Running Away From The Hero!

Chapter 24


TL: Eevee

3. And so the story begins. (8)

Hahaha, its burning well.

-Owner, owner! I know that youre evil enough that if I called you a son of a bitch then Id probably be offending all other four-legged dogs out there, but isnt this a bit too far?

The organization was the one that betrayed me first.

-No, I know that. But why do the neighbouring buildings explode when owner pushes a few buttons in ya room? Did you make these because the organization betrayed ya too? Did owner have the ability to turn a building into a bomb in an hour or something?

Hey hey, how noisy you are! For moments like this you have. Boop


- Wow, if Im right, isnt that the place where all the organizations big shotsre at? Werent owners past disciples in that building as well?

You know one but not the other.

-Whats this serious tone all of a sudden. So whazza thing that I dont know then?

Theres no way that my disciples wouldnt bail from the organization when its about to fall!

-Hang, big achievement!

Because I raised my disciples to be strong!

-Whats that got to do with this?

Defecting always makes you stronger!

Just why does that one with the reaaally great personality, the Hidden Leaf Villages Ixxchi so strong! Because he was a defector ninja!

Defection always makes people stronger. To begin with, defection means to leave an organization, and always if someone defects then the organization in question sends out agents to capture the defector.

Meaning that to defect also means to be pursued, and to survive you need to get stronger!

No, when you defect in the first place, you need to be strong enough to shake off the ones holding you down and run away to be able to defect to begin with!

Either way, latter or former, one who defects is also one who is strong and since I raised my disciples to be strong, they will naturally have defected.

Any rascal thats loyal to the organization has not the qualifications to be called my disciple!

-Ownerowner. Enough with the bullshit. We need to run too.

Yes, we just need to open the last safe anyway.

-The safe I was in? It was so cramped in there so it was awful.

As I continued to ignore the metal bats mutterings that it didnt smell that great either, the air circulation was poor, if there was air circulation in a safe then thats the problem.

The fact that you can get airflow means that theres a hole present, no? A safe just needs to protect items well.

Lily. Lily. Hm. Thats also a lily, this is a lily.

-And my preference is also for lily!(1)

Shut up.

-Hwiiiing, respect my preferences!

I dont know where it learned that bullshit, but I ignored the noisy metal bat and kept looking for an insignia with a lily, but problem was I found eight lilies alone.

Theres a bloody lot of them.

-Its because owner stole a bloody large amount of seals! Whassis? It looks like theres at least 50 of them? Are there that many nobles in the empire?

Theres a bloody lot of them, too.

Although theres a fixed number of dukes and marquis, the number of counts are a fair bit.

Of course there arent that many counts that are recognised as true high nobility, but the number of counts have increased along with the empires land.

And theres a disgustingly large number of viscounts and barons. Especially in the cases of barons in particular, most of them dont hold any land and are just some slightly promoted merchants, and the majority of the knights hold a baron title.

Although there are some nations that give tax immunity to their nobility, that Karuan Empires nobles pay more tax the higher rank they are, so they often half-force on a baron title to rip off anyone who might be the tiniest bit rich.

If you dont take it? Then you get taken away for treason for ignoring the emperors orders. And all your wealth is confiscated as well. So you have no choice but to take it.

As expected of that princesss father. That bloodline has something sleeping it that just cant be ignored.

Perhaps its because its a dragons bloodline. Theyve all got an innate talent for ripping people off.

But because of that my income is good. The higher ranked nobles use rare metals or engravings of magic spells in their seals, but those who cant get those, the majority of the viscounts and lower just flaunt extravagance to show off how rich they are.

I have no idea why on earth you would use expensive jewels on a stamp, but thanks to that my funds are plentiful so I guess I have to be thankful for that. Well, pick up the lilies, put the rest in another pocket.

Since most of my work here is done, Ive arrived at my escape route number 11, and what I need to do here is obviously!

Now then, I need to blow that up too.

-My owners a terrorist! A terrorist that even blows up his own house!

Thats right, my name is Naruan! A former agent of the organization, the one who commands explosives! Signature move, exp. Boop.(2)

Farewell, my home, my workplace.

-Jobless. My owner is jobless! Unemployment in middle age, how are we going to eat now sobsob

For a chunk of metal what do you care about eating?

The explosion I could hear from above my head was satisfactory.

