Running Away From The Hero! (Remake)

Chapter 270

Evade The Hero 270

Side Story – Memories of a Princess (43)

#57 Their Situation: The Situation of a Certain Soldier

Bombardments raining down. It had become a daily routine.

Magic, once rarely seen, was now a common occurrence here. Magic didn’t cost money.

War usually required vast amounts of money, especially for things like arrows. Arrows were costly because once shot, they couldn’t be retrieved.

While a single arrow’s cost might not seem like much, it added up when used by hundreds or thousands. With each volley, you were spending gold.

In contrast, spells cast by sorcerers or mages didn’t cost money. As long as they were paid their wages, they could keep using magic as soon as their mana recovered.

Normally, high-cost sorcerers wouldn’t be overworked, but in wartime, a lucky strike could cause mass casualties, so bombardments were daily.

“Damn! Another bombardment?”

“It’s so noisy during mealtime…”

Even soldiers who once feared magic were now used to it.

“Weren’t you the one wetting your pants at first?”

“You’re acting like you didn’t?”

“Since the sorcerers block everything, there’s no point in worrying.”

At first, when bombardments began, soldiers were terrified and couldn’t do anything. Some even tried to flee and were executed on the spot.

But that was all in the past.

While it was terrifying that the enemy had powerful sorcerers, we also had sorcerers on our side to protect us.

The enemy’s magic was scary, but our magic shielded us.

Once you got used to that, magic wasn’t so fearsome anymore.

“Hey, did you hear?”

One of my comrades, frowning, tried to get everyone’s attention.

“Hear what?”

“The Empire has developed a secret magic that can’t be blocked by magical barriers.”


“There’s no such thing.”

“That’s impossible.”

It sounded like nonsense. Magic that couldn’t be blocked by other magic?

“If it existed, they’d be using it, wouldn’t they?”

In war, anything that could kill the enemy was used. Winners took everything. Ethics and legality didn’t matter to losers; they had to accept whatever terms the winners imposed.

Even a common soldier like me knew this, so nobles, educated from a young age, surely knew too.

Magic that couldn’t be blocked? If such a thing existed, those seeking victory would definitely use it.

“Maybe the Empire is hiding it?”

“Why hide something so good?”

“Maybe they can’t use it yet…”

“Then it’s useless. Anyone can talk big.”

My serious-looking comrade finally relaxed.


“Yeah. No matter how strong the Karan Empire is, they can’t create such ridiculous magic.”

“That’s true.”

“Right. If they had it, our kingdom wouldn’t side with the Pernes Empire despite our bad relations with Karan.”

“That’s true.”

Seeing my comrades reassured, I pulled out a small pendant from my pocket.

“Don’t worry. Our kingdom’s military is strong enough to match the Empire’s. Just focus on surviving. If we win this war, we’ll make a lot of money.”


I opened the pendant and looked at the portrait of my beloved inside.


“She’s pretty, despite your looks.”

“Of course, Belli is the most beautiful girl in our village!”

Even more beautiful than this portrait. The village artist couldn’t capture all her beauty.

“If only I could show her real beauty with a magic tool…”


“Bragging about your girlfriend in the army!”

“Some of us don’t even have a sweetheart!”

My comrades glared at me with jealousy and envy.

“Have you heard?”

“What now?”

“Birds of a feather flock together.”

“Huh? Why?”

“Belli’s friends are just as beautiful.”

“Brother, I’ve always admired you.”

“Oh, why so respectful all of a sudden? I saw greatness in you from the first moment!”

“Today, you shine more than ever, brother.”

Laughing heartily, I let them massage my shoulders and limbs.

“Hahaha! Yes, think that way. When this war ends, come to my village! I’ll set you up!”


Hearing their cheers, I tightly held the pendant.

“When this war ends… I’ll use my war earnings to marry her.”

As I declared this with a serious face and voice,



I heard something shatter.

Then I saw a blue, silver object.

“What is that…?”


#58 Their Situation: The Situation of a Certain Villain

“You want to know why we don’t use magical bombardment?”


I sighed at Sir Lea’s question.

“Don’t you know?”

“I could not know!”

Her boldness left me momentarily speechless.

“You’ve grown.”

