Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Chapter 24: Operation Siren’s Song

RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Chapter 24: Operation Siren’s Song

Operation Siren's Song

  • Operation start: 22nd of August
  • Location: Atlantic Ocean, near the Celtic Sea

Operation summary:

  • In a bid to gain crucial military intelligence on Reichsmarine assets, the Erusean Royal Navy has conducted a force-recon maneuver in the Atlantic on friendly Convoy Fur Spaniard. Naval Command has thus taken orders from the Reich Marshal herself to send out RMS Bismarck and RMS Prinz Eugen to intercept the Home Fleet.
  • This operation is to create a scenario where Bismarck and Prinz Eugen will singlehandedly triumph over overwhelming odds with minimal losses. High Command wants more than just a strategic victory in the Atlantic. They want an international sensation, one that will be sung for years to come.
  • Effective immediately, all Reichsmarine assets in the region are to be put on a standing alert order. While a clean victory for Operation Siren's Song is preferable, it doesn't necessitate the heavy damage of either Bismarck or Prinz Eugen, or worse, the loss of them both.
  • Naval vessels are to prepare to intercept possible reinforcement from either Erusea or Ustio. Naval Air Wings are to provide uninterrupted air cover for Bismarck and Prinz Eugen and to aid the two vessels when such is required.
  • The ultimate conclusion to Operation Siren's Song will be the complete decimation of the Royal Navy's Home Fleet. Not one Erusean vessel is allowed safe passage out of the AO.

Mission summary:

  • As of the 27th of August, the majority of the Home Fleet is down under. A complete curb-stomped if you asked me. What's left of the enemy fleet is making a beeline back to their home port, already low on fuel. Naval Command has given us salty flyboys, and gals if that's what you are, the go-ahead to sink the remainders of Home Fleet as per operational directives.
  • We have identified that the enemy has ten vessels in total: 1 carrier, 1 escort carrier, 1 heavy cruiser, 1 light cruiser, and 6 destroyers. The capital vessel is the aircraft carrier Ark Royal, the main target for the day. The enemy has no CAP, and they're too far away from land-based air cover. Flak is still an issue if you get close enough.
  • Antares and Phoenix squadrons, you will be going in with your Skyraiders carrying Exoscars.
  • Knight Squadron with their Harriers will be packing bombs and rockets.
  • Rigel Squadron will be providing aerial cover and acting as backup.
  • AWACS Long Caster, me, will be AWACK-ing.
  • The Marshal herself has deemed it fit to give us an R&R after constant flying for the past few days. Meaning, we're in tip-top shape so I don't want to hear any complaints. Let's make her proud by sinking these booties for good and being home by dinner.

Primary objectives:

  1. Ensure the destruction of Home Fleet remnants.
  2. Get back home and eat a burger.

Secondary objectives:

  1. Do it fast, I'm hungry already.

End Briefing.


"Knight Squadron, you're cleared for takeoff. Happy hunting out there." Battlecarrier Mainz's ATC said over comms to the five Harriers parked on the flight deck.

The lead aircraft, bearing the emblem of a chibi Harrier wearing a Knight helmet, responds jokingly. "This is Toyjet, keep the deck clean and the cantina pack for our return, won't you?"

The ATC operator smirks. "Then make sure to sink your targets so we have something to celebrate. Don't let the rookies hog all the limelight now."

"Good copy, Knight 1, taking off." With the four nozzles of the Harrier set for a short take-off, Toyjet's Harrier starts sliding the length of the Mainz before lifting off above the moving 1st Carrier Strike Group. This is soon followed by the rest of Knight Squadron and before long, the Harriers start ascending the airspace above the fleet. With all of them packed full load, the Harriers are for sure slower than the Phantoms but still faster than the Skyraiders at their lightest configuration.

"This is Toyjet, all elements, sound off." Toyjet turned to his sides, taking a look at his approaching squadmates.

Flying nearest to his left is his second-in-command after himself. The particular Harrier sporting a steampunk knight figure holding a shotgun as an insignia on its tail. "This is Sir Hellington to Sir Toyjet, my loyal stead reports an all-green." Knight 2, Hellington, said in an overdramatic voice. Funnily enough, members of this squadron tend to roleplay as actual Knights, befitting of their squadron name, whenever they can.

Following Knight 2's example, for the most part, are Knight 3 to 5, all giving Toyjet a green across the board. Knight 1 hums a pleased tone at that, another successful takeoff with the Harriers is always a welcome one. Even though Toyjet has flown many aircraft before, even the blinkingly fast Phantom and the lumbering Skyraider, none of them come as close of an experience to the Harrier. The aircraft takes true mettle and skill to even take off and land. Yet, once you get her in the air, she is surprisingly snappy and packing a powerful engine for such a small plane. In a good hand, a Harrier can perform insane maneuvers that even the Phantoms can't. But that also means that she is wild.