Normally burning all the important and private information is the normal thing to do but Im busy so I cant take the time to do that.

As they say, explosion is art!(3)

Now all I have to do is use Rein as bait and escape!

#7 Their story: A certain former hosts story.

Its the end.

Hm? Rein? Wheres Master?

The one coming from far away over there with a smile, is the craziest bitch Ive ever met in my short life, that Sia, right? And shes smiling that brightly?

The only times Ive seen her smile like that were when she had completely lost it with anger, when shed lost it with a beating by the metal bat, or when shed lost it after staring at the instructor for too long.

Well at the end of the day they were all times that shed lost it, but look at the evidence.

Her direct subordinates were all two, three steps away from her.

Why are you

Oh my, theres no way that I wouldnt be present where Master is?

At her smile that became brighter than before, I, my juniors, and the Intelligence Agency officers all unconsciously took a step backwards.

No wait, while the organization is in the middle of its downfall, how the hell did you predict the instructor would come this way?

The instructor isnt here?

Hell probably come soon, right?

May, maybe.

Oh my, my lovable dear classmate, why are you shaking like that huh?

As Sia came up to me my feet were naturally moving backwards.

Th, the crazy bitch is coming closer! And her eyes are on the bat!

Wow, its been a while, that.

Ye, yeah, right?

Yeah, it hurt because we were hit by it a lot, but it didnt hurt. It was like Master. Although he looked angry from the front, from behind he was kind where no one could see.

Re, really?

To be I just thought that hed implemented the hardest level out of all the instructors, no out of every agent and personnel in the organization, but no doubt thats not what it was like in this girls eyes.

Those were the eyes of a lunatic in love that I saw often at the club!

I even knew some hosts that were kidnapped by noble girls who made those very eyes! Theyre dangerous like nothing else! What else from my peer and the instructors disciple!

Hmm~ did Master give you that? He did? He did right?

No, because the instructor was away on an assignment, I was assigned to teach these kids temporarily. So I only borrowed it from him. Yep. Only borrowed!Th sourc of this conte/nt n/o/v/(l)bi((n))

Its pressuring. Talking with my peer is so damn pressuring! Although my cohorts are all weird one way or another, no one is as pressuring as this girl!

Ah, those empire spies?


Although the moment her gaze turned their way the kids instinctively took a step back, sorry.

Im weak so I cant get in her way. To be honest Im happier that her attentions turned your way.

Hmm~ the Nermia family and the Raina family. Hm~

Si, Sia? But since the empires troops are charging, theres nothing to be gained from touching these kids, right? Maybe use them as hostages or something, please? The instructor requested me as well

But since I had to save the kids so I stepped forward, but Sia revealed a shocking truth to me. The level of the revelations were roughly, the grade of a legendary empire-wide bestseller that a dukes daughter once recommended to me!

It was about as shocking as realising that the child of the enemy household turned your lover was actually your sibling separated at birth!

Hm? No, I dont care? Well, I wasnt one at first, but now Im definitely playing for the imperial family.


Ah, you probably didnt know? But, among the instructors disciples theres an oddly high proportion of spies. Since theres six of us from us and the previous cohort. Its over the majority, isnt it?

Then youre saying the instructor is also an imperial spy?!

Nono, although he does have ties with the empire, those were all made after he got sent out on a mission for the organization. Well, thanks to that there were people who I thought I could trust to Master, but Master himself is not a spy.

Instructor, just what kind of kids did you raise?

Even if I have no love for the organization, considering my and the previous cohort thats 11 people!

6 out of 11? Wait then if you include this cohort as well then 8 out of 14 are spies!

So, it really doesnt matter.

What Sia was muttering under her breath as she answered herself I unfortunately heard loud and clear. As long as they dont touch Master was what she said!

This girl, empire or whatever, in reality shes just aiming for the instructor! Is this alright, Empire?!

So, you said youll meet up with Master outside, right? Then wait here.

But whether she knew of my concerns or not, Sia smiled as brightly as she did before, no, even brighter, and hummed as if she was extremely excited.

Because I. Will escort him myself~

Instructor, I pray that we will meet each other in one piece again.


-Ownerowner. Something feels weird.

True. Something does feel really off.

-It feels like a ghosts gonna pop out. Scawy!

