Reincarnated in the game world ~ A gamer's beginning to [Dungeon job hunting recommendation]

Vol. 10 - Chapter 499 - Advanced Job - Karua Edition!

“Next is you, Karua.”

“...Hn. My turn… is here?”

“Ahaha, you must have been bored while waiting. But time for sunshine~, get up.”

Surprisingly, while waiting her turn, Karua had fallen asleep on her feet. Who could have thought the silence from her side meant her head was nodding in… sleep, eh?

I wonder how one needs to train to fall asleep like this? I was actually curious. I could really do many things if I put my mind in it.

“Hn, preparation ready. I am up—yaawwwn—haa, for it anytime.”

“But that yawn says otherwise though?”

Well, if she said yes, then we should proceed.

Lana and other princess—whoops, now advanced princess job members were squealing, congratulating Hannah on her advancement. It seemed like they’re sharing some information about the advanced job they know.

They sure had become one good friends with each other.

Hehe, let’s give them the strongest training manual—advanced ver. Later! It’s time to reach at the fourth tree, the peak that we couldn’t touch while within the bound of basic jobs! Man, I am so looking forward to it.

Ahem, but each thing has their TPO, and now, I need to focus on Karua.

“Karua, what I want you to have is—«Star Agent»!”

“Hn, kk.”

“Wow, you agreed so easily, huh?”

“It’s the strongest and fastest. There’s no reason to not take it.”

Apparently, she had been aware of «Cat-kin»’s one of the pillar advanced job.

I was slightly surprised, because she had a multitude of upgrade paths. As she comes in both «Cat-kin» and «Beast-kin» category, she could have acquire «Beast-kin» category’s advanced job as well, which had many more jobs to choose from.

Well, though she had also settled on «Star Agent», the straight upgrade route given her current job. I was glad I had no need to put words in if she had said about «Beastmaster» of «Beast-kin» category.

—«Star Agent.»

In layman’s terms, it took what the «Star Cat» had specialized in—speed, and took it to the new height. The twin-dagger battle form, along with its agile movement, and multi-hit attack also cliched in more smoothly there. It was an example of greatness in simplicity.

The job also had a high evasion ability, even more than «Star Cat». They would come out without single hair ruffled even if placed at the frontline.On scouting front too, it had receive upgrade—now it could do better with exploration, search, trap destruction, terrain cross, and also turn invisible. Last, but now least, going after the job theme ‘agent,’ it had new skills like «Peeping»—capable of observing enemy group from afar, and servant summoning skill «Call Agent Meows».

Well, it was a high-mid ranking job, unlike the princess clique, so it had no «Special Condition» which made it easier to discover. I guess it’s no surprise she know about it.

“But I am happy to have the job everyone idolize…”

“Oh, it’s great to hear then. I really would have been in pinch if it was something else. Let's begin then.”

Phew, I thanked my lucky stars for this. Anyway, let's get over it before her mind changes.

While beast-kin had few jobs to choose from in contrast to others, the strength of available jobs compensated for it. For example, the beast-kin category had the seven great sins category jobs; like the «Sloth» series for «Cat-kin» or «Wrath» series for «Beast-kin».

Either of them were top grade jobs among high-ranking categories, and absurdly strong to boot. However, upgrading to an advanced job of the sin series with the status of «Star Car» was a losing progress. So, I kept mum about this.

“Hn. Yes, please.”

“Then before starting, take this—«Wind Crystal».”

I took out the item required for «Star Agent» when in process of job advancement from «Item Bag» and handed. Aside from ‘heart’ for high-low jobs and ‘jewel’ for top ranking jobs, crystal was the get to go for high-mid ranking jobs.

Appearance-wise, it resembled the diamond shape commonly seen on trump card, and exhibited transparent property, akin to quartz. It was also 15cm in size, putting it on bigger side.

The «Wind Crystal» was shining in jade green shine, a light sphere at its centre. It was actually one of the rarest item, almost comparable to jewels. All of the crystal items were exceedingly beautiful, though this had also drove their price up.

For the love of god, please stop pushing the price of jewel to consumable items!? I really had to pay a hefty price for the crystal item, which was incomparable form game!

I took a glance at it once more, sighing wistfully at its beauty, and handed it to Karua.

Karua strongly grasped it, and—used it almost instantly.


A grieving gasp escaped my lips. The brilliant crystal disappeared amidst the effect, and soon even the generated particles were absorbed into Karua.

“Did I do something wrong, Zephyr?”

“......Naw—I mean nothing. Let’s proceed with the next step.”

I felt a slight twinge in my heart at the sight of an expensive item turning into shining nothingness, but hurriedly shook off the feeling and proceeded for the next step.

“What should I do next?”

“Well, there’s no next. The final preparation is done with this. Now, you just need to use the ticket.”


Karua gave me a gaze as if saying ‘no need to use cool equipment like everyone else?’ And yes, there was no such thing for «Star Agent». Skill and status… well, reaching «STR350» was a pickle, otherwise everything’s well on this end as well.

It was primarily driven from the fact that «Star Cat» had a restriction; seven points must be used to raise AGI. So this only left 12 points for the rest of the status to build. And this was the turning point; «Star Agent» was unlocked by upgrading STR using limited points.

You would have nothing but a flashy character, that was all show but no work, if those points were to be used in increasing AGI as well. It was why you needed to sketch a plan before, and make the STR reach 350.

Aside from that was a specific condition, having certain skill/magic above certain level, but this was easie-peasie.

Anyway, cut to chase, everything was cleared.

“I see…”

Seeing a slight forlorn look on her face, I gave her a cheer up head pat.

……No wait. I had just done it out of reflex, but I just realized—wasn’t it the first time I was actually touching cat ears?

W-Woahh, so this is how real cat ears feel like. It feels like I was rubbing a silky surface. Unexpected, but I had no complaints.


“Zephyr, how long are you going to do it?”

My body suddenly tensed up hearing Sierra’s dissatisfied voice.

Frankly, I could have continued for a lifetime, but alas, I had to exercise patience and took back my hand.

“W-Whoops, look at the silly me! Here, this is your ticket, Karua.”

I handed Karua her ticket and took her to «Dragon Statue».

Receiving it, she placed her free hand on the «Dragon Statue».

“Hn, «Star Agent» is here. Should I do it?”

“Right on. Go for it!”

“Hn, okay. —«Star Agent.»”

After nodding my way, with no particular expression on her face, she selected «Star Agent».

——In this way, Karua had also acquired an advanced job.

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