Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 167 The Valentine's Day Arc (23) : The Unanimous Decision

Chapter 167 The Valentine's Day Arc (23) : The Unanimous Decision

I didn't win…I didn't win…

Xing Bi's words kept buzzing in her ears.

They chose Ai. N-Not me. But then MrPerfect…He is watching me. He came here to support me. But I lost? W-what would he…?

Her expression turned white and pale.

"Guiying. Guiying?" Zhan Yahui shook her hard.

Guiying snapped out of it and sharply jolted as she jerked her head towards her. She seemed disoriented and shaken.

"You are not looking good, Guiying," Zhan Yahui narrowed her eyes. "Calm down."

Guiying realized that she was at a public place and immediately took a few deep breaths while she trembled. Yahui got up from her seat and faced Xing Bi as she smiled. "Xing Bi. Do you have any evidence that you heard the judges talking and conspiring against MissImperfectlyFine? Don't forget that they are very esteemed judges. The Authors' Summit is a reputed platform. Do you think the management will choose some nobodies to judge such an important competition? Or is it that…it's your plan to make your writer win anyhow?"

Xing Bi's expression turned ugly while Nian tilted his head as he narrowed his eyes.

"I don't have to make any plans, Zhan Yahui because I believe in MissImperfectlyFine! Her capabilities and her stories speak for herself. She doesn't have to cheat!"

Zhan Yahui chuckled. "She doesn't have to cheat, yet she lied to get into Sky. Hiding her identity…what else is it if not cheating? If she can do it once, why can she not do it again?"

Xing Bi gritted her teeth. On the contrary, Ai was calm. She had already expected this backlash and also understood that it wouldn't be so easy for everybody to just forget her mistake.

Zhan Yahui said, "You hearing them conspiring against her doesn't mean anything. But if you have evidence, then you can talk about it."

"Evidence? Then I have evidence!"

She squinted her gaze.

"Indeed, I cannot prove that they were talking about MissImperfectlyFine, but I can prove that they were violent with me when I confronted them. They got afraid that I would spill the beans, and they forcefully tried to stop me! He is the witness," she pointed at Nian, "He saw them manhandling me. Why would they try to do that if they were innocent!?"

Ai widened her eyes. "They tried to hit you? Xing Bi, are you okay?" She asked, concerned.

The emcee was speechless.

You can clearly see who is beaten into a pulp here and who is not!

Xing Bi hugged her. "They were so vile, I tell you. That left one caught my arm, and I kicked him in his crotch but even so, he grabbed my dress to stop me! He wanted to tear it off. That was so traumatizing."

Everybody - "..."

You hit him in his crotch!?

Then they noticed that the left man was indeed writhing in far more pain than his companion on the right.

Nian sneered at Zhan Yahui. "If you want evidence, then they can confess right here. They will admit to taking bribes."

Zhan Yahui raised her brow. "That won't count anymore, Mr. Liu."

She was shocked at first to see Nian supporting Xing Bi and even went as far as beating the judges so badly. She didn't know what connection Xing Bi could ever have to someone from the Liu family, but she didn't care either.

"Just look at their state. They will admit to anything you want. Robbery? Murder? Rape? Anything. That's because they are petrified. Who won't be after getting such a treatment? Honestly, they look like they need hospitalization as soon as possible."

Everybody murmured in agreement.

"What if you purposely did this to defame CherryBlossom and make MissImperfectlyFine win?"

Nian blinked. "Does she really need to? Because as far as the competition was concerned, I think Zhou Ai was already declared the winner. The announcement of the results was just a formality."

Guiying stiffened and so did Zhan Yahui.

"You saw everybody's reaction after her entry, right? People were speculating about her story more than CherryBlossom's. That's an indication of the public's majority opinion, which if the judges are doing their job fairly, would be their opinion too. If you ask me, I would choose MissImperfectlyFine in a heartbeat. Even I, who isn't really interested in stories or books, felt intrigued by her."

Ai and Xing Bi stared at him in surprise for very different reasons.

To Ai, he was the spartan who had screamed and yelled at her so much during her sweets training.

Xing Bi was now really at a loss of what to think about Nian. One day, he would be a mischievous brat, then he would act like a crazy villain beating the shit out of two men, and now he was standing by Ai's side so resolutely.

This man is…

Ai was thinking about the course of action when somebody stepped in. It was a woman in her forties, carrying a dignified air around her.

The emcee quickly greeted her. "Mrs. Qing."

She nodded at him.

Mrs. Qing was the third judge who was a part of choosing the winner of the final round. She was an acclaimed writer and had many successful books in her belt.

Jun narrowed his eyes as he watched her coming. It was him who sent her at this time to state an important fact. People were only focussing on the two judges. But there was a third one who everybody seemed to have forgotten. He personally met her and had a quick chat with her after which he told her to clarify how the judging took place.

Mrs. Qing stepped on the stage, and her brows crinkled as she saw the two judges in a very bad shape.

Nian narrowed his eyes. He was just about to mention her when she was already here. He had the same train of thought as Jun.

Mrs. Qing took the mic from the emcee's hands and brought it near to her mouth. "I am being informed about the commotion that is happening around the judging process. It's saddening to come to know this as I thought all three of us were unanimous in our decision and that was to make MissImperfectlyFine as the winner."

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