Return of Mount Hua Sect

Chapter 1095

Novel Return of Mount Hua Sect Chapter 1095


From outside the door, a harrowing scream echoed. Tang Gun-ak flinched and glanced outside. It felt like a familiar voice mixed in with the scream he had just heard.

But he soon turned his head back to its original position.

“…Are you sure you don’t mind?”

When Hyun Jong asked vaguely, Tang Gun-ak smiled bitterly.

“I’m fine.”

“It must not be easy.”

“It’s something I’ve been hoping for.”

Tang Gun-ak reached out and picked up the teacup in front of him. Noticing that the tea had cooled, he slightly drew upon his internal strength. Soon, the once-cold tea began to steam again.

Tang Gun-ak, who was savoring the scent, smiled faintly.

“I always feel this way, but plum blossom tea has such a wonderful fragrance.”

“Thank you.”

Tang Gun-ak took a sip of the tea and placed the cup back on the table.

“Actually, it’s something I’ve been thinking about for a long time. If we continue as we are, there will inevitably come a day when we will no longer be able to follow Mount Hua.”

“Those are very humble words. Who would dare compare the mighty Sichuan Tang Family to Mount Hua?”

Tang Gun-ak smiled bitterly.

Clearly, the world may still place Tang Family a little higher than Mount Hua. Even when Heavenly Comrade Alliance was formed, except for a few who knew the inside story, didn’t most people think that Sichuan Tang Family put Mount Hua at the forefront while holding the real power behind the scenes?

But once the deeds of Mount Hua in Gangnam become known, even that misperception will change.

‘More than anything….’

What matters is not the perception. What matters is how Tang Gun-ak views the current situation.

Mount Hua is growing stronger day by day, but Tang Family still remains in the same place. Until now, Sichuan Tang Family was waiting for the day when Mount Hua Sect would stand next to them. However, starting from this incident, that position has changed.

“Maengju-nim. No…. Sect Leader.”

Hyun Jong looked at Tang Gun-ak with deep eyes at the changed title.

“If this continues, the gap between Mount Hua and Tang will widen.”


“Denying that is neither pride nor anything else. It’s just the stubbornness of a petty person who ignores reality.”

Hyun Jong quietly looked at Tang Gun-ak.

Tang Gun-ak was speaking easily, but entrusting the training of one’s disciples to someone else is no simple matter. No, it is questionable whether even Hyun Jong can do it right now.

Watching Tang Gun-ak speak so calmly about it made Hyun Jong feel a surge of respect.

“Wouldn’t it have been possible if Tang Gaju-nim had put his mind to it?”

Tang Gun-ak smiled bitterly.

“I am grateful that you think highly of me, but… If that were possible, there would be no reason for me not to strengthen Tang Family’s power until now.”

“…I was rude.”

“No, it is fine.”

Tang Gun-ak calmly shook his head.

“I also realize this from Mount Hua Chivalrous Sword. The fact that excellence in martial arts and excellence in teaching people are completely different things.”

This was Tang Gun-ak’s sincere sentiment, with nothing to add and subtract.

Of course, from the first time he saw Chung Myung, he had guessed that he was a talent who could elevate Mount Hua. At such a young age, Chung Myung showed martial art…. No, he showed both martial arts and keen insight overshadowing his age. But….

‘Even then, I underestimated Mount Hua Chivalrous Sword.’

Even Tang Gun-ak could not have imagined that Mount Hua would become this strong.

Watching Chung Myung develop Mount Hua, even Tang Gun-ak, who was full of only goodwill toward Chung Myung, sometimes felt a sense of inferiority and self-doubt.

An ordinary person might express that feeling of inferiority as hostility toward Mount Hua Chivalrous Sword, but Tang Gun-ak was not that kind of fool. He was someone who knew what was the best way for him and Tang Family.

“If it was something I could do, I would have done it myself. But… if I were to push my disciples now, it would only be seen as the head of Tang Family feeling threatened by Mount Hua’s growth and pushing his disciples out of panic, both internally and externally.”


