Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 17: What I Wanted To Show

Chapter 17: What I Wanted To Show

Holy Sword.

How could she ever forget that name?

Even if five hundred years had passed and even if her physical form had changed, the memory was still as vivid as if it were just yesterday.




She was the rightful owner of the Holy Sword.

Lucia brought her trembling hands to her face.

What on earth is he talking about? The Holy Sword?

Lucia was confused by the current situation. The shining sword in Shirons hand, the Holy Sword, shouldnt have been in a place like this.

A sword that tasked a clueless girl, whose life was changed by the mere whims of fate, to suddenly save the world.

She hated and resented that sword so much, the very name of it, for it took everything from her. The day after she killed the Demon God, Kyrie threw the Holy Sword into a volcano in the Demon Realm.

Therefore, nobody knows the exact appearance of the Holy Sword except for her comrades, who only observed what she did from a distance. With the whereabouts of her comrades now unknown, she was the only one who knew the sword best.

Thats a lie.

That was why she could assert this.

Thats not the Holy Sword.

With an expression as if she had seen something unfathomable, Lucia glared at Shiron.

Why do you think that?

However, Shiron merely brushed off her gaze. His focus and curiosity were solely directed at the Holy Sword. The shining Holy Sword, sparkling like a star in the night sky, looked as mesmerizing as if it could steal a childs soul.

Shiron, with fervent eyes, examined the Holy Sword from various angles, even swinging it through the air.

Then, Shiron pointed the Holy Sword towards the empty stone coffin.

Contrary to what he expected, only the sound of the sword cutting through the air could be heard. The sound that his sword should have created when it clashed against an object was absent. Only a faint sensation remained in Shirons hand, asserting its presence vehemently.

It performs better than I thought.

With an ominous remark, Shiron kicked the stone, which was multiple times heavier than his own body.


Half of the stone coffin fell apart from the impact. The broken side revealed a clean-cut face as if it was originally designed that way. Shiron was surprised by what he had just done and stuck his tongue out in astonishment.

Cutting through stone, like slicing melted butter, with just a sword. Even I am baffled by the sharpness of the swing.

Truly Its impressive.


Hearing Bertas admiration, Shiron nodded with a smile.

Even though I dont know magic, swordsmanship, or martial arts, I can still demonstrate this skill. Im not sure if I can feel the divine power, but among the swords I know, not many show this kind of cutting power.


Despite Shirons lengthy explanation, Lucia denied his words.

I said NO!

With trembling hands clenched tightly, Lucia approached Shiron in large strides. Her golden eyes revealed immense anger.


Lucias teeth ground in protest.

The Holy Sword didnt look like that.

Then, what did it look like?

Shiron shrugged, suggesting he found Lucias words nonsensical. Despite feeling the surrounding air quiver due to her anger, he managed to remain calm and posed the question.

Its just a sword with good cutting power. Its too short, both the blade and the hilt The Holy Sword didnt have such a monotonous shape. Plus, it always had its accompanying sheath. What youre holding is merely a gleaming blade.

It sounds like youve seen the real Holy Sword?


Caught by Shirons remark, Lucia took a sharp intake of breath.

Was this what he wanted to show her?

Her once fierce eyes now glistened with tears. Lucia etched the current scene into her mind.


Lucia was the reincarnation of Kyrie, and she was the warrior who, five hundred years ago, bore the duty of a hero and engraved her name in history.

Naturally, there was no one who knew the Holy Sword as well as she did. After all, there was a time when she was the owner of the Holy Sword.

I, I-!

But now

Lucia could not answer Shirons question.

The hero, Kyrie.

Those words reached her throat, but she swallowed them. Lucia couldnt utter those words.

I I am. I, I am.

She could not bring herself to say it. Revealing her identity here was risky. More than the existence of the goofball staring blankly from behind, the presence of the young boy in front of her bothered her more.


Who exactly are you?

The emotion that emerged from her tangled thoughts was doubt. So, Lucia decided to ask Shiron.

How he knew about this place.

