Re:write The Authors Transmigration

Chapter 15: The Beginning Of The Story

Chapter 15: The Beginning Of The Story

After I satisfy my tired body with a bed after a long time inside the sealed space. I was on my way to convincing Esther about signing the contract, it took a while but I manage to win her over. And now the three of us are private mercenaries for Agni, we're subjugating monsters or running the shop 24/7. Soon it became my 12th day here while I was working as a mercenary

"Thank you for purchasing at Agni's store have a wonderful day," Esther smiled at the customer

'How did my profession as a mercenary become something like a shop clerk? If it weren't for my salary getting an increase, I wouldn't have agreed. I can't get a read on Morris's thoughts, he's so mysterious, I wonder what I'll get from following someone like him. The weirdest part is that his an outsider someone who's sent from another world, how can he easily adapt to my world?'

While she was busy attending to the side conditions of her contract. A door leading downstairs started shaking and alerts her whilst she continues running the shop

"I have to admit im kind of jealous of Kyo. He's training with him while im stuck here organizing these items," She walks close and pushed a button near the door which stopped the shaking. Without any problems left, she continued to tend to the shop thats flooded with a dozen players asking for all sorts of items

On the other side of the door, we see Morris facing Kyo Min soo without any kind of weapons or magic in his arsenal. They fought with the use of their vare fist enhanced with his mana which boost his physical capabilities to their max. They were stuck in a deadlock as their strengths matched each other, no matter how much they outmaneuver one another

Their fists collided and cause the room to tremble in their force, Kyo min soo swings a downward punch followed by an upward kick. But it was predictable, to say the least, his fighting style became sloppy once he came back to his sense. It looks like the alchemist learned of this and turned him into a puppet due to his lack of combat knowledge

But it wasn't something that he couldn't fix, in their training, he saw it in Kyo min soo's unusual results. It would've taken him a long time but he managed to perfectly anticipate his attack and calculate the collision of their first. But he wasn't a pushover to easily lose to a child. He countered by sending a fully injected mana-imbued punch to Kyo's abdomen. It knocks Kyo min soo to a distance where the two of them catch their breath

"I can't believe it, even with all of those handicaps I can't even put some pressure on your body, are you a magician as you say, boss?" Kyo fell to the ground While his opposition remained standing which ends their match at his victory

'Looks like my writing took its form, even if he has the lowest stats if I compare him to a pure-blooded beast. His agility wasn't normal. He can only materialize his awakening from his legs and arm, apart from that he enhances their power and speed to this extent. I think his plot armor is acting up, I remember writing one of the side characters that spoke about Kyo min soo. He always has this incredible talent of grasping the teachings given to him,'

[Kyo min soo LVL 8

Titles: none

Class: none

Blessing: none

Hp: 44

Atk: 30

Spd: 30

Def: 18

Mp: 30

Stm: 34

Unused points: 0

Skills: Ancestral awakening (C)

Overall ratings: You're slowly moving towards the level of the average strength of a beast]

"Well, I can't lose before I teach you how to win against me. Before that, point arises I'll beat the shit out of you until losing became a normal routine," Morris healed the scratches within his body before tending to Kyo min soo's wounded body

"Where are you going boss," He catches his breath and notices his weakened caretaker hastily trying to leave the room

"Let's just say someone important is about to begin his journey in this world," He left the basement and quickly interested his room

When he opened the door that he previously locked and forbids anyone from entering his room at all costs. His room was revealed to have a dark and dreary atmosphere with only a table and a chair. Aside from that is the other room for bathing and the laboratory used for his experiments. He walks closer to the table and a ton of test tubes holding a dangerous substance along with his final ingredient in his palms

'It's time I finally manage to obtain it after applying a ton of mana in the mana flower, I have everything I need. If you're wondering why im talking like someone watching me it's because im inside my book. I thought that there was a chance that someone out there can read a paragraph where im saying this,'