Hyun Jong murmured. When he thought about it, it made sense.

“So I believe this is the right approach.”

“But Gaju-nim….”

“Outwardly speaking, of course.”

Tang Gun-ak smiled bitterly.

“On the inside, it’s a little different. Wouldn’t I be the only one who would be humiliated if I didn’t get proper results even when I personally took the initiative to educate my children?”


“Face is a useless thing, but sometimes it is necessary to take care of it. On the surface, I worked the renowned Mount Hua Chivalrous Sword as an instructor, so there is nothing better for me.”

Hyun Jong sighed as he looked at Tang Gun-ak smiling mischievously.

“…That child is causing a lot of trouble for many people.”

“It is quite meaningful for Maengju-nim to say those words.”

Hyun Jong smiled bitterly at Tang Gun-ak’s words.

The implication was that, if it came to trouble, Hyun Jong had it the worst.

“It’s hard to deny.”

The existence of Chung Myung is like a blessing to Hyun Jong. But at the same time, it was like a dagger pointed at his throat.

Excellent subordinates are always like that. Someone as excessively brilliant as Chung Myung constantly prodded those above him. Thus, those in higher positions must always reflect on themselves and question if they are thinking correctly.

Overcoming that burden was definitely not an ordinary task.

“Thank you, Gaju-nim.”

Hyun Jong, who was lost in thought, bowed his head towards Tang Gun-ak.

“N- No. Why Maengju-nim be like this all of a sudden?”

Tang Gun-ak, flustered, waved his hand. Hyun Jong lifted his head and looked at Tang Gunak with profound eyes.

“It must have been an extremely bold request, but Gaju-nim accepted it without getting angry…. As the Sect Leader of Mount Hua, I can’t help but be grateful.”

“There seems to be some misunderstanding, Sect Leader.”

“…A misunderstanding, you say?”


Tang Gun-ak smiled slightly.

“It wasn’t Mount Hua Chivalrous Sword who requested to teach Tang Family. It was I who asked Mount Hua Chivalrous Sword to take care of Tang Family a little.”

“…I see.”

However, Hyun Jong’s expression did not change at all.

“Still, my gratitude never changes. In other words, doesn’t that mean that Tang Gaju-nim understood the meaning behind Chung Myung’s words and stepped in first so that the child wouldn’t have to say anything unpleasant?”

“…Sect Leader is flattering me.”

Tang Gun-ak laughed bitterly.

“You don’t have to do that, Sect Leader.”

Then he glanced slightly toward the door.

“In truth, I lack courage. Unlike Nokrim King, I don’t have the bravery to follow Mount Hua Chivalrous Sword’s commands directly, so here I am, drinking tea with Sect Leader.”

“That’s… a bit different…”

“There is no particular difference. The truly remarkable one is Nokrim King. If he wants to assert his authority, even Mount Hua can’t help but acknowledge it. Besides, didn’t he perform excellently in Hangzhou as well?”

“Of course.”

Hyun Jong nodded.

Putting aside Im Sobyeong’s personality as a person, he deserves to be treated well just for his title as Nokrim King.

Wasn’t the task of proving one’s qualifications as Nokrim King already completed simply by steadily taking over Nokrim that had been handed down by his predecessors? Naturally, Im Sobyeong deserved respect everywhere as the head of a sect that commanded the world.

But now, such a person was rolling around in the dirt.

“He doesn’t have to go that far…”

“He has to, so there won’t be any backlash.”

Tang Gun-ak smiled slightly. For the past three years, he had been tangled up with Im Sobyeong on the Yangtze River. As a result, he now had a good understanding of what kind of person Im Sobyeong was.

“It is said that Evil Sects is a place where everything is governed by the logic of respect toward the strong, but that generally applies within Evil Sects themselves.”


