SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Hu Tao's Hunt!

Hu Tao's Hunt!

This crazy bastard! He isnt even interested in getting the sky-ranked weapon! Hes just here to pick us off! A badly injured cultivator complained. 

Defend the Miss with your life! 

Hu Tao! I'm going to rip your heart out of your chest and feed it to dogs for daring to come after our Miss! 

Hu Tao only laughed in response to that threat or was it a promise? Hu Tao was also interested in that little rumor that had most of the Inner Court disciples running off like lemmings. Not for the spirit weapon itself but to enjoy himself with a few fights that he normally wouldnt get the chance to have. Some of the top rankers that have been hiding like a bunch of scheming weasels sent some of their best men to get these bracelets. Hu Tao wanted a piece of these guys for himself but hes been a bit caught up with fighting anyone that he thought was interesting. 

Like the girl running up ahead. She was at the 4th stage as a Qi Consolidator but had 3 servants all at the 3rd stage? Something smelled fishy and Hu Tao loved that tantalizing smell most of all! If things didnt add up right that meant someone had something to hide and when people have things to hide, they always try and protect it when someone comes sniffing around. That someone is Hu Tao and he expects to find out something very interesting about that pig-tailed brat after catching up to her. 

But first, he has to deal with these three weaklings in front of him on the verge of death. He called them weak because he hasnt even had to use his full strength to overwhelm them. For a bunch of guards, they sure dont have any experience in fighting. What a letdown honestly, he was hoping that they could manage to get a second wind or break out some dangerous technique to try and take him down but nope. His hopes for a good fight from these three was dashed the moment he nearly killed the first one trying to take out the pig-tailed blondie. 

Hey who is that dumb blonde youre working for? Is she some sheltered princess from some hidden clan? 

Well never tell you anything! He spat. 

Hey come on Weakling #1, I'm just curious you know? Its not every day you can catch something like this. If you dont tell me, I might just kill her by accident and never find out. Hu Tao grinned. 

Heh! Were not the only guards of the Miss! Even if we die, the young miss will still be fine! 

You may be a talented fighter Hu Tao but youre only at the 2nd stage of the Qi Consolidation realm! Know your limits you wild monkey! 

Oh... Is that so? So, theres an actual fighter waiting for him and he was just wasting his time with these fucking losers? It was good to know there was a real fight waiting for him but he didnt want to find out this way. He shouldve killed these guys sooner and saved the surprise for himself. It wouldve been more exciting that way. 

The three weaklings ran at him together with their swords. Since Hu Tao understood there was a real fight somewhere else, he didnt play around with these weaklings anymore. His chain moved like a flash of light and his iron ball was sent flying towards the three. It was lodged into the ribs of the first servant and his body was sent crashing into the other two, piling them in a heap on the ground. Hu Tao jumped with a mighty leap and stomped down with a single foot on all three with his terrible strength! 

They didnt even have time to scream before dying from his powerful stomp. The killing force was sent all the way from the top weakling down to the bottom weakling in the pile. Hu Tao didnt even dignify their death with respect as he knocked the pile of weaklings down and left them as corpses laying in the dirt. Weaklings dont deserve something like a proper death. 

To catch up with that blondie, Hu Tao would have to run at full speed. He lowered his center of gravity and crouched down low like an animal. He took off like a starving wolf chasing his prey. Prey that he couldnt afford to miss out on. His surroundings have turned into nothing but a blur at his current speed. As long as that pig-tails was still moving at the same speed as she was earlier, Hu Tao would be able to catch up in no time. 

Hu Tao weaved through the forest easily, running on all fours with the agility better than a beasts. He ignored all the spirit beasts near him in favor of his chosen prey. That blonde midget wont escape him. He can already see her figure far ahead still moving slow as all shit. Hu Tao looked around for any signs of the hidden guard but couldnt find anything. Those shitheads better not have lied to him. 

He was in a good enough distance from this far away. As long as she was in his sight, he could reach her with a good leap. Hu Tao surged his qi through his entire lower body and leapt towards the fleeing princess. He stretched out his hand, ready to slam her head into the dirt. She turned around just as he was about to grab her and he saw her eyes widen in fear. Where the hell was his fight at? Is that scumbag taking him lightly?! 

Hu Tao caught the blonde by the throat and slide her across the ground. He stood over her with his hand clutched around her throat. She tried to speak but Hu Taos grip was tight enough to stop her from saying anything. Whatever she needed to say wasnt important, he had a fight to find. Her face was turning purple and her hand was gripped around his arm trying to remove it. It looks like she was a qi cultivator because her body was weak as shit. Hu Tao looked around excitedly, waiting for the appearance of this mysterious secret guard. If he didnt come out any time soon this little fairys going to be passing on to the afterlife! The whites of her eyes were slowly rising into the back of her head. The strength in her arm was weakening. 

