Robando a los amantes Yandere del protagonista

Chapter 15 Kingdom Of Light, Here We Come!

After discussing everything the group went separate ways.

The other group went to the town to take part in goblin extermination, while Elandor took Aushima's hand and returned to the guild, he wanted to know further details directly from Parul.

The receptionist thought they all went for the goblin quest and was surprised to see them return.

"How can I help you guys?", she spoke in her usual monotone.

Without wasting any time I decided to get straight to the point, "Call your guild leader's daughter, Miss Parul as we have decided to take her quest and want further info on the subject"

There was something she wanted to speak but she held back before going upstairs to call Parul.

We waited for a few minutes before finally once again witnessing the deadly mature beauty descending the stairs.

Witnessing her, once again caused my breathing to fasten but thankfully I was no longer a virgin so I was easily able to hide the shameless smile blooming on my face.

Upon seeing us I saw a sense of dejection in her face which could only be discovered if observed minutely.

I suddenly had a hunch that she wanted David to take this quest due to her high favorability towards him and maybe she just issued this quest to help him rank up fast.

I once again realised how broken the luck of these so-called protagonists was, who are supported by the will of the world itself.

"So I heard you decided to take my quest, but I tell you the herb I need are black-tailed wild grass and red ginseng. I need them to make a new healing medicine, whose recipe I found in an ancient book", she spoke softly trying to hide the dismay on her face.

Suddenly I got a little angry wasn't it just one item we needed to find how did it become two items, sure enough, she is deliberately increasing our difficulty.

Thus, I had already decided in my mind to make her suffer after this trip.

"Don't worry miss, but don't you think the difficulty of this task is a little more than a silver rank quest", I decided to finally counter her style.

"Isn't it just finding some herbs, what's the big deal?", she spoke amusingly.

p"Well for starters we need to enter the neighbouring kingdom who does not have a favourable expression of us, this already put us at risk to be plotted against plus the restricted forest there is already too dangerous to find one item and you want us to find two and you don't even give us their location, isn't it making things difficult for newbies?

", I countered her once again.


"Well for starters we need to enter the neighbouring kingdom who does not have a favourable expression of us, this already put us at risk to be plotted against plus the restricted forest there is already too dangerous to find one item and you want us to find two and you don't even give us their location, isn't it making things difficult for newbies?

", I countered her once again.

She gritted her teeth and knew her ploy was seen through by me but she not wanted to settle for a

loss and spoke, "Don't worry my sister will help you, she is already at the guild's branch in that kingdom's capital due to some work."

I instantly saw through her little conspiracy as I already knew her big sister was a superb beauty but was very unsocial, causing problems for many people taking up their guild's quests.

She would deliberately travel with them and make things more difficult to enjoy the thrill of life-death situations.

Finally, a bold idea came to mind, "Isn't your sister the most loved girl in your family and you and your father dote on her the most, how will you feel when you see your sister standing on my side as we complained your bad deeds to your father."

Yes, I already thought about what I had to do, capture her elder childish sister first and use her to conspire against Parul, and at the same point force, a joint attack with help of Jasmine and Eve who already started considering her as a potential love rival to force her into complete despair, just thinking about all this started exciting Elandor.

"Thank you so much, we will try our best to complete the quest as fast as possible", saying so I bowed down a little to hide my once again excited face.

Then I quickly dragged Aushima away to avoid further time being wasted.

I kept holding her arm as I dragged her to the shopping street.

"Aren't we gonna go prepare for the journey, why we are here?", she asked surprisingly.

I just waved one hand and spoke," it's not a big deal, today we will buy a lot of stuff and just relax before starting the journey tomorrow".

She had long forgotten to resist him and just let him pull her.

It was more of a date for her as he first took her to a jewellery shop to get her a beautiful set of earrings, then took her to eat all sorts of crazy street foods which she always avoided for fear of being unhygienic.

Then they went to various shops to order some furniture he forgot yesterday, they then went to a medicine shop and she was surprised to see him buy all sorts of various medicines like hallucinating powder, paralysis drugs, needles, some poisons etc she decided to not speak as some things are better if not asked and she just enjoyed his company.

Elandor had already thought of things he might need in the forest to fight wild beasts as well as some bandits and bought all sorts of defensive gears and healing elixirs along with medicines to torture and poisons to kill someone if needed.

Soon the sun came down and he took her hand and lead her to the town square and made her sit on a bench.

Then he put one arm behind her to support her.

She quickly leaned on him as they watched the evening fountain illuminated by sunset with bustling people selling stuff in the background.

"It's really beautiful, I had fun today, even though I lived in this city for so long, I never explored it like today and finally knew how many things I was not even aware of, thanks for this beautiful day Elandor", she spoke while comfortably leaning on him.

I gently flicked her forehead with my fingers," Still calling me Elandor? did you forget the previous punishment?"

Hearing it she giggled sweetly'" Hus---Husband, it was amazing", after saying she quickly hid her face in my chest.

We spent some time savouring the serene landscape, before finally heading home.

Like a good wife given the best maid training, she directly ran to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

While I waited for dinner, the various items we bought were brought to the home by the delivery man and after he left I again stored almost all the stuff in my storage ring. This time I was fully prepared I had almost everything one could think of in my storage ring.

After enjoying my favourite gravy-filled steaks and some veg soup prepared by her, I gave her one of my sly smile.

She immediately understood my signal and lowered her face in embarrassment but before she could think of a counter-response, I had already moved and lifted her to carry her to our bedroom.

She gave a long yelp~upon being lifted suddenly but her lack of resistance and shyly dodging eyes highlighted how much she was expecting to experience the taste of lovemaking again.

The night was long and people were young,

It was bound to be a sleepless night as this time we went on for many rounds and continuous creaking of bed along with loud moans and groans mixed with shameless talks finally exhausted her.

She tried her best to fight back but after long time was eventually defeated and once again the pair cuddled and slept while being locked in a tight embrace.

The morning rays along with breezy winds passing through windows forced them to open their sleepy eyes.

He was excited for this new day and looking forward to his adventure in the kingdom of light and meeting that childish elder sister.

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