Reincarnated With Three Unique Skills

Chapter 28: Chapter 28: The Key to the Ancient Land

The auctioneer's voice echoed through the grand hall, "The starting price is 500 gold coins, with increments of 50 gold coins. Let the bidding commence."

Ethan's eyes widened at the announcement. He hadn't anticipated the item to be valued so high. He quickly calculated in his head—he only had 650 gold coins. Would it be enough?

Sensing Ethan's interest and uncertainty, the young man beside him leaned in, a sly grin spreading across his face. "So, you're eyeing that piece, but short on funds, huh?"

Ethan, caught off guard, nodded and replied firmly, "Yes."

With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, the young man produced a few banknotes from his pocket and handed them to Ethan. Ethan's surprise deepened as he realized he was holding notes worth exactly 600 gold coins. He stared at the young man in disbelief.

Why does he have so much money? At first he thought he was just a commoner, but now...Ethan began to doubt the young man's identity.

"Haha..." The young man's smile grew wider, sensing Ethan's curiosity.

The young man chuckled. "You can ask me questions later. Use this for now," he said, laughing.

Coming to his senses, Ethan accepted his help and quickly placed his bid. "500 gold coins."

The auctioneer's eyes turned to Ethan. "We have a bid of 500 gold coins. Is there any higher bid?"

"600," a burly man from the back raised his hand, glaring fiercely at Ethan.

"650," Ethan raised his paddle and said calmly.

"700," said a girl from the back.

Ethan looked at the girl, and shouted, "750!"

"770!" The girl raised once again, struggling a little.

"850!" Ethan said, not caring about the beautiful girl at all.

Hearing his bid, the girl backed down with a disheartened face.

"900 Gold... Coins..!" The burly man gritted his teeth, his gaze never leaving Ethan. He was also close to his limit. 900 is already a lot for a commoner hunter like him. His hesitation spoke the truth.

Ethan remained calm and composed.

"1100 GOLD coins," he declared, his voice steady.

"What! Is this guy mad? Directly raising it to 1100? What a moron!" Some guest whispered, taking Ethan for a fool.

On the other hand, Ethan had raised his bid to 1100 gold coins, intending to intimidate the burly man and discourage any further competition.

The room fell silent for a moment, the tension palpable as everyone waited for the burly man's response.

The burly man hesitated, clearly weighing his options, before finally shaking his head and lowering his hand in defeat.

"Congratulations to participant no. 987 for obtaining the adolescent Wyvern bone," the auctioneer announced loudly, looking at Ethan.

At long last, Ethan had secured the bone of a Wyvern for 1,100 gold coins. The burly man gave Ethan a fierce glare, but Ethan didn't care. It was worth the trouble.

He picked up the Wyvern bone from backstage and returned quickly. The bone was remarkably sturdy and etched with intricate runic symbols. It was about three feet long, so he had to place it in a large box. Taking the box, Ethan sat down and looked at the young man beside him with grateful eyes.

"Thanks for that. My name is Ethan Smith. What's yours?" Ethan asked softly, extending a hand for a handshake.

The young man chuckled lightly before replying, "You're welcome, Ethan. My name is Leon. Forget about my family name for now. Nice to meet you." He flashed a bright smile.

"Yeah, same to you. But can you tell me why you helped me?" Ethan asked, curiosity evident in his voice. No one helped for no reason, right?

Leon leaned back in his chair, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Because you needed it. Aren't I right? Moreover, I can tell you won't cheat me. I observed you closely earlier. You don't look like someone who cares about money."

Seeing Ethan's confusion, Leon elaborated, his voice taking on a more serious tone. "Look at these people," he said, gesturing subtly to the crowd around them. "Whenever they hear a large amount of money, their faces glow with greed and desire. They whisper, plot, and scheme. But you? You're different.

Your focus is on something far more significant than gold."

Ethan's gaze followed Leon's gesture, taking in the eager faces, the eyes that shone with avarice at every bid. He saw the truth in Leon's words but still couldn't shake off his doubts. "What if I ran off with your money? What then?"