“It’s better to admit ignorance than to pretend and get mocked.”

Such shameless confidence.

It was so bold that I wondered if I was in the wrong.

Compared to the past, she had indeed grown.

“Then I shall explain.”

“Yes, please.”

Teasing someone with no shame was pointless.

“We don’t use magical bombardment to increase its efficiency.”

“Increase efficiency?”

“Yes. They don’t know about our magical bombardment.”

Sir Lea frowned and pursed her lips, deep in thought.

Unbelievable. Sir Lea was thinking!

Even fools could be cured with time!

“Something unpleasant just passed by, didn’t it?”

“It’s your imagination.”

She was perceptive, as expected of a knight.

“I’ll let it go since this is more important, Sir Ast.”

“Yes, Sir Lea.”

“You said the enemy doesn’t know about our magical bombardment, but how is that possible?”

“What do you mean?”

“Their vanguard was wiped out by the mages you sent, right?”


“And they used magical bombardment then.”

“They did.”

“Then how can they not know?”

Typical of Sir Lea’s innocence.

“Sir Lea, let’s say one of your units was wiped out.”

“Why suddenly…”

“Just an example. Don’t think too hard.”


She nodded, and I continued.

“Your unit was ambushed and defeated. The surviving commander tells you, ‘Sir Lea! The enemy is using dragons! We tried everything, but one dragon breath wiped us out!’”


“If your subordinate said that, would you believe it, or think they were lying to cover their failure?”


“Most would think it a lie to avoid punishment. Others might think it’s just the enemy making excuses.”

“That’s true…”

“It’s similar. We know the truth, but to others, it sounds unbelievable. If your defeated soldiers said, ‘The enemy uses magic that can’t be blocked!’ would you believe them?”

“Of course not.”

“You’d be cautious, but without proof, you’d dismiss it. That’s our goal. Use magical bombardment only when necessary. Now, we create a false sense of security.”

“False sense of security?”

“Yes. Imagine an old cart, used for over ten years. It creaks but hasn’t broken down. Would you use it?”

“No, I’d buy a new one.”

“Right. But a poor farmer might not. To them, it’s reliable because it’s lasted ten years without issue.”


“Just as they believe the old cart will work another day, the enemy will believe our usual attacks are all we have. When they least expect it, we’ll strike with magical bombardment.”

“That’s clever.”

Sir Lea looked at me with admiration.

Admiring my perfect strategy?

I hoped she didn’t see me as too amazing. She wasn’t my type, and her family would make things complicated.

Last time, a similar situation caused much trouble!

My ideal woman was simple, lived in a quiet village, with no hidden past or secrets, and wouldn’t give birth to heroes or demon kings!

But all this was just,


Wishful thinking.


“I never thought of that.”

“It’s unfair to call me diabolical just because you didn’t think of it.”

“…Your words seem ten times harsher.”

“A person striving for victory deserves praise.”

“Weren’t you treating me similarly before?”


She was right.

I hadn’t expected such sharp retaliation from Sir Lea.

“Too much growth…”

“If someone heard, they’d think you raised me.”

“Personality-wise, you were shaped by Ast.”

The princess appeared, speaking to Sir Lea.

“Your Highness, what do you mean?”

“Exactly as it sounds.”

Ignoring Sir Lea, the princess handed me a folded paper.

“An approval for the strategy. Check it.”

“Yes… Crazy?”


Unfolding the paper, a curse slipped out.

The princess watched, amused.

“Is it okay to fold a royal decree?”

I thought it was just a military document, but it bore the emperor’s seal, meaning it conveyed his words!

A mismanaged royal decree could mean treason.

“I can.”

“What if I did?”


She mimicked slashing her throat, implying my execution.

How kind of her. Kind enough to make me want to hit her just once!


But hitting her would mean death.

Recognizing this, I restrained myself with deep patience.

The paper was dangerous, but its content pleased me.


A typical king wouldn’t approve this strategy, but the emperor, like his daughter, was a bit mad.

“The emperor was curious too, so do your best.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

With the emperor’s approval, it was time to start.

“I’ll make our army a symbol of fear.”

Thus, to create the great general Religius Lu Laisha, the imperial army began working diligently.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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