SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Preparations and a Trap!

Preparations and a Trap!

Yings freakishly large sword split the air apart as it came crashing down towards Hu Tao. Hu Tao stood with the same confidence thats always showing in his mannerisms. He yawned in the face of Yings attack. Within the next second, an ear-piercing sound pierced the air. Bing was forced to cover his ears from the sound but didnt dare stop watching the battle between the two. His future with this group will definitely include many more fights of this nature and with his luck even worse. If he doesnt take the necessary steps to get as much experience as he can, he will die in no time.

With the freaks his Empress keeps recruiting, something tells him that things are only going to get crazier as time goes on. Hed have to be a nave fool to believe otherwise. Hes already dreading tomorrow with the meet up with the other members. If they are anything like those two, hes going to have to up his training more than he already has just to keep up with this insane group. Just watching the way Ying swings that enormous sword with such a petite and frail-looking body makes him shiver in terror. Its just unnatural.

Hu Tao was something to be frightful of as well. He was able to dodge the wind-slicing swings of Yings blade with a crazed smile on his face. If just one of those slashes even managed to touch him, he wont be coming out of this fight as a whole. Bing knew if he was up against Ying when shes out for blood, he would have to do everything he could to come out in one piece. Holding back against her just makes her want to try even harder to make you show everything you have. She drags you into her pace, a pace that seemed lower than yours to begin with but somehow near the end of the battle, you find yourself on equal terms or below hers.

Its a mystery how she does it but Bing just chalked it up to her being a freak. Its how he usually classifies those that defy common sense. The fact that she can swing that big thing around with a grin on her face as well and not a single drop of sweat to be found despite that this battle has been going on for around 10 minutes only proves his point. They are complete monsters and they are only becoming even worse as they get stronger.

I will do whatever I can to avoid such a fate. I wont be like these freaks, no matter what. Bing vows.

The battle, if you could call it that, ended within half an hour. Neither sides had any injuries but only one was out of breath.

You little mouse bastard... Ying insulted.

You got more than enough power under your belt princess but youre still not an opponent for me with that speed. I could spank your ass ten times before you could even graze me.

Why dont you... put your mouth where your money is... Coward. Ying pointed her blades tip at him.

Hu Tao only shook his head and sighed.

Youre not my type princess. Big tits and no ass aint it for me. Im an ass man all the way. Gotta have the right shape, firmness, and pop!

Kill yourself degenerate...

Ill see you tomorrow Princess, Shield Boy. That was a nice stretch. Peace! Hu Tao hopped off the dueling ring and started walking away.

Get back here! Ying shouted. Dont you dare humiliate me like this! Fight me to the end!

Maybe when you get stronger. Youre too weak to be of any interest to me right now. Ill be looking forward to the future though your highness. He sarcastically bowed before leaving out of their sights.

Ying smashed her fist against the stage, nearly cracking in half in her anger. Bing arrived on stage and sat next to Ying. He chose not to say anything. He didnt need to say anything. Getting stronger was a fact of life for any cultivator. Some of those strengths may differ from one another but regardless, its a never-ending climb upward for those that choose the path of cultivation. Ying is just lucky that it is an ally that is pushing her for strength. An enemy would kill her before she could gain that determination and future strength. Bing knew he would kill any future threats to his safety immediately in the bud. Life just isnt that forgiving for those that arent cautious.

Welcome everyone. For now, this is my entire faction. These are the people you will be working with in the future for any tasks I need you to accomplish or just in general. You are to never kill each other or cripple another in any way. I dont care if you fight but if I send you on a task together and mess it up by fighting during it, I'll show you a fate worse than death. Dont ever get in contact with me unless I give explicit permission or it's an emergency regarding our faction or me. Dont even act like I exist if you see me in public. If you are ever captured and questioned about my origins or the leader of this group, do not reveal a single thing about me. Even if you are killed afterwards, I will still find a way to make you suffer for your betrayal. Now any questions? She finished with a frightening smile.

How are we supposed to get in contact with you if we arent to visit you or act like you exist? Lei Zhi asked.

Im glad you asked. Here take these talismans. Jing placed four talismans in front of them.