I think even ghosts would fear you.

Although I dont know if it would work on ghosts but if it does then mere ghosts! But it might be ineffective so dont!

Here was right after all?

Sorry. Please bring out the ghosts instead.

Eh? Master. Whats wrong. Whats with that expression as if youve seen a ghost when all youve done is see your lovable disciple in front of you?

No, if Id just seen a ghost Id be making a lot easier expression than this.

What are you doing here.

But I a veteran poker face master quickly restored my expression and asked coldly. Just what could it be? Is she finally here to stick a sword in my stomach?

Or is she planning to sell me off to the princess and hope for success on both sides? Or!

Of course is a lovers escape with Master.!

Are you fucking serious?!

-Heyhey. This girls obsessiveness is OP as hell. Dangewus!

-I know that as well!

Wow, I knew from long ago that this was being oddly clingy towards me, but I didnt expect this much!

But, are the kids behind you following that crazy bitch? Are you all part of some familia that believes in the goddess of beauty or something?!(4)

The organization is not ruined yet. Is that not dangerous?

Eh? Ah, Master wouldnt know. The organization is currently completely broken apart. By the hands of Masters disciples.

-Whazzis now?

-I have no idea either?!

Ah, Master didnt know. Actually over half of Masters disciples were actually people sent by the empire!

There were some that the emperor sent to watch you, some that the princess sent to watch you, some that were just sent to keep an eye on the organization, and there were some that just coincidentally went under your umbrella, but in the end, most of Masters disciples are actually spies from the empire!

Because of that, Zeral and Maren werent originally spies but the princess secretly got in contact with them and they betrayed the organization? Plus your other disciples all ran away the moment the empire came in!

Meaning, right now there are none of Masters disciples left in the organization right now!

Hoho, these lunatics. All the higher ups of the organization either ran or were the empires spies, and since therere spies from not only my disciples, the organization is already all but over.

-And owner made the remaining bigwigs go boom! So its really screwed nao!

-It was fated to fall anyway.

-I think its all owners fault?

-No, this isnt my fault! The organization, the organization was the problem! Just handing over all the spies to me, what were they thinking?

Ah, that reminds me the reason why the empire attacked the organization was because the princess wanted to take you in so she was erasing it?

-Naiiiiled daooooowwwn! Because of owner the prestigious and historic evil organization Howling was wuined!

Hoho. Crazy. My former boss decided to ruin my current company because she wanted her subordinate back. No, even before that the only reason I went to my past workplace was because this place sent me there!

This place was always my associate workplace!

-Owner. Theres way too many nutcases around owner. The imperial princess and your disciples too. If owner gets a girlfriend later then shes totes gonna die stabbed by these kids?

Ah, I will admit that. Including the one who said that, the metal bat, I have no idea why I have so many crazy bastards around me.

What these kids think is love is completely different from what normal people think is love.

No. the princess and Sia! No matter how I do the math I can only see the nice boat ending!(5) Those sorts of things are suitable for Rein, they are not suitable for me!

Well because of that the organization thought that Master was a spy so they all went nuts. Since the Crown Prince leading the empires troops is also due to the princess request and they went even crazier looking for Master.

So, Master has no choice left but a lovers escape with me~ if you come now then oh my, a beauty like me as a service! A chance like this doesnt come every day, Master!

-Wow this is a pretty unni, but she called herself a beauty! Even though she is a beauty! But its still embawwassing!

Good terms, but I never thought of you as anything but a disciple.

Its alright. Because as much as Master doesnt love me, I love Master even more. If youre with me, youll come to love me in the end!

Even if the other doesnt love you, you can fill up that gap with your own love, what kind of logic is that!

-What logic. Its the logic of these kids wholl stab another woman if she so much as looks at you. Master can kiss your dreams of marriage goodbye! As if theres anyone else who would accept owner whos marked by a crazy bitch like there is.

Wut, thats weird! Its normal that there shouldnt, but there is! And theyre all girls like her! And there isnt just one of them either!

Even as the invincible metal bat was horrified Sia kept drawing ever nearer to me.

Now, its finally time for just the two of us alone. Now we leave together far far away with me! Then the princess or whatever wont come looking for us! Ive already finished talking with the emperor too!

So all you have to do now is leave together with me!

Even if you say it so confidently, Im not going!

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