There was a hope in me that I would find out about everything when I arrived at the estate.

The oppressive atmosphere in such a small space made itself felt. I felt like a cornered rabbit being guarded by two predators.

Therefore, when almost a day later I saw snow outside the window, I couldn't help but be happy. The northern border was known for the fact that its usual climate was significantly different from the rest of the country. Winter here lasted almost all year round, while summer came only for a couple of months. And right now a real snowfall was raging.

This territory was completely under the control of the Cassius family, and I immediately felt it when, barely crossing the border, the commoners fell to their knees when they saw a black carriage with a golden raven coat of arms. Most likely, all these people were terrified of the duke.

But it was fear that allowed the Duchy of Cassius to hold power for so many years. None of the residents of the northern capital will ever dare to stage a riot or other illegal actions. Unlike the diplomatic king, the duke ruled his land absolutely totalitarianly.

However, the picture of terrified faces did not attract me too much, because usually I am used to seeing something completely different. If I ever inherit the title of Archduchess, I will definitely treat my people better.

While I was looking at the views of the duchy, something suddenly fell on my lap. It was a black fur cape made of bear skin, which could easily pass for a warm fur coat. It also bore the coat of arms of the Cassius family.

I was surprised, while Rachel instantly turned back, handing me her clothes.

— Why are you…? I wanted to ask when I had such a valuable thing in my hands.

— Just take it.

Rachel waved me off as usual, not wanting to answer the question.

— But it's your cape! — I objected, — If I take her away, what will you wear?

— I'm not cold.

Despite the fact that Rachel confidently told me this, I did not believe her. Even an ice-cold girl like her can't be in subzero temperatures without outerwear.

— By the way, I have my own!

I tried to return her gift, but Rachel insisted. She glared at me.

— How are you going to live here for a month with your luggage? — the girl reasonably asked, — This is not the south, and no one wears summer dresses in this weather.

Come to think of it, Rachel was right. I really didn't take much with me, because I didn't know in advance how cold it would be in the northern border. Even my warmest cape was more suitable for autumn walks.

«Well…» I hesitated, «if you're worried about me, then I can buy something here.»

The girl glared at me furiously, as if these words offended her.

— Who's worried about you? — Rachel reacted instantly, — I just don't want to be extreme if you freeze and die in some snowdrift.

Ah, that's it…

Having stated this, she turned away to the window and did not talk to me anymore. I chuckled, eventually deciding to accept this «gift». Sometimes I couldn't figure out what Rachel was thinking at all.

Duke Cassius looked at us strangely, but said nothing. And when I turned to him, he cleared his throat, as if the scene had passed him by. Once again I thought how ambiguous this family was.

We drove through the territory of the duchy for several more hours, until finally we were in front of the main estate. A giant black castle on a couple of floors greeted us quite cordially.

The servants, seeing the return of the owner, immediately ran out, pulling out the luggage and escorting us inside. As I walked through the courtyard, I couldn't help but notice that the architects did their best on this house no worse than on the imperial palace.

Despite the fact that I had been living as an aristocrat for a long time, and had to get used to such things, I still involuntarily opened my mouth.

So, it was in this place that the main male character lived, before meeting Brisney. I found myself in a location that was significant for the novel, and I couldn't help but be delighted. Because she remembered all the romantic scenes that happened here. Although I was not a special fan of the main couple, but could I, as a reader, remain indifferent?

In the main hall, a tapestry with the Cassius coat of arms, as well as other heirlooms indicating belonging to this family, immediately caught my eye. The floor and stairs to the upper floors were laid out of black marble, as well as all the other furniture made mainly of dark shades. Countless servants lined up in a row, preparing to listen to the duke's instructions.

«Escort Lady Ashford to her room,» the man ordered first, «and make sure she has everything she needs in abundance.»

— Yes, sir.

One of the maids stepped forward, volunteering to be my escort.

— Everyone else, do the cleaning and cooking of the festive dinner. My daughter has returned home, and everything should be done in the best possible way.

— Yes, sir!

The servants rushed to clean up the estate, while some stayed behind to carry our luggage upstairs. The Duke retired almost immediately to his study, so we were at our own disposal.

Feeling awkward in someone else's house, I nodded when the maid offered to take me upstairs.

«Lady, follow me.»

Turning around, I noticed that Rachel, who was next to me just a minute ago, had disappeared somewhere. I didn't look for her, because most likely she had left to talk to her father. I shouldn't have interfered in their personal family affairs.

Thus, I went up several floors alone, wondering which room I was allocated. On the way, looking at the luxurious interior of the corridors, I noticed a lot of rooms that were clearly vacant.

But the maid for some reason ignored them, and continued to lead upstairs until we finally found ourselves in a separate wing. There was only one room here, and the servants even walked on tiptoe on this floor.

I was a little surprised by such a strange atmosphere, but I didn't pay too much attention.

The maid opened a wide door in front of me, and I saw a huge apartment, similar to an imperial bedroom. As in the rest of the house, despite the expensive furniture, the gloomy atmosphere was happy here. The windows were covered with thick curtains, which made the room extremely dark.

The girl immediately opened them, and the bedroom was flooded with cold light. I looked around the room with admiration, and thought that everything was arranged at the highest level for a temporary guest. Still, despite the outward indifference, the duke showed attention to me. This could not but please.

However, all my enthusiasm for the room I received did not last so long.

Looking at the situation, my gaze almost immediately came across the luggage that had already been brought in. But besides my own things, I also saw a couple of other people's suitcases.

— Excuse me, but what is it? — I turned to the maid in surprise, — It seems that the servants made a mistake and brought me the wrong things.

The girl blinked, as if she didn't quite understand what I meant.

— Lady, that's right,» she replied with a friendly smile, «the Duke informed us in advance that you were coming to us, and ordered you to be settled here. These things belong to our lady.

— Eh?

I'm completely confused. Mistress? Does she mean Rachel? But what does her stuff have to do with it?

— Are you talking about Rachel…?

— yes. This room belongs to the young lady.

The maid answered me with the same smile, although there was absolutely nothing to be happy about. Quite the opposite.

It finally dawned on me, and I stared at the maid in shock.

«Are you saying I'm going to live with Rachel?!»

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