On the very first page of the instruction manual of the Harrier, there exists a funny, if not cautious excerpt from the designer of the Harrier, the Reich Marshal herself. "Flying the  Harrier can be very challenging. There are four types of takeoffs and four types of landings. If you confuse the procedures between them then expect to do a barrel roll onto a deck instead."

As such, only the most qualified of the bunch dare to sign up as a Harrier pilot, and even then, only half make the cut to be one. Toyjet and the rest of Knight Squadron are part of the half, having aced all known tests and simulations of VTOL aircraft known to mankind. And boy, they won't trade the Harriers for anything, they are a joy to fly.

"Ok, squad, command task us with taking out the carriers first and foremost, but the opening move will be left for the Skyraiders with the Exoscars. Do keep that in mind." Toyjet reiterated the orders they got.

"Say," Hellington speaks up. "What if the Antares and Phoenix take out the Ark Royal and Hermes in our stead?"

Toyjet calmly says while controlling his aircraft into a holding pattern above the 1st Strike Group. "Then we go for the others. There are ten of those Erusean vessels out there and we carry 8 tons of ordnance each."

"But it's not like Antares and Phoenix haven't received their orders." Knight 5 interjected. "They're tasked with using their Exoscar missiles to deal with the destroyer screen, allowing us free reign on the carriers, and after that, the cruisers."

Toyjet nods, mostly to himself. "What he said. Now hold off on the chatters, we wait for the Skyraiders to join us. Rigel Squadron is already up in the air."

Looking down below, Knight Squadron can see the renowned Rigel Phantoms kicking up their throttles and flying near vertically to join them. One the two squads are flying side-by-side, Toyjet salutes Rigel 1 respectfully, Major Milosz Sulejmani. The Rigel leader salutes back before opening a channel.

"This is Rigel 1 to Knight leader, we will be your FastCAP for the day and will be taking up a spot on Angel 15. As Long Caster has said, do it hard and fast so we will make it before dinner."

"Copy that, Rigel lead. Glad to have you watching our back."

Then, the channel is linked up by a third party. "This is AWACS Long Caster," Said the aerial controller in his EFi-22 Osprey. "Antares and Phoenix are in the air and are climbing to meet you. Start making your way to the AO when you're done forming up. I will start the jamming when you approach 30 km away from the enemy flotilla. Before that though..."

They then hear the sound of unwrapping, causing Sir Hellington to say aloud. "Yo, you're eating something?"

"A bacon and eggs sandwich, yeah." Then comes the sound of chewing.

"Gosh, what I should have picked that for my lunch man." Hellington complained.

"You can always go for one when we get back." Toyjet spoke up.

"Not sure what will be served on the Mainz but on the Yggdrasil, the cooks will give out pizzas tonight." Sulejmani added.

"Damn. As much as I like a good sandwich, pizza rules man." Hellington said in envy.

And until the Skyraiders rise up to more than 10 km in the air, the group of airmen and women continue their banter like that. To these grizzled pilots, casual chatters in the cockpits are a charm you can't get anywhere else.


"This is Phoenix 1, Rampant, Exoscars are in the air."

"Antares Squadron, payload deployed and RTB-ing."

More than a dozen streaks appeared in the sky as the Exoscars were unleashed onto the unknowing Erusean ships ahead of them.

"This is Long Caster, data links established with the cruise missiles. Guiding them in on the destroyers now." The Mission Crew Commander on the EFi-22 Osprey announced. "After that is a free-for-all buffet for Knight Squadron."

Having said that, the pilots still in the AO watch their radars, sighting the missiles rapidly gaining on the Home Fleet remnants. The enemy is running a standard capital escort formation with HMS Ark Royal as the center. Trailing behind her is the Hermes while the pair are flanked by the two cruisers. All around them are the six destroyers acting as the AA and ASW screen. And up until the very last second, these destroyers fail to notice the Exoscars diving on top of them. Suffice to say, a contemporary destroyer-sized target stands no chance of surviving a hit from an Exoscar cruise missile, much less multiple.

Most of the missiles hit their targets' center mass, while a few completely saw off the bow or the stern of the vessels. Almost immediately, the crippling and sinking of the screening force alert the Home Fleet remnants. But unlike the Reichsmarine which takes aerial threats very seriously, these Royal Navy ships have pitiful anti-air armament to save them from what's about to come.

