Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 277 Shanghai Fest Arc (31) : Yunru's Small Gift

Chapter 277 Shanghai Fest Arc (31) : Yunru's Small Gift

Forty-five minutes earlier.

Back at The Creative Sense, Yunru brought Huan to the venue to show her something.

"Why did you bring me here today? I thought that since Ai has no work today, we all will be touring Shanghai."

Yunru cleared his throat. "Indeed, we will do that. But there is a small thing that you have to do."

Huan tilted her head questioningly but also curiously.

When they were going to step into a room, 'Guiying' and Zhan Yahui just came out after 'Guiying's' seminar was done. Zhan Yahui slightly stiffened and narrowed her eyes, seeing Huan's presence.

'Guiying' was also slightly surprised.

What are they doing here?

Huan didn't show much change in her countenance, but Yunru was quite expressive as well as vocal too.

Zhan Yahui eyed Huan and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Instead of Huan, Yunru answered her and in a not so pleasant tone. "Do you have a problem with it? Or what? Can you only arrange your writer's seminar here by pulling some strings?"

Zhan Yahui alternated her gaze between him and Huan. "I didn't pull any strings."

Yunru sneered. "Yeah sure. Whatever, I don't want to get into proving myself right."

"Then why are you here? I thought your tour over here was done."

Yunru smirked. "Since CherryBlossom got a chance - or you gave her one - we all know what it was. If she could give a seminar despite not winning the Summit, then why not MysticMidnight? She lost the Summit too but she was able to reach the top three. If your writer deserved that chance, then she does too."

Huan stood, stupefied as she faced him. "You mean to say…you arranged for my writing seminar?"

Yunru hesitated. "Yes. I-It's actually not as long as sister-in-law's or Cai Guiying's. The schedule was tight, so I could only squeeze forty-five minutes for you…B-But still, I thought it was better than having nothing. There are readers out here too who are your fans, and you should meet them."

'Guiying' wasn't really bothered with Huan getting her platform or not. She could care less of that. But as she glanced at Zhan Yahui, she could faintly see her gaze flickering for just a second. She stood absolutely still, and even she didn't know what she was thinking.

Zhan Yahui raised her brow. "I see…"

Yunru didn't hide his displeasure at all. "Why are you staring at us? Whether you don't like it from a professional standpoint or something else…" By something else, he meant the fact that they were half-sisters, "Huan will also shine as a writer."

Zhan Yahui smiled. "Good for her. Good luck, Shi Huan."

Huan paused and then said, "Thank you."

Zhan Yahui then glanced at Guiying and said, "We are done here. Let's go."

As they left, Huan finally confronted Yunru. "Why did you do this? I don't even work for Sky."

Yunru coughed. "I know. But we are…friends right? Friends are supposed to help each other. I know you said that you don't mind that your spot was stolen. But it's not just about popularity," he pursed his lips, "Don't you want to feel how it's to meet new authors and your readers? It's awesome, I tell you! You will really like it and then you will thank me a lot!" He grinned.

Huan stared at his radiant and beaming smile and for a moment, her heart thudded in her chest thinking he looked cute. Then she suddenly realized her train of thoughts and snapped out. "Th-thank you…"

She didn't ask, yet she felt really touched by his thoughts.

"B-But like I said, it's a little short," Yunru nervously reminded her.

She shook her head. "I don't care about how long or short it is. It already matters a lot to me that you did this for me."

"Oh. That's great then."

Their gazes met for a brief second and they quickly averted their gazes, slightly coughing.

"You should go inside," he cheerfully smiled.

"Yes," Huan nodded.

When she stepped out forty-five minutes later, her face was beaming with bliss.

Yunru grinned. "I told you that you will enjoy it! Look, you even made so many new fans!"

She nodded hard. "I-I really did…"

Yunru's phone buzzed with a call from Nian, and he frowned.

Why is Bro Nian disturbing me? He always has to bully me at important times!

"What is it, Bro Nian? Right now, I am-"

"Jin is in the hospital."

His eyes widened. "What!? Bro Jin…in the hospital?"

That took Huan aback too.

"W-what happened?"

p He heard Nian talking at the other end, and he turned pale. "Shit! How is Bro Jin? And Bro Jun? Is he hurt? Wait, we are coming!"

He hung up and anxiously pulled Huan. "We need to go to the hospital!"

"What's wrong? I heard your brother is hurt," she worriedly asked.

"It's Bro Jin. He got hurt while protecting Bro Jun from falling a paint can over his head."

Huan gasped and covered her mouth. "Let's go quickly then!"

As they rushed off, 'Guiying' who was hiding behind a pillar came out. She watched them leaving in a hurry.

An accident with Liu Jun? But his brother got hurt…

From the corner of her eye, she saw her brother approaching her. "Hey."

'She' frowned as she observed something different about him. His smile faltered, and his gaze looked nervous.

"Are you done with your seminar?"

"I was done long back. Where were you all this time?"

He looked away. "I just woke up late. I am sorry I couldn't be there at your seminar."

'She' smiled.

That was expected. If it had been Zhou Ai's seminar, then you wouldn't have missed it at all.

But still…why does it feel he is lying to me?

As the doctor came out of the ward, Jun rushed towards him. "Jin! How is Jin? He was bleeding a lot a-and suddenly fell unconscious. He is fine, right?"

The doctor reassured him. "Yes, Mr. Liu. Liu Jin is out of danger. He had a concussion, and its effects might last for a while like faint dizziness and pain in his temple. But he will recover in a few days. Thankfully, the paint can didn't hit his head or eyes or we don't know how severe his condition might have become. Don't worry. He will regain consciousness in a few hours."

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