What a shitty secret guard. Maybe this is his fucking fetish, watching his Lady being choked to death before coming to the rescue as shes about to fucking die. Trying to be a savior when hes a sick pervert? What a fucking riot this guy is. Just to spite the creepy bastard, Hu Tao released his grip off the midgets neck and posed to strike right through her chest with his hand. She violently hacked and coughed to try and get air into her lungs. Not even aware of her impending death coming from above. 

Hu Taos hand struck down with merciless intent. He fully intended to kill this girl with this strike. No hesitation could be seen anywhere in his attack. Killing intent fully blasted into the surroundings. 

And here I was trying to keep a low profile... A voice suddenly appeared above Hu Tao and the chick. His foot was stopping Hu Taos deadly hand. But I cant just watch a woman die in front of me in good faith. Especially to a villain like this.  

Took you long enough, freak. Hu Tao grabbed the guards foot and slung him across the forest clearing. 

He flipped through the air and gently landed back on the ground. Hu Tao stood up and grinned at his opponent. They both vanished from their original places and met halfway in the clearing. Hu Tao clawed towards the guards throat and watched as he easily dodged his attack. Hu Tao wasnt going to stop just because he missed one attack. He kept on the offensive and unleashed attack after attack.  

His movements were unpredictable and wild like an animals. Attacking in ways that no normal humans could predict and react to. But this guy was able to handle his attacks well enough! Its been around 30 seconds since their fight began and Hu Tao has yet to even scratch his clothes. Hu Taos grin widened even further. It looks like he didnt waste his time messing around with Pigtails. 

Hu Tao changed up his fighting style. Instead of relying on his self-taught fighting style, he decided to use his recently gained Flowing Palms of Judgement. He held out both of his palms and led with his left leg forward. His twisted lust for fighting was growing even larger than it was earlier. He was excited to get some real experience with this palm art and seeing how this pervert would handle it. 

It looks like you finally decided to become serious. Too bad, you still wont be able to land a single hit on me. He mocked. 

Hu Tao couldnt sense his cultivation realm but knew he wasnt that far ahead of him. If it was, he wouldnt be dodging Hu Taos attacks right now and wouldve finished him off earlier. Only a sneaky pussy bastard would waste time dodging when he could be ending a fight immediately. And Hu Tao plans on making him reveal all of his hidden cards. He still hasnt even warmed up yet! 

Hu Tao thrusted his palm towards the chest of the bodyguard after sliding into his space. The scared bastard dodged again but Hu Tao followed up his palm strike with another and then another and continued to lead each palm strike into another attack. The two of them moved from one end of the clearing to the other. One on a constant assault and the other dodging as much as he could. Hu Taos attacks were only getting faster and stronger the more strikes he got out. 

Flowing Palms of Judgement is a fist martial art centered around a water-like defense and a non-stop rapid flowing series of strikes. The defense being based on waters ever reactive nature and the attack side of the martial art being based on an unstoppable raging river or the endless powerful crashing of a waterfall. If mastered to its full potential, the user of this martial art can be said to be undefeatable in hand-to-hand combat. 

Hu Taos already reached the intermediate realm for this sky-ranked fist art in just a few weeks! If that doesnt speak of how monstrous his talent is, then the way hes slowly gaining even further understanding of the martial art as hes in a heated battle should! The mysterious guard was finally being pressured by Hu Taos palms! He could no longer leisurely avoid his attacks and now had to actively deflect them and move away them! 

Just who in the world are you...? I dont remember someone as talented as you within the sect... The guard muttered. 

Heh... Now thats a surprise. Someone that actually doesnt know me! Dont worry you sick fuck, Ill tell you who I am after I bury you six feet under! Hu Tao landed a powerful blow upon his chest and launched him flying into one of the giant trees within the Immortal Forest. 

Hu Tao watched as the guard crashed into the tree, back first, and then dropped to the ground. Blood dripped down his mouth and he looked as if he had trouble breathing.  

Dont fucking tell me youre done after one hit. Hu Tao cursed. 

Youre much stronger than I expected... I cant remember anyone named Hu Tao... Just what is going on? The only ones stronger than me right now should be the top 10 rankers in the Inner Court, the core disciples, and the elders disciples. He muttered again. 

Are you fucking crazy in the head asshole? Of course, I'm stronger than a pussy shit like you. Hiding your cultivation rank, running around like a scared bitch, and not even having the balls to throw a single punch. Not even Shield boy is that much of a pussy. 

I cant face him without using it but its too early to reveal something like that. Ill have to escape... He muttered a third time, like Hu Tao couldnt fucking hear him mumbling! 


He looked around for the Pigtails and saw her hiding behind a tree. He disappeared, intent on capturing her and using her to force the guard into fighting him but he was outsped by the guard. 

The guards body briefly flashed with golden flames as he headed towards her first. Hu Tao wouldnt accept another fight slipping through his fingers. Those flames arent just any flames. Just by being near the asshole, he feels like his blood was evaporating from the heat. How the hell was that midget bitch fine? Whatever, it didnt matter. 

