Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 155 The Valentine's Day Arc (11) : MissImperfectlyFine's Story (2)

Chapter 155 The Valentine's Day Arc (11) : MissImperfectlyFine's Story (2)

"He came and when she looked into his eyes, the first thing that came to her mind was, 'It is dangerous to be loved by this man.'

His eyes were what had made a strong impression upon her.

Deep, silent but dangerous.

One look was all it needed to tell her that it was wise to keep her distance from her man. But she couldn't. His dark eyes carried threat and iciness which didn't allow anybody to approach him. He lived in his own space - alone and devoid of any warmth.

She met him the second time when he tried to give up on his life. She had saved him that day. But she was disappointed in him that whose eyes carried such immense intensity could be so weak and selfish to end his own life.

She felt resentful, but there was a strong feeling that also resonated in her by his actions.

He was lost. Just like her. seemed as if he had gone through the same pain. Just like her.

He was a man with a cold, dark, and distant demeanor. But as days passed by, she felt the incredible warmth his aura emanated. He looked indifferent on the outside, but his heart carried immense concern and love.

He said to her that he didn't like children because they were too annoying. Yet he was the one who secretly gave them a basket of chocolates to make them happy.

He preferred to shut everyone off. Yet he was the one who asked her to bring an ice-cream with a chocolate and blackberry scoop on top of it one day when he was too sick.

He always looked like he would never bother to help anybody. Yet he was the one who had helped her countless times in need whether it was to save her from an accusation or kill a dangerous thief one night who threatened to rob her of her dignity and life.

He seemed like he would never want anybody else to invade his space. Yet he was the one to offer her his home to live in without any hesitation when she had no roof over her head.

He was a man who treated his words preciously like gold. Yet he was the one who could talk and laugh for hours over his favorite books with her.

He was a man whose cruel words sounded akin to poison to others. Yet he was the one who resolutely assured her that as long as he was there, he would never let her fall.

She, who began to be afraid of falling ever since the betrayal pushed her to despair, felt like his words were music to her ears.

She lived with him. She began to understand him. She felt that he was a man whose love would hold no boundaries for the woman who would make a place in his heart one day.

And she…

She didn't realize it when along the way she started to wish herself to become that woman in his heart.

She, who had promised to herself that she would never search for love, found the answer to the question.

Yes, she fell in love. Once again.

Because he was the one who taught her what it felt like to be loved. He gave her the answer she was looking for a long time.

Love is unconditional.

She was afraid of falling in love because that one time was enough to disillusion her from that emotion. Yet she was standing here once again on the same path.

She tried hard, very hard to shake this feeling off her chest. She tried to put a brake on her ramping emotions and her heart that jumped up and down every single time she saw him. She wanted to stop the flutter of her heartbeats that she felt whenever his fingers brushed her face.

In the end, everything proved to be fruitless. The more she tried to deny it, the harder the feelings knocked on her heart's door, refusing to leave her.

She was in love so much that it ached. So much that she wanted to live her entire life with him. But she didn't know his feelings because he was lost just like her. He had suffered the same pain as her.

She didn't know if his scarred heart can make a special place for her.

And now she had two options.

She could either confess or hide her feelings forever. She could admit that she loved him and possibly ruin the friendship they shared if he didn't feel the same way.

Or she could keep her love to herself and protect what they had right now.

After a long, long debate with herself, she decided to let him know even though it might jeopardize everything built between them. Everything was at a risk.

But she took the chance.

Now, he knew.

And now as he watches her, she waits for his answer, her heart feeling as if it would jump out of her chest at any moment."

Ai trembled and softly let out her breath as she finished reciting her short story. Her eyes were slightly shining with mistiness as her body shook hard.

This story was her life's story. In an abstract way, she decided to tell the events of her life and let it out to the world.

But more importantly, this story was a medium through which she wanted to confess her love for Jun. If not now, then she knew wouldn't ever be able to confess to him. Tears threatened to fall because she knew Jun was watching her. He heard everything, and she knew he understood everything too.

She had an urge to escape, but her legs were shivering so badly that she didn't find the strength.

Her lips quivered as she spoke, "T-That's all. I know…it might sound strange that the story ended on an open question. It's not the proper end. But I kept it that way because this is just the first part of the series that I am planning to write. I hope you liked it. Thank you."

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