SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Chapter 305: Bing's Resolve.

Chapter 305: Bing's Resolve.

Bing. I wouldnt feel right asking you to do this for me as we agreed without helping you in some way. After youve dealt with all the disciples, you can handle, Ill unlock your bodys true potential. Lei Zhi told his youthful friend. 

Cool. Do you got a list of names and directions to find them? Bing asked. 

Theres Chu Xing Yun, Shui Chong Xian, Mo Shaochen, Li Bao Er, Long Zu, Xue Ling Shuang, and Qian Yue. Id list more, but in account for your current strength, I chose people who werent too high above you in cultivation. Lei Zhi handed Bing a small scroll. 

Love to hear it. Bing grinned. Fighting weaklings is my specialty. 

The condition you bring them here doesnt matter much. As long as theyre alive and breathing, I'll be able to fix most injuries.  

Alright, I'll see you in a bit. Bing walked out of Lei Zhis medical office. 

Good luck if you need it anyway. Lei Zhi chuckled. 

The two of them have long since left the Qi Gathering realm since the conclusion of the Grand Tournament. With their strength now, it wasnt difficult to obtain valuable resources for cultivation. As long as they took the time to go out on difficult tasks for the sect, they could afford it with enough time. Bing opened up the scroll and looked at the information inside. Most of these names had the wicked deeds theyve done alongside their name. For the most part, Bing doesnt really involve himself among the disciples in the Golden Serpent Sect. The most famous disciples, what disciples did this, what disciple did that, the latest genius, and all that stuff. He mostly spent his time in Yings void world eating spirit cakes and comprehending the infinite mystery that is the dao of yin and yang. 

Ying left the sect as she said she had to journey back home because of some family matters. Bing always forgot about Yings noble status because she never really acted like a proper noble or mentioned it often. He knew one of her goals was to revive the name of the Yue Family. Bring it to the heights of prosperity and absolute nobility.  

It was pretty amazing because Bing never saw her as the type of person to... actually, scratch that. Ying was very emotional and scary, but she always stood up for her friends and the things she cared about. Bing was nearly mistaken because of how violent and easily set off she was at times. If it werent for her, Bing and Lei Zhi wouldve died in the Treasured Plains.  

As Bing traveled to the strongest disciple on the scroll, he ate some spirit cake on the way. Before Ying left, she baked a huge cake and cut it into hundreds of slices for him so that he didnt starve while she was gone. It was at that point that Bing could no longer allow his personal insecurity to blind him from the truth of reality. Ying had feelings for him. He knew for damn sure that he wouldnt do so much for anyone the same way that Ying takes care of him. Probably not even himself. 

The only person kind enough to take care of other people the way Ying takes care of him would be Lei Zhi if he were female. Bing thought that he would immediately know when a woman was interested in him, but that wasnt true at all. Compared to all the other angels, she made him spirit cakes the most, knew his favorite tastes, and which cakes best fit his current mood at the time. Just like a little wife who knew all of her husbands tastes after cooking for him for so long. Bing planned to propose once she returned.  

Sure, he wasnt exactly sure if he liked her the same way she liked him, but that could be amended over the course of their marriage. Bing knew for sure he was willing to protect Ying with his life. Her personality might not be his preferred type, but after working alongside her for so long, hes gotten used to her. Not to mention, even if a kind, gentle, soft-spoken, big-breasted woman came along, Bing would have no idea how to woo her in the first place. Why go for something that doesnt exist in the present when theres a real option present? 

Ying has already conquered his stomach. Either his body or heart was next. Considering how she felt about Hu Taos lustful behavior, Bing had a feeling it might be his heart. If he compared himself to Hu Tao in terms of lust, Bing would not say that he was below him. It was just that Hu Tao had the looks, talent, and charisma to do whatever he wanted. If he wanted a woman, hed get them or get his ass kicked. If Bing wanted a woman, he could only pray she wanted to be near him in the first place. Finding a woman like Ying who had such a genuine interest in himself? Bing would be a fool not to immediately grasp this opportunity while he can. Besides her personality, Bing couldnt fault anything else of hers.  

Her looks were amazing, her breasts were bountiful, her body was perfectly sculpted, and she could cook meals worthy of immortals and beat the shit out of anyone who wanted to take advantage of her. The more Bing thought about it, the surer he was about proposing to Ying once she returned. But first, he needed to prepare some adequate betrothal gifts to pay her back for everything she had done for him. After hes done with these villains on Lei Zhis list, he should ask for some help. 

Ah, hello. Are you Mo Shaochen? Bing politely asked the scarred youth on top of a crying and barely dressed woman on his couch. 

Who the hell? He snarled at Bing for interrupting his fun.  

That didnt really answer my question... Bing frowned as he averted his eyes. If he was going to marry Ying, he instinctively knew she would beat the shit out of him for looking at another womans private parts. 

Get the fuck out of here, fatass. Ill deal with you when I'm done. He ordered with a glare. 

That also doesnt answer my question. Are you Mo Shaochen or not? Ill leave if you arent. 

What the fuck are you going to do if I am, fatass? Is this your sister or something? He grinned. 

So, you are Mo Shaochen? Bing just wanted clarification. 

Die, Fatass! While Bing was adverting his eyes from the girl with her clothes ripped open, Mo Shaochen used this opportunity to launch a surprise attack. 

Using his transplanted Eye of End, Bing saw the sneak attack coming before Mo Shaochen even thought about it. A large arm formed from out of his chest and snatched Mo Shaochen in its grip. The sounds of his bones being crushed and grounded were just as audible as Mo Shaochens screams of agony. Even a master could be killed once taken by surprise. Once Bing broke most of the guys bones, he tossed him over his shoulder and began to head toward his next target. 

W-Wait! Id like to thank you for saving me! The girl, still with her dress in disarray, shouted. 

Then thank me by finding some fitting clothes before you get me killed. Bing avoided looking in her direction as he continued walking. 

Can I know your name?! 

Nope. Bing did not see a single good outcome coming from her knowing his name. Besides, if she asks around, she could get it easily. 

After capturing Mo Shaochen, Bing made his way to the next wicked disciples on the list. In a manner just as easy as Mo Shaochen, Bing dealt with the other disciples. By forming multiple arms, Bing could carry all seven disciples known for their wickedness. Bing felt that being a body cultivator was pretty unfair in the grand scheme of things. Once you made it to a certain level, there was barely anything that could hurt you when facing off against an opponent in the same cultivation realm. Only their strongest technique could harm you, and how often could the average cultivator pull off their strongest technique? Survive that technique, and the body cultivator just needs to get his hands on them once to end the fight. 

Huh? What are you doing here so late, Ai? Lin Shu opened the door. Did you get injured somehow? She looked at his bloody body. 

This isnt my blood. These guys are just a little leaky. Bing replied. 

Thats a lot of people you saved... Lin Shu was amazed. 

I guess you could say I saved them. He didnt end their lives when he could. Im looking to give these guys to Lei Zhi. He wanted them. Bing told her why he was there. 

Oh, alright. Hes teaching He right now, but I can definitely go get him. These guys dont look like they can wait till hes done... 

Thank you. Bing smiled at her. A few minutes passed before Lei Zhi came to the waiting area. 

Oh, you took care of this sooner than I thought... Lei Zhi was surprised to see Bings return at night. 

This eye is very useful. Bing answered. 

Well, I'll treat these guys before helping them become better human beings through the contract. Come visit me around noon tomorrow and I'll fulfil my end of our deal. 

Good night, Lei. Bing said his goodbyes. 

Night, Bing. Lei Zhi had his disciples bring the seven to the treatment room.

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