They picked it up and looked at it. It looked no different from any blank talisman. Jing showed a small smile before taking out a similar slip. She channeled her qi into it and soon all four of their talismans lit up with words and a slight vibration. The words looked as if they were written with qi but thats impossible. Qi doesnt work in a way where you can draw in the air or on materials with it.

Channel your qi through this talisman slip and think of the person you want to send a message to and the message you want to send them. It will only work with those who I gave a slip to. Keep these on you at all times. It read.

Anything else? Jing asked.

Yeah, when do I get to fight someone? I heard that the princess and shield boy has been getting in fights on every little errand you send them on while I havent had anything like that! Whats with the favoritism huh? Hu Tao asked annoyed.

Ah you just reminded me about that. It seems Ying and Bing got a bounty for their heads recently. Mind sharing with the rest of us how you got this bounty? Jing asked cheekily.

Theres a bounty on my head?! Bing exclaimed.

So thats why theres been so many annoying pests coming for me. Ying said with her hand resting on her face.

Why isnt there a bounty on my head?! Hu Tao whined.

Your reputation is quite fearsome within the sect Tao. You also have the might to deter any would be foes no matter the spirit stones offered. Lei Zhi informed.

Im too strong for my own good! What a curse it is to be such a god-like young man. If only I could be less handsome, less godly, and less of a genius, maybe I could get a bounty of my own.

Shut up you ass. If you want people after you, why dont you just place a bounty on yourself? Arrogant prick. Ying huffed.

Princess! Hu Tao shouted. Youre a genius!

Youre not doing that. Jing said.

What!? How unfair!

Ill give you a fight soon. Just be patient till I give the order.

Will they be strong? He questioned dubiously.

If youre not careful, youll die. Is that strong enough for you?


What about us Jing? Do we have tasks to do? Ying asked.

For now, no. Just Hu Tao. But besides that, all of you start training for the Treasured Plains thats opening up in a few months. I will not be giving you anymore techniques and spirit stones. If you want to get stronger, get strong enough to take what you want. Im not your mother. During the Treasured Plains event, I'm going to give you all very simple instructions before it begins and trust you all will accomplish it to my liking.

Ill tell you when the time comes but youre all free to leave now and socialize to your liking. This will be the last time were meeting at my home by the way. Dont ever come back without my approval.

Hey before we go Jing, I wanna know why you are gathering followers in the first place. Ying asked.

I dislike the way things are run in the sect. Disciples are bullied with no one caring in the slightest. The strong are free to do what they wish with no repercussions. Elders are arrogant blowhards with little substance and use. Connections are too valued within the sect instead of loyalty and skill. I wish to change it all into something much better. Into a paradise for those who wish to grasp immortality with their own hands.

The looks on her followers were in contemplation about her words. She guessed she has never really spoke about her ambitions to anyone besides Lei Zhi and Li Li. But it's good that she got it stated in front of them now. Cant be leading them completely blind after all.

Make sure to frequently share any new information with the communication tags. Information is power, dont forget that.

I think were all good Jing. Its time we end this little meet up so that I can get on with my task. Hu Tao stated.

I think so as well. You have a week to prepare for your task Hu Tao. If you arent careful, youll die.

Hell yes!

Ying, Bing, Hu Tao, and Lei Zhi soon left Jings home for the possible last time and parted ways.

Ying figured that this reunion would happen eventually. If anything, shes just surprised that she wasnt the one to initiate it. The timing of it couldnt be any better though. Just as she was out on a hunting task for the sect and after successfully killing the spirit beast without slicing it apart, she just so happened to be surrounded by Xiaohui, her bitches, and some weaklings.

Took you long enough to find me Xiaohui. Ive been looking all over for you but youve been avoiding me lately. I wonder why? Ying smirked.

Hmph. Of course, I would avoid a mutt like you. Your stench is bad enough to ward off anyone. Xiaohui pinched her nose, causing her group to start laughing.

Thats a funny one. It seems you didnt have any problems with my smell before. Or is it because I've gotten stronger that it took you so long to come get me? Its why you set this little trap for me and brought along more than just your little group.