'First of all, I don't want any stupid questions about my potions, why can't I just sell expensive herbs and make some quick bucks? Bruh thats the stupidest thing I can ever think of doing, do you think a high-ranking player will bargain with a newbie? They'll just kill me and take my shit, and if I can make an immortal herb do you think I would know better if that's possible. Curiosity is such poison to the mind if there is a type of game-breaking shit I would've chosen it already! Might I remind you this is the beginner stage it doesn't have end game fucking content,'

[Whatever you do, don't even flinch if you see an abnormality in the reaction or else you'll lose everything from this experiment of yours]

He opened all of the tubes placing every drop of the liquid tainted by the herbs he requested into a single pot as he continued formulating the final step for his creation, the liquids started colliding with each other showing signs of rejection toward one another while Morris used the mana he kept storing inside the flower to rearrange the liquid's properties causing a massive explosion

[Do it now]

[System: You're using the option of the mana flower to pour down the collected mana]

The abnormality that he feared came true, yet he didn't give up he applied all of his Mana to minimize the impact bearing the outrageous pain he kept pouring out his mana until it came to an end finding himself holding onto a glowing plot amidst his room that was burnt to a crisp even his sheets that were known to be unaffected by fire wasn't able to tolerate what happened

"Finally, I made it before the story started," He said gazing upon the glowing pot which amazed him with his creation, he can't believe he was about to pull off an incredible feat, which blinded him from his current position and continued to follow the steps he wrote from his novel

[Remembrance - A potion that will help the person that drinks it remember even the memories which he/she has long forgotten and strengthen their memory to a certain extent]

[System: You've created the potion remembrance, you've achieved an incredible feat you will be rewarded with 10 stat points]

Without hesitating he gulped the potion without letting a single drop, yet nothing happened, he was confused as he can't recall anything, the room where once was disappeared his surroundings turned pitch black as he sees a tiny light following it while he walks the endless abyss only to arrive at a particular scene which he can't remember, he even doubted if it was an illusion of sorts but as he heard a single word his mind started to react violently forcing him to close the memory

'Our promise!!!'

"Aghhh... what was that memory, I couldn't bear it my mind kept telling me it was dangerous over and over until it forced me to reject the memory sealing it back to my mind," He got up from the ground, feeling a little tired he lay down on his bed after he regained such stimulating memory that affected his vision

'It's a little fuzzy at the moment but I can remember all the things that happened in my book's first volume let's not dig any deeper than I can. My body hasn't fully adapted to the effects of remembrance let's just remember the things I wrote about my mc's introduction. I need to remember everything about my novel before it officially starts,'


Chapter 1 countless playthrough

My name is Hugo Miller just an average person that spends thousands of his time doing one thing and one thing only playing my favorite game

The world of trials is a vrmmo that became a big hit in the year 2030 and after its 5th year the game shuts down with not a single update to be seen

Only countless trials were left unfinished, and as I finally cleared them all, I realized I'd turned 18 over the years of playing this game I've decided that I should drop it and continue with my life

That's what I thought when I received an email from the game developer himself the same day I finished the last trial with only one thing to say

[Creator: If the game can get a sequel would you play?

Options: [Yes] or [No] What will you choose?]

Without a doubt, I pushed yes and proceeded to my school, meeting my friends and telling them the news I got then it appeared the surroundings glitched as it circle in with my friends

[System: Selection process has been completed sending the chosen participants to the world of trials]

By the time I could remember opening my eyes, I was inside a white room while my phone started beeping without a sign of stopping opening it and it lead me to the game developers message with a hidden link below I pushed it and it showed me the creators final message along with a gift

[Creator: Thank you for your answer to this one absurd question my games sequel has been aired I hoped my gift will be of good use to you]

[System: You've gained a golden ticket for a Deity selection, note you can only choose one of the select few]

What kind of journey will I take hold of what mysteries are waiting for me lastly, what the hell happened I got sucked into this life-threatening dilemma


'Hugo Miller, I wonder how long you'll truly last in the world of trials? I wonder what kind of journey will I experience in my novel, but I can't shake off this feeling of uneasiness. I don't have any kind of clue why I'm here, apart from the message I received before I've been transported to the prolog

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