Leon's laugh was hearty, drawing a few curious glances from nearby bidders. "If that happened, my character judgment would be a joke," he said, his smile widening. Then, his expression turned steely, eyes sharp as daggers. "But trust me, no one can cheat me out of my money. I have ways of ensuring that doesn't happen."

Ethan felt a chill run down his spine at Leon's sudden change in demeanor. It was clear that this young man had layers he couldn't yet fathom. "I see," he said slowly, nodding in acknowledgment. "Well, I'm grateful for your help. I will return the money for sure."

Ethan became curious about this stranger's background. Leon looked so confident, as if he were some kind of lord or something. At first, Ethan thought him a minor character with a meddlesome personality. But now, Leon seemed entirely different.

"Is he one of those low-key protagonists, or some kind of mysterious side character?" Ethan wondered.

Deciding to find out more, Ethan cast Appraisal to uncover Leon's identity. To his shock, it didn't work. That could only mean one thing: Leon was at least above level 50. How frightening! What was he doing here?

Ethan's mind raced with possibilities. "Why would someone so powerful be at the commoners sitting area? It isn't normal at all," he thought, glancing at Leon with newfound respect and caution. The young man beside him wasn't just a generous stranger; he was a formidable presence, cloaked in mystery.

Leon seemed to notice Ethan's scrutiny and raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Trying to figure me out, huh?" he asked lightly, his tone teasing yet gentle.

Ethan coughed and turned his attention to the stage, looking at different items with intrigue, as if there was no overpowered character beside him. After more than an hour, the auctioneer left the stage, leaving everyone confused. Soon, a grey-haired old man appeared on stage, bringing a hexagonal-shaped box with him.

As the ordinary participants quieted, excited sounds from the VIP rooms became more evident. What was so important inside the box that made these nobles so excited?

"Ethan, you might meet an unexpected event today," Ethan heard Leon mutter excitedly, with a hint of anticipation in his eyes.

The old man on stage cleared his throat, commanding the room's attention. "Honorable guests, I am Gresham Bel'or, the owner of this glorious auction hall. I am here to present the last precious item of today and witness the joy it will bring. This is a salvation for mankind, a historical relic, and a piece of our glorious past. We are honored to present it to you after so many years of darkness."

Ethan's curiosity piqued even further. What could be so significant? He glanced at Leon, whose eyes were fixed on the stage, a fierce intensity burning within them.

Gresham Bel'or continued, his voice reverberating through the hall. "Alright, let the finale of this auction begin."

With enthusiastic applause, the old man opened the hexagonal box, revealing an ancient-looking key that glimmered faintly under the stage lights.

"This," Gresham Bel'or announced, his voice filled with reverence, "is the key to the ancient land of treasure, where our legendary hero Libros once obtained the famous Demon Slayer Sword."

He paused, letting the weight of his words sink in as the crowd murmured in awe.

"You must be wondering," he continued with a sly chuckle, "why I didn't keep this treasure for myself?" His tone carried a hint of irony. "The answer is simple—it would require an astronomical amount of energy to activate. So, keep that in mind, honorable guests, as you consider its true value."

The room buzzed with astonished whispers. The legend of Hero Libros and the Demon Slayer Sword was well-known, but the key to that ancient land had been thought lost forever.

"Wait! Is the key real, Gresham? Tell me honestly." Suddenly, a deep and imposing voice boomed from one of the VIP rooms.

The old man stiffened slightly before replying, his tone respectful and reassuring. "Yes, my lord. I vouch for it with my honor."

"Okay then. Proceed!" the overbearing person said arrogantly, his authority palpable.

Ethan's eyes widened as he realized the gravity of the moment. The key to the ancient land of treasure was not just a relic; it was a gateway to untold power and wealth. He glanced at Leon, whose eyes were alight with a mix of anticipation and a fierce grin spread across his face as if he was waiting for some kind of prey to appear.

"It should be in any moment," Leon whispered, his voice extremely calm all of a sudden."

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