How he was able to navigate through the complicated maze.

How he could be so sure that it was the Holy Sword.

Lucia asked Shiron all of these without missing a beat.

Her eyes, brimming with questions, were red as if she would cry at any moment.

In contrast, Shirons eyes were utterly cold and heavy. The boys black pupils were filled with calmness, far from any signs of agitation.

The stars told me. Thats all there is to it.

Lucia felt a familiar memory manifesting itself from the boys words.

Holy Sword

Among the myriad of weapons that were available in Reincarnated Sword Saint, this particular one was categorized as a sacred weapon.

One could harness its divine power by merely wielding it, which primarily dealt additional damage to demonic races.

One might wonder if there was a more effective weapon for the Dawn Castle dungeon where high-ranking demons roamed.

However, the reason for putting in the effort to acquire the Holy Sword before the important succession event was not for use in the Dawn Castle.

All of the maids in Dawn Castle, including the horned keeper, Yuma, even if they belonged to the demon race, acted as loyal allies until Shirons death.

At least as long as Im alive, they wont become my enemies.

The primary targets were the apostles of the devil lord scattered all around the world.

Shiron stretched and savored the prideful feeling. With the acquisition of the Holy Sword, a weight was lifted from his heart.

Now that he had acquired a valuable asset, there was no further business in the cave. Shiron stepped out with his two companions.

Fortunately, the necklace, which served as an item bag in the game, was still spacious even after gathering all the useful items inside the cave.

Shiron lifted an arm to shield his face from the pouring sunlight.

Dawn had already broken on the previously dark, snowy mountain. The suns rays seemed determined enough to melt even the perennial snow.

The three of them walked silently on the frozen path.

Even without any markings, the path was easy to find. The blood of the beasts that Shiron had slain on the way served as guideposts.

If thats really the Holy Sword.

Suddenly, Lucia, who hadnt said a word since exiting the cave, spoke up.

It might be better to discard it now.

Why do you say that?

Shiron stopped walking and turned to look back. There stood Lucia, who looked pale and distressed.

When one obtains the Holy Sword, they become unhappy.

Lucia slowly lifted her head, her face filled with worry.

The protagonist in the fairy tale, even after saving the world, didnt receive any reward. Despite pouring everything into it, sacrificing everything, they couldnt enjoy any happiness during their lifetime.

I wondered what you were talking about.

Shiron drew his sword and approached Berta.

Berta. Ill release you. Head to the castle and dont make any trouble.

What? Why all of a sudden?

Do you want to meet our family looking as miserable as you are now?

No, thats not it.

After hearing her reply, Shiron swiftly cut the ropes that bound her tightly.

Go there, and if you mention my name, theyll treat you as a guest. Understand?

Yes, I understand.

Berta slowly nodded and then hurriedly followed the trail.

After watching her for a moment, Shiron looked back.


The girl slowly lifted her head. Shiron calmly approached her.

Lets imagine for a moment,

He then grasped Lucias hand. Whether it was from fear or cold, her hand had been trembling slightly for a while.

Imagine if I had left the Holy Sword here or hadnt taken it at all from that place.

Then what would have happened?

Shiron poured out words he couldnt say in front of Berta. Lucia was curious about why Shiron was bringing this up.

The world would have perished.

Is that something the stars told you?

What if it is?

You might be lying.

Think whatever you want then.

Shiron patted Lucias back. She glared at him, but Shiron pretended not to notice. Still It still scared him whenever she glared.

You saw it, didnt you? How could someone like me know such a complex maze? And we came out safely. It can only be described as a miracle.

Youre calling yourself a kid

And also

After fidgeting with Lucias trembling hand for a while, Shiron suddenly let go and stepped back.

Its none of your business! If youre unhappy about what happened today, then hit me!

After saying this, Shiron ran away with all his might.

However, Lucia did not chase after him in anger. His childish behavior left her lost in thought.


Lucia gazed at her own hand.

The hand of Shiron that she felt just a moment ago was rough and tough, far from that of a childs.

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