“No matter how strong Mount Hua Chivalrous Sword is, he’s ultimately just a disciple, not the Sect Leader of Mount Hua. There’s no reason for them to willingly follow his commands, even if he isn’t an ordinary disciple of Mount Hua.”

Hyun Jong nodded. From the perspective of a person of Nokrim, it was a very natural thing.

“However, if Im Sobyeong, the Nokrim King, trains at the front without any complaints, there’s no room for discontent. Perhaps Nokrim King is aiming for that.”

“…He’s a thoughtful person.”

“He is, despite his outward appearance.”

Tang Gun-ak’s eyes sank deeply.

“Of course, deep down, Nokrim King likely intends to strengthen Nokrim’s power and solidify his control. Additionally, he’s probably trying to put Mount Hua Chivalrous Sword in his debt.”

Tang Gun-ak, who had been talking quietly, smiled bitterly and sighed lightly.

“But, even with planning, it’s certainly not an easy task.”

“Yes. I think he is quite remarkable.”

Hyun Jong’s expression was a bit complex and subtle.

The more he got to know him, the more different sides he saw in Im Sobyeong. Wasn’t it clear just by how much the evaluation of him had changed from when he first entered Mount Hua to now?


It was then.

“I’m a patient, you rotten bastard!”

“Patient? Patieeeeent? Alright, you damn Evil Sects scum! I’ll show you what a real patient is! Come here, you bastard!”


Tang Gun-ak and Hyun Jong looked at the door with stern faces, as if they had made a promise. Tang Gun-ak, who had been listening to the screams in silence for a while, quietly finished what he was saying.

“…a great person.”


For some reason, their voices lacked energy.

“Hmm. Anyway.”

Tang Gun-ak cleared his throat and spoke again.

“Since Nokrim King is putting in so much effort, I can’t just sit and watch. My Tang Family plans to do our best to cooperate with the intentions of Mount Hua Chivalorus Sword.”

“Thank you, Gaju-nim.”

Tang Gun-ak gave a peculiar smile.

“This is something I realized, but it seems that people have something called a vessel. Regardless of whether it is realistically possible or difficult, the mere fact that he able to come up with such a plan makes Mount Hua Chivalrous Sword no ordinary people.”

“Hmm… in many ways, indeed.”

“Yes, in many ways.”

A subtle expression flashed across the faces of the two.

It would be great if he were extraordinary only in positive ways…

“It’s a thankful story.”


“On the surface, it seems like Mount Hua is just asking other sects to share the responsibilities it had shouldered. But isn’t the true meaning behind it quite different?”

Hyun Jong nodded with a heavy face.

“Of course.”

“It’s not anyone else, but Mount Hua Chivalrous Sword….”

Tang Gun-ak paused for a moment before continuing.

“Has declared that other sects within Heavenly Comrade Alliance should also bear this burden, hasn’t he?”

Hyun Jong closed his eyes and nodded.

“When Mount Hua Chivalrous Sword first created Heavenly Comrade Alliance, the logic he presented to me was, ‘People who benefit each other can become friends.’ But… this time, the word ‘benefit’ was missing.”

“You knew that.”

“That’s why it’s so remarkable.”

Tang Gun-ak laughed as if he couldn’t help it.

“Who in the world could dare to say that they would embrace all those people, going beyond benefits and logic? Only…. right. Only Mount Hua Chivalrous Sword can say this.”


“So how can one not respect him?”

Outside, the voice of a young friend could be heard constantly. There was a subtle warmth in that sharp-sounding voice that was hard to notice unless one listened carefully.

“I always thought he didn’t fit the image of a Taoist, but it seems my thinking was wrong. The grand Tao doesn’t appear as a Tao to the eyes of ordinary people, and if you call the Tao the Tao, it ceases to be the Tao…”

Tang Gun-ak finished what he was saying with a gentle smile.

“Now I truly understand.”

Hyun Jong heard those words and quietly closed his eyes.

“I think so too.”

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