Secret Marriage: Wife Spoiling Husband

Chapter 166 Not your faul

Chapter 166 Not your faul

"You got another message so what? For such a small thing why are you disturbing my night - wait! " Tang Jun paused and then in a serious tone, he asked, "Letter..... You mean Pyscho's love letter?"

"Yes! " Zhehan replied.

"Wait for a second... " Tang Jun said and weird shuffling and moving sounds were heard through the phone followed by the closing of a door sound. "What did he say? Another threat? " Tang Jun asked hastily.

"Hmmm... " Zhehan answered telling him about the contents of the message.

"Zhehan we really need to do something about this unknown person. We don't know what will he do next or what's is his next move. Heck! we don't even know his identity. Right now I really feel ashamed of my hacking skills that I can't even trace this person. " Tang Jun replied with guilt and shame dripping down in his tone.

"Hey Jun, I know you're the best. Don't look down on your skills. I believe in them and so should you. I know you can do this and you'll track this person. And you know there's no one who can rival you apart from him. " Zhehan's voice trailed off.

"Yes," Tang Jun chuckled, "That guy was amazing. Even though at the time we were all kids, I could still remember that he was better than any of us. "

"That he was. He was the best. " Zhehan said with a small smile on his lips remembering his childhood days.

"Zhehan do you remember every time we played. You would challenge that guy and he would always win. " Tang Jun laughed, " No matter how much you tried, you would always lose to him. Zhehan do you remember his proud words, what he would always say, whenever you lost to him?"

"How could I ever forget? " Zhang Zhehan chuckled, "A future king can never loose. But since you are my best friend we both win."

"I miss those days Zhehan. I miss him. If only he was alive, he would have been your biggest rival. " Tang Jun chuckled.

"Don't say that! " Zhehan snapped, "We still don't know if he's alive or de... de-dead. "

"Zhehan... you know he's not alive. He - "

"No! Jun! You will not say that. He might be alive... I know h-he's alive.... he's out there, he has to be. He didn't die. He didn't d-die Jun...." Zhehan said in a small broken voice. Remembering about Long Xun's broke a certain sealed wall in his heart which he had already closed after that incident. With that wall in his heartbroken, all those pain, all those memories, all those emotions came rushing in.

Zhehan felt so heartbroken at this moment. His whole body was shaking as he took a step towards a chair and he sits down. Trembling with sadness he rubbed his eyes trying to stop himself from crying.

"Zhehan are you alright? " Tang Jun asked worriedly.

"Jun it's all my fault, isn't it?" Zhehan said in a whisper. "It's all my fault that he is not with us today. "

"Hey, Zhehan. Filter that thought from your brain right now, you hear me? You are not blaming yourself for what happened. You're not! If you want to blame someone, blame it on his despicable father. It was all that bastard's fault. Not yours. Long Xun's father was a bad, manipulative and a bad guy. It was all that rotten man's fault, not yours. " Tang Jun said, "You're not going to blame yourself. He did the wrong thing and he is to be blamed for whatever happened with him. Not you. Do you understand me? "

Zhehan took a deep breath and spoke, "I know. "

"So about that letter don't worry I'll check for it again. " Tang Jun reassured.

"Hmm... "

"Also I don't know if Long Xun is alive or not but I know one thing that whatever happened with him if not your fault. Stop blaming yourself, Zhehan. "

"Hmm... I know. " Zhehan sighed, "Thanks Jun. Goodnight. "

"Goodnight Zhehan. " Tang Jun said.

Keeping the phone on the table, Zhehan got up and walked towards the window. Watching the moon he sighed. He knew it was not his fault but still, he couldn't stop the guilt he felt after that incident.

He knew what he did was right. He knew what he said was the truth. He knew what he did at that moment was correct. Everything was correct but at what cost? His best friend, Long Xun. He lost him.

He still doesn't whether Long Xun is alive or not and if he is alive then would he blame me? Would Long Xun blame him for that incident? Would he hate him? So many questions arose in Zhehan's heart. But looking at the moon he only wished for one thing that he would rather accept the possibility of his best friend hating him than the possibility of him being dead.

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Zhehan was lost in deep thoughts suddenly someone hugged him from behind, "Zhehan what are you doing here?"

Without saying anything Zhehan turned around and hugged Li Xiaolu tightly. Li Xiaolu frowned at his actions but she let him hug her. Rubbing his back she tried to console and comfort him. She didn't understand what happened to him or why he was so sad but she didn't ask.

After a few minutes of silence, Li Xiaolu looked up and carefully asked, "Zhehan are you alright? Do you want to talk about it? "

"Xiaolu I - I, no! I will tell you about it someday but not today. " Zhehan said in a low voice.

"Okay. Come let's go to sleep... " Li Xiaolu said talking his hand and leading him towards their bedroom.

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