Secret Marriage: Wife Spoiling Husband

Chapter 210 - Confession

Chapter 210 - Confession

Ming Yu and Hu Yutian played like that for a while, running after each other and having fun. After a long time, Ming Yu was really tired and she gave up. Panting hard to catch her breath she sat down on the ground. Hu Yutian who was running after her, came near her and he frowned watching her sitting on the ground.

"Tired?" He asked crouching down beside her.

Ming Yu nodded.

"Let's go home." Hu Yutian said.

Ming Yu shook her head and pouted, "NO! I don't want to go home."


"Because.... because I just don't want to." Ming Yu whined.

Hu Yutian sighed as he sat next to her. "And where will you sleep?"

"I- I will sleep..." Ming Yu looked around and pouted when she saw that there is no place to sleep. Looking at Hu Yutian with grievance she said, "There is no place to sleep."

"Hmm... That's why we should go home." Hu Yutian said forwarding his hand to pull her up." Get up."

"Okay." Ming Yu nodded obediently glancing at his hand. Instead of holding his hand to get up, she pulled him down. Hu Yutian didn't budge. He let her pull him with all her might. Ming Yu tried pulling Hu Yutian's hand but seeing that he was not moving, she pouted.

"You are so strong!" she complimented with shining eyes. "Carry me.." Ming Yu ordered telling him to pick her up.

Hu Yutian shook his head and chuckled at her childish antics. He really wished for the time to stop at this moment. Bending down he opened his arms and wrapped it around his waist. Picking her up from the ground he made sure that she was tightly secured in his arms as he moved towards his car.

"So warm." Ming Yu mumbled wrapping her arms tightly around Hu Yutian's chest.

Hu Yutian walked all the way up to his car and he placed Ming Yu on the passenger seat. She was already fast asleep. Getting in the car Hu Yutian looked at her and quickly dropped a kiss on her forehead.

Taking her hands in his he looked at her quietly. He could see his whole world in her. "Ming Yu do you know, that I like you?" Hu Yutian confessed, "From the day that I saw you, I have only liked you. In fact, I love you, Ming Yu."

"I really wish that you were awake to hear my confession but... "Hu Yutian sighed, "Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I LOVE YOU." Hu Yutian declared kissing her hand.

Igniting the engine he drove towards Ming Yu's new apartment.

While driving towards her new apartment, there were many thoughts going inside Hu Yutian's mind. He gripped the wheels tightly on thinking about Ming Yu's child. Would he get to meet him today? If he did, will that child like him?

Looking at Ming Yu's sleeping face Hu Yutian wondered who the child looked like?

Half an hour later.


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Hu Yutian reached Ming Yu's new apartment. After the release of her first single 'NEVER SAY GOODBYE' he helped Ming Yu but this apartment. The security, as well as the environment here, was quite good for Ming Yu and her child.

Parking his car, Hu Yutian picked up Ming Yu carefully as he went inside the building all the way up to her floor. On reaching her apartment, Hu Yutian ringed the doorbell twice and the door was opened after a few seconds later and he saw an elderly woman in front of her.

Hu Yutian knew that it was Ming Yu's grandma so he was just about to greet her when he suddenly heard a sweet childlike voice.

"Momma is back!!"

Hu Yutian's every focus was on that little boy who stood next to his grandmother. He was just so cute, so chubby and so small. Hu Yutian's hearts instantly melted at the sight of him. He felt this indescribable feeling inside his heart that almost brought tears in his eyes.

At that moment, Hu Yutian was damn sure that this kid was his child. He and Ming Yu's son.

The little boy also looked curiously at the handsome man in front of him who was carrying his mother. "Uncle, who are you? Why are you carrying my momma?" the boy asked raising his cute little.eyebrows.

Hu Yutian smiled and answered, "Because she is asleep."

Looking at Ming Yu's grandma he greeted, "Hello Grandma Ming. I am Hu Yutian. Ming Yu's Boss."

Grandma Ming smiled politely and welcomed Hu Yutian inside her home. "You can place her inside..." Grandma Ming said pointing towards Ming Yu's bedroom.

Hu Yutian nodded as he walked towards Ming Yu's room with a little boy following him. Hu Yutian chuckled lightly as he carefully placed her on the bed and covered her with a blanket. Turning around he looked at the little boy he said, "Let's go outside. Your momma is sleeping. We should not disturb her."

The little boy looked at him strangely and he ran outside the room. Hu Yutian smiled as he clicked the lights off in the room and walked towards the hall.

"Dear child, thank you so much for bringing Ming Yu home." Grandma Ming thanked Hu Yutian when he took a seat next to her.

Hu Yutian smiled politely while looking around for his little angel when he saw him coming towards him with a glass of water in his hand. "Uncle this is for you."

"Thank you." Hu Yutian smiled as he took the glass of water and asked, "What is your name?"

"Ming Yuze." The boy declared proudly.

"That's a nice name." Hu Yutian complimented.

The little boy suddenly blushed and looked at Hu Yutian and asked his name.

"My name is Hu Yutian. You can call me Uncle Yutian." Hu Yutian said.

The little boy frowned and said, "Uncle Tian?"

Hu Yutian smiled and nodded. He was ao excited and yet at the same time so nervous. He was barely controlling his emotions. This was his child, his son. He just wanted to pick him up and shower kissed all over his cute chubby face.

"What is a Boss?" Ming Yuze asked.

"Umm... Your momma works for me so I am her Boss." Hu Yutian explained trying to make it as simple as possible for the little guy to understand.

Ming Yuze nodded as he suddenly looked at Hu Yutian and said, "That means you are the bad guy. Because of you, my momma doesn't come home early."

Hu Yutian: "..."

Grandma Ming: "....."

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