"Got a visual on the target vessels," Knight 1 said as he circled the Harrier above the burning ship formation. "I can confirm devastating effects on the destroyer screen. Send my regards to the Skyraiders, won't you?"

"This is Long Caster, I will forward that to the younglings. They will be pleased to hear that. Now go, the enemy has been tenderized enough." Their AWACS advised.

"Alright, Knight 2, you're with me. We will each pick a carrier to engage. 3 to 5, be prepared to go for a second run."

"Copy that, Knight leader. I reckon that you will be going for the main prize?" Hellington asked before forming up behind Toyjet.

"I have six 500 kg bombs and I'm not afraid to use them." Toyjet replied before pulling his Harrier control lever left. "That's it, coming in for a dive... Laser designator hot."

"This is Knight 2, going in right after you. I will break left once I'm done."

"Good copy, Knight 2, I will take right-side egress. There we go, DAGR armed. I'm going to deposit the entire load across the length of the carrier."

"*Whistle* With the amount of ordnance we're about to drop, they will be well-cooked by the time we pull up." Hellington jested. He too is armed to the bear with bombs and rockets for use on the HMS Hermes.

The two Harriers continue their dives, reaching 8 km above the targets. Then, in a period of five seconds, dump their entire payload of Direct Attack Guided Rocket on the unfortunate carriers' flight decks. Each Harrier in Knight Squadron is outfitted with six DAGR launchers, with a single launcher holding 19 rockets. This means that at this point, 228 rockets are coming down fast and dangerously, and their HEDP warheads will do more than just soften up the carriers.

In the blink of an eye, a cacophony of death and destruction is played on the flight decks of Ark Royal and Hermes. The two unfortunate carriers are blanketed in clouds of explosions, smoke, and fire, as their entire decks are turned unrecognizable. Those who have been standing on the decks or are manning the external weapon stations are most certainly dead, either to shrapnels or overpressure from countless explosions. Sailors that survive the initial onslaught, however, face the fate of losing limbs or being burned alive as countless fires are now raging in the top decks of the two carriers. Aboard HMS Hermes, the conning tower is basically reduced to molten slags of metals. HMS Ark Royal fairs a bit better though, only losing the top half of her bridge, exposing the burning internal to the elements.

Despite the destruction, some survivors on the carriers are quick to notice the Harriers coming down at them. Before any can think about bringing their AA to bear, however, the Harriers have achieved a suitable altitude for accurate bomb drops. Knights 1 and 2 cut their 500 kg bombs, allowing them to free-fall before pulling up and away. The two Knight Squadron Harriers fly at the best speed, only letting the Erusean AA gunners catch a glimpse of their exhaust. In merely two seconds, the bombs land on the gutted top of the Ark Royal and Hermes. Without an intact flight deck acting as additional armor, these 500 kg death devices basically explode right in the hearts of every aircraft carrier worth its salt. Where else but their aviation facilities?

The total explosive power from 3 tons of bombs from each Harrier, when combined with whatever aviation fuel, airdrop torpedoes, and bomb racks that were still left in the hangars, proved to be extremely ruinous for the Royal Navy carriers. At first, the bombs detonate and set off the flammable materials, quite literally quaking their surrounding water. Then, the aircraft carriers breathe out fire and smoke from every single viewing port and opening of their hulls.

The smaller Hermes is the first to succumb to her wound, the bombs have completely wrecked her lower decks, adding excessive flooding to the already overwhelmed DCP aboard her. An evacuation order is given almost instantaneously after the aviation supplies go up in flames. Unfortunately, not many sailors are seen jumping off the Hermes. Her tight quarters prove to be a death trap for her crew. Most of the survivors from the explosions die due to the lack of oxygen in the burning confined space.

Ark Royal fares better thanks to her bigger size. Nonetheless, she is still dead in the water with raging fires on all decks and with major floodings below. The good aircraft carrier is also listing quite heavily on her starboard side after a bomb blew a waterline hole in her engineering. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that she will be going down without external help.

Knight 1 and 2 are pleased with their attack run, despite the overwhelming loss of lives the Erusean has incurred so far. This is war, after all, you only feel bad and show mercy for the enemy when they're really, really dead, or wave the white flag. It appears the latter is what the Home Fleet remnants are going for though.

Before Knight Squadron can go in for another attack to finish off the accompanying cruisers altogether, their AWACS puts a stop to their plan. "This is AWACS Long Caster, all stations on this net, cease action immediately! We have intercepted their surrender transmission! I repeat the Home Fleet is surrendering! Do not engage the surviving cruisers! Wave off!"

"Operation Siren's Song is over! We won!"



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