Hu Tao tapped into the anomalous power hidden within his chains. His body, mind, and soul became one with lightning and thunder. Red lightning raced across his body and his pupils turned into arcing lightning bolts. The chains that previously covered his body was now electricity wrapped around him along with the large metal ball. His hair was spiked up and rising straight up in the air. 

The two clashed just in front of the young miss and the force of their combined blow managed to send the young miss flying away. Hu Tao and the guard were sent sliding back nearly an equal distance away from each other after comparing strengths with the guard being moved back an extra step. Hu Tao smirked and prepared to continue their battle. The guard was experiencing a myriad of different emotions. Anger, confusion, disbelief, and shock all in one. 

Thats a phoenixs flame isnt it? Hu Tao suddenly asked. 

The guards glare turned ice cold. His killing intent was no longer being reigned in anymore and it was washing over Hu Tao like a tsunamis wave. Hu Taos instincts were telling him to flee immediately. If the hairs all over his body werent raised before they sure are now after feeling that. But Hu Tao wasnt a mindless beast, his instincts were nothing more than just a tool to help him in battle. Not something that had complete control over his being. 

This guard was about as young as him but that killing intent was about the same as an Earthly Immortal cultivator. That was an exaggeration but Hu Taos instincts never led him wrong before. Thats exactly what he felt like he was up against but he knew that the guards strength was around a 5th or 6th stage Qi Consolidator with those phoenix flames active. 

Looks like I'll have to kill you now... He promised. 

Dont hold back or I'm running my mouth to everyone about your legendary flames. I know your types, hiding your strength until youre forced to reveal everything you have and shocking everyone. That bastard Manchu is the exact same. Hu Tao chuckled. 

Phoenix fuck appeared behind Hu Tao and tried to chop his neck off from his shoulders. Hu Tao casually leaned his head back and stuck out his tongue to taunt him as he dodged the chop. With a surprising backflip from that position, he kicked Phoenix away. He could hear the snap of his wrist as he slid away from him. With an amused grin on his face, Hu Tao turned around to see Phoenix bastards arm fixing itself with a few audible cracks. 

Youre faster than me? How?! The Phoenixs flame might not be known for its speed but it isnt any less than the other mythical spirit beasts! 

Fuck if I know retard! Hu Tao stuck his middle finger up. That crazy bitch gave me this as a gift for becoming her slave. Hu Tao appeared in front of Phoenixs chest and attempted to elbow a hole straight through his chest. 

Phoenix tried to explode the area around him in a blazing inferno but Hu Taos lightning cut right through it. The flames couldnt even come close to penetrating the lightning streaks zipping across Hu Taos body. Phoenix seemed to not even notice the hole in his chest with his hear visibly shown from the outside as he tried to grab onto Hu Tao. Hu Tao could see the hole he just made in his opponent recovering rapidly. His flesh quickly trying to heal and cover his unprotected heart. 

This bastards trying to trap me by using his body as bait! He knows he can heal and is trying to use that to kill me! Dont even count on it you fucking idiot. 

Hu Tao fully embraced the lightning flowing within his body. His speed was increased to a whole new level as he tore Phoenix apart from all around. Appearing behind him in a flash of lightning and ripping off his arm, vanishing back in front of him and ripping his leg off, making him fall to the ground, and digging inside his intestines with his claws and ripping them out like a savage animal. 

Blood drenched his hands and entire body. Phoenixs healing was recovering much slowly now. Did it work with how much qi he had or did it run on another source of energy...? Well, it doesnt matter. The bastard did let him have some fun even though he tried to skip out in the middle of it. Hell give the sick asshole a proper death. 

Hu Tao stuck his hand inside the chest of the guard and grasped his slow beating heart in his fingers. He increased the pressure he had on the mans heart and was close to crushing it. In a few moments he would be no more and Hu Tao would be on his way to finding more fights during this little weapon hunt. His grip was suddenly loosened as a foot came flying in his face and launching him through multiple trees. His body hung limp over the edge of a cracked tree. His lightning was gone and turned back into regular chains. 

A new figure stood over the guards slowly healing body. Along with that figure was a familiar girl, Pigtails. 

Huh... I tried to kill you with that strike. Consider it your luck that you're still alive. If you can consider that even alive... The new person said about Hu Tao. 

Big Brother... He saved my life. Please save him! Pigtails hung onto his arm. 

Tch. Only because you asked alright? Dont think about making this guy your boyfriend or anything ok? Ill have to kill him first before giving my sister to any man. 

She blushed heavily. 

Shut up! Hurry up and help him before it's too late! 

Yeah yeah yeah... Im at the 9th stage of the Qi Consolidation realm. If I couldnt even save a brat at the 2nd stage, I would be better off killing myself with a block of tofu. 

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