Youre scared of me, arent you? I think it's funny how I used to think of you as one of my closest friends and all it took was a little power to show your true self.

Xiaohuis body started shaking. She balled her fists before screaming.

No ones scared of a loser like you! I was never your friend Ying, I was only pretending to be close to you because of your family. Without that, you were nothing and thats why I stopped acting like your friend!

I see, so you were always this terrible of a person then? Good, I dont need to hear anymore. Youre going to die here anyway.

Kill her and shut her mouth up for good! Ill put in a good word to Cheng Chi for you all when shes dead.

Thats all I need to hear. You dont mind if we have some fun before we kill her do you? One of the 5th stage Qi Gatherers asked.

Do whatever you want just make sure she dies! Xiaohui commanded.

Ying couldnt even laugh anymore. It was all just so funny but she couldnt muster even a single Ha. Maybe shes gone crazy with joy and thats the explanation. It doesnt matter anymore though. Even if she was surrounded by ten times as many enemies, she would still pay back those that did her wrong. A Yue never forgives its enemies and she wasnt going to go back on her familys principles anytime soon.

A majority of the cultivators gathered for her were either the same cultivation rank as her or one step above it. Ying thought that Xiaohui could have done better if she tried, considering who her boyfriend is but maybe she was looking down on her and didnt think it was necessary. Shell make sure to make her regret making that choice. She crushed her fist and lifted her blade from the ground.

With a single wave of her sword, she already caused those charging her from the front to halt. The ones behind her didnt get the message and with a twist of her torso, smashed her swords blunt side into them. Their cries of surprise and pain only served to frighten her attackers more. She was sure she managed to shatter their rib cages with that hit.

What are you waiting for! Kill her already! Xiaohui screamed.

They didnt mindlessly listen to her however. They approached her with far more caution than shes used to. Well if they wont come to her, she doesnt mind going to them! Ying leaped towards those in front of her and frightened them so badly they jumped away as soon as she advanced.

Werent you going to kill me?! Come on I'm right here! Ying taunted.

If this came down to a game of cat and mouse, she would definitely lose. Her speed is impressive but its only good for short bursts. The longer the battle goes on, the more she would lose in the long run. She would have to figure something out or theyll tire her out like a wild animal. She looked towards Xiaohui who had an impatient look on her face.

'Thisll work. She smiled.

Ying gathered qi within her legs and ran towards Xiaohui with her blade raised overhead. The huge smile on Yings face couldnt be helped when watching that bitchs eyes pop like that. She never expected her to go directly after her, did she? Using her head might not be something she does often but when in the heat of battle, any idea is a good one. Well as long as it works anyway.

Shing! Yings blade clashed against Xiaohuis defensive magic treasure. It formed a qi shield that could stand against her strength. The pale look on the bitchs face only made Yings grin look even more terrifying. She used all her strength against the spirit tool but damn was it strong. It had to be earth-rank at the very least to be able to withstand against her sword.

Ying ignited her qi within herself. Her body blazed in a crimson flame, starting with her hair all the way down to her legs. It wasnt just her body that was taken by the flames though, her sword also transformed along with her! The searing heat was bearing down on Xiaohui and her shield. It was cracking! Her head would soon be separated from her body in no time!

Well, thats how she thought it would turn out. She managed to shatter the necklace but before she could perform the finishing blow, she was attacked and knocked away. The force of that attack was strong enough to nearly pierce right through her stomach. If she didnt use her flames to defend herself, she wouldnt have got off lightly.

Who the hell?

Baby?! Xiaohui exclaimed while heavily sweating.

Is that The Cheng Chi!?

The #5 ranked Outer Disciple?!

Were saved!

Cheng Chi has shown up. This wasnt looking so good anymore. Ying knew her own strength well. It wasnt enough to match a genius like this without going all out and even then, she doubted she could pull the win from him. He has to have some skills or treasures that he hasnt shown in any of his ranking matches while she only has her body and martial arts to rely on. This is going to be one of the hardest fights in her life. Surprisingly enough though, a smile still formed itself on her face. Thisll be the first time she can truly